From fb4926ca4bb21561a204d823cfd5ed11163dc024 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tim Plunkett <>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:36:49 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Issue #1808810 by tim.plunkett: Remove handling of moved

 includes/                         |  11 ---
 lib/Drupal/views/Tests/ModuleTest.php      |  37 +-------
 lib/Drupal/views/Tests/UpgradeTestCase.php | 103 ---------------------
 lib/Drupal/views/ViewStorage.php           |  13 ---
 modules/                  |   1 -
 modules/                     |   3 +-
 modules/                     |   1 -
 views.module                               |  77 ++-------------
 views_ui/                         |   4 -
 9 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 lib/Drupal/views/Tests/UpgradeTestCase.php

diff --git a/includes/ b/includes/
index 871d65e46766..92d5864e2671 100644
--- a/includes/
+++ b/includes/
@@ -44,17 +44,6 @@ function _views_fetch_data($table = NULL, $move = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) {
     if (isset($cache[$table])) {
-      if (isset($cache[$table]['moved to']) && $move) {
-        $moved_table = $cache[$table]['moved to'];
-        if (!empty($recursion_protection[$table])) {
-          // recursion detected!
-          return NULL;
-        }
-        $recursion_protection[$table] = TRUE;
-        $data = _views_fetch_data($moved_table);
-        $recursion_protection = array();
-        return $data;
-      }
       return $cache[$table];
diff --git a/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/ModuleTest.php b/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/ModuleTest.php
index 9998cbde2399..070a6293005f 100644
--- a/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/ModuleTest.php
+++ b/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/ModuleTest.php
@@ -27,19 +27,6 @@ public function setUp() {
-  public function viewsData() {
-    $data = parent::viewsData();
-    $data['views_test_data_previous'] = array();
-    $data['views_test_data_previous']['id']['field']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'id');
-    $data['views_test_data_previous']['id']['filter']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'id');
-    $data['views_test_data']['age_previous']['field']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'age');
-    $data['views_test_data']['age_previous']['sort']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'age');
-    $data['views_test_data_previous']['name_previous']['field']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'name');
-    $data['views_test_data_previous']['name_previous']['argument']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'name');
-    return $data;
-  }
   public function test_views_trim_text() {
     // Test unicode, @see
     $text = array(
@@ -115,29 +102,9 @@ function testviews_get_handler() {
-    // Test the automatic conversion feature.
-    // Test the automatic table renaming.
-    $handler = views_get_handler('views_test_data_previous', 'id', 'field');
-    $this->assertInstanceHandler($handler, 'views_test_data', 'id', 'field');
-    $handler = views_get_handler('views_test_data_previous', 'id', 'filter');
-    $this->assertInstanceHandler($handler, 'views_test_data', 'id', 'filter');
-    // Test the automatic field renaming.
-    $handler = views_get_handler('views_test_data', 'age_previous', 'field');
-    $this->assertInstanceHandler($handler, 'views_test_data', 'age', 'field');
-    $handler = views_get_handler('views_test_data', 'age_previous', 'sort');
-    $this->assertInstanceHandler($handler, 'views_test_data', 'age', 'sort');
-    // Test the automatic table and field renaming.
-    $handler = views_get_handler('views_test_data_previous', 'name_previous', 'field');
-    $this->assertInstanceHandler($handler, 'views_test_data', 'name', 'field');
-    $handler = views_get_handler('views_test_data_previous', 'name_previous', 'argument');
-    $this->assertInstanceHandler($handler, 'views_test_data', 'name', 'argument');
     // Test the override handler feature.
-    $handler = views_get_handler('views_test_data', 'job', 'filter', 'string');
-    $this->assertEqual('Drupal\\views\\Plugin\\views\\filter\\String', get_class($handler));
+    $handler = views_get_handler('views_test_data', 'job', 'filter', 'standard');
+    $this->assertEqual('Drupal\\views\\Plugin\\views\\filter\\Standard', get_class($handler));
diff --git a/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/UpgradeTestCase.php b/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/UpgradeTestCase.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ee7fd235b14..000000000000
--- a/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/UpgradeTestCase.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Definition of Drupal\views\Tests\UpgradeTestCase.
- */
-namespace Drupal\views\Tests;
- * Tests the upgrade path of all conversions.
- *
- * You can find all conversions by searching for "moved to".
