diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt index 775c004d7f11087ff01c90b8e92a4e901af0dc90..e3718cb477d458b571c551b8005e482f47f30971 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.txt +++ b/CHANGELOG.txt @@ -8,22 +8,26 @@ Drupal 6.0, xxxx-xx-xx (development version) * The watchdog module is now called dblog, and is optional, but enabled by default in the default install profile. * Extended the database log module so log messages can be filtered. * Added syslog module: useful for monitoring large Drupal installations. -- Added theme registry: modules can directly provide .tpl.php files for their themes without having to create theme_ functions. - Added versioning support to node terms. - Made it easier to theme the forum overview page. - Drupal works with error reporting set to E_ALL. - Added scripts/drupal.sh to execute Drupal code from the command line. Useful to use Drupal as a framework to build command-line tools. -- Used the Garland theme for the installation and maintenance pages. -- Improved handling of teasers in posts. - Made signature support optional and made it possible to theme signatures. -- Added generic language management functionality. +- Language system improvements: * Support for right to left languages. * Language detection based on parts of the URL. * Browser based language detection. * Made it possible to specify a node's language. + * Language dependent path aliases. - Moved "PHP input filter" to a stand-alone module so it can be deleted for security reasons. -- Language dependent path aliases. -- Added .info files to themes and made it easier to specify regions and features. +- Usability: + * Improved handling of teasers in posts. + * Added sticky table headers. + * Check for clean URL support automatically with JavaScript. +- Theme system: + * Added .info files to themes and made it easier to specify regions and features. + * Added theme registry: modules can directly provide .tpl.php files for their themes without having to create theme_ functions. + * Used the Garland theme for the installation and maintenance pages. Drupal 5.0, 2007-01-15 ----------------------