- */
-class UpgradeTestCase extends ViewTestBase {
-  /**
-   * Modules to enable.
-   *
-   * To import a view the user needs use PHP for settings rights, so enable php
-   * module.
-   *
-   * @var array
-   */
-  public static $modules = array('views_ui', 'block', 'php');
-  public static function getInfo() {
-    return array(
-      'name' => 'Upgrade path',
-      'description' => 'Tests the upgrade path of modules which were changed.',
-      'group' => 'Views',
-    );
-  }
-  protected function setUp() {
-    parent::setUp();
-    $this->enableViewsTestModule();
-  }
-  function viewsData() {
-    $data = parent::viewsData();
-    $data['views_test_data']['old_field_1']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'id');
-    $data['views_test_data']['old_field_2']['field']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'name');
-    $data['views_test_data']['old_field_3']['filter']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'age');
-    // @todo Test this scenario, too.
-    $data['views_old_table_2']['old_field']['moved to'] = array('views_test_data', 'job');
-    $data['views_old_table']['moved to'] = 'views_test_data';
-    return $data;
-  }
-  function debugField($field) {
-    $keys = array('id', 'table', 'field', 'actualField', 'original_field', 'realField');
-    $info = array();
-    foreach ($keys as $key) {
-      $info[$key] = $field->{$key};
-    }
-    debug($info, NULL, TRUE);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tests the moved to parameter in general.
-   */
-  public function testMovedTo() {
-    // Test moving on field lavel.
-    $view = $this->createViewFromConfig('test_views_move_to_field');
-    $view->storage->update();
-    $view->build();
-//     $this->assertEqual('old_field_1', $view->field['old_field_1']->options['id'], "Id shouldn't change during conversion");
-//     $this->assertEqual('id', $view->field['old_field_1']->field, 'The field should change during conversion');
-    $this->assertEqual('id', $view->field['old_field_1']->realField);
-    $this->assertEqual('views_test_data', $view->field['old_field_1']->table);
-    $this->assertEqual('old_field_1', $view->field['old_field_1']->original_field, 'The field should have stored the original_field');
-    // Test moving on handler lavel.
-    $view = $this->createViewFromConfig('test_views_move_to_handler');
-    $view->storage->update();
-    $view->build();
-//     $this->assertEqual('old_field_2', $view->field['old_field_2']->options['id']);
-    $this->assertEqual('name', $view->field['old_field_2']->realField);
-    $this->assertEqual('views_test_data', $view->field['old_field_2']->table);
-//     $this->assertEqual('old_field_3', $view->filter['old_field_3']->options['id']);
-    $this->assertEqual('age', $view->filter['old_field_3']->realField);
-    $this->assertEqual('views_test_data', $view->filter['old_field_3']->table);
-    // Test moving on table level.
-    $view = $this->createViewFromConfig('test_views_move_to_table');
-    $view->storage->update();
-    $view->build();
-    $this->assertEqual('views_test_data', $view->storage->base_table, 'Make sure that view->base_table gets automatically converted.');
-//     $this->assertEqual('id', $view->field['id']->field, 'If we move a whole table fields of this table should work, too.');
-    $this->assertEqual('id', $view->field['id']->realField, 'To run the query right the realField has to be set right.');
-    $this->assertEqual('views_test_data', $view->field['id']->table);
-  }
diff --git a/lib/Drupal/views/ViewStorage.php b/lib/Drupal/views/ViewStorage.php
index df6a8d7b7f73..d4ae36c765e7 100644
--- a/lib/Drupal/views/ViewStorage.php
+++ b/lib/Drupal/views/ViewStorage.php
@@ -222,19 +222,6 @@ public function getHumanName() {
     return $human_name;
-  /**
-   * Perform automatic updates when loading or importing a view.
-   *
-   * Over time, some things about Views or Drupal data has changed.
-   * this attempts to do some automatic updates that must happen
-   * to ensure older views will at least try to work.
-   */
-  public function update() {
-    // When views are converted automatically the base_table should be renamed
-    // to have a working query.
-    $this->base_table = views_move_table($this->base_table);
-  }
    * Adds a new display handler to the view, automatically creating an ID.
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
index acf1d6335726..6e1293be030e 100644
--- a/modules/
+++ b/modules/
@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ function comment_views_data() {
   // Langcode field
   if (module_exists('language')) {
-    $data['comment']['language']['moved to'] = array('comment', 'langcode');
     $data['comment']['langcode'] = array(
       'title' => t('Language'),
       'help' => t('The language the comment is in.'),
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
index 8ac6fd608ccf..7efd63011101 100644
--- a/modules/
+++ b/modules/
@@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ function node_views_data() {
   // Language field
   if (module_exists('language')) {
-    $data['node']['language']['moved to'] = array('node', 'langcode');
     $data['node']['langcode'] = array(
       'title' => t('Language'),
       'help' => t('The language the content is in.'),
@@ -464,6 +463,7 @@ function node_views_data() {
     'help' => t('The revision NID of the content revision.'),
     // Information for displaying the nid.
     'field' => array(
+      'id' => 'standard',
       'click sortable' => TRUE,
     // Information for accepting a nid as an argument.
@@ -495,6 +495,7 @@ function node_views_data() {
     'help' => t('The revision ID of the content revision.'),
     // Information for displaying the vid
     'field' => array(
+      'id' => 'standard',
       'click sortable' => TRUE,
     // Information for accepting a vid as an argument
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
index 68793706183b..ad6d9ffd1ceb 100644
--- a/modules/
+++ b/modules/
@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ function user_views_data() {
   // language
-  $data['users']['language']['moved to'] = array('users', 'langcode');
   $data['users']['langcode'] = array(
     'title' => t('Language'), // The item it appears as on the UI,
     'help' => t('Language of the user'),
diff --git a/views.module b/views.module
index 4ead28bd9bb1..e20d3f8a20de 100644
--- a/views.module
+++ b/views.module
@@ -1288,57 +1288,11 @@ function views_include_handlers($reset = FALSE) {
  *   An instance of a handler object. May be views_handler_broken.
 function views_get_handler($table, $field, $type, $override = NULL) {
-  static $recursion_protection = array();
+  // Get the plugin manager for this type.
+  $manager = drupal_container()->get("plugin.manager.views.$type");
   $data = views_fetch_data($table, FALSE);
-  $handler = NULL;
-  // Support conversion on table level.
-  if (isset($data['moved to'])) {
-    $moved = array($data['moved to'], $field);
-  }
-  // Support conversion on datafield level.
-  if (isset($data[$field]['moved to'])) {
-    $moved = $data[$field]['moved to'];
-  }
-  // Support conversion on handler level.
-  if (isset($data[$field][$type]['moved to'])) {
-    $moved = $data[$field][$type]['moved to'];
-  }
-  if (isset($data[$field][$type]) || !empty($moved)) {
-    if (!empty($moved)) {
-      list($moved_table, $moved_field) = $moved;
-      if (!empty($recursion_protection[$moved_table][$moved_field])) {
-        // recursion detected!
-        return NULL;
-      }
-      $recursion_protection[$moved_table][$moved_field] = TRUE;
-      $handler = views_get_handler($moved_table, $moved_field, $type, $override);
-      $recursion_protection = array();
-      if ($handler) {
-        // store these values so we know what we were originally called.
-        $handler->original_table = $table;
-        $handler->original_field = $field;
-        if (empty($handler->actualTable)) {
-          $handler->actualTable = $moved_table;
-          $handler->actualField = $moved_field;
-        }
-      }
-      return $handler;
-    }
-    // @fixme: temporary.
-    // Set up a default handler, if both handler and id is not specified.
-    if (empty($data[$field][$type]['handler']) && empty($data[$field][$type]['id'])) {
-      $data[$field][$type]['id'] = 'standard';
-    }
-    if ($override) {
-      $data[$field][$type]['override handler'] = $override;
-    }
+  if (isset($data[$field][$type])) {
     $definition = $data[$field][$type];
     foreach (array('group', 'title', 'title short', 'help', 'real field', 'real table') as $key) {
       if (!isset($definition[$key])) {
@@ -1354,8 +1308,7 @@ function views_get_handler($table, $field, $type, $override = NULL) {
     // @todo This is crazy. Find a way to remove the override functionality.
-    $manager = drupal_container()->get("plugin.manager.views.$type");
-    $plugin_id = !empty($definition['override handler']) ? $definition['override handler'] : $definition['id'];
+    $plugin_id = $override ?: $definition['id'];
     // Try to use the overridden handler.
     try {
       return $manager->createInstance($plugin_id, $definition);
@@ -1373,7 +1326,7 @@ function views_get_handler($table, $field, $type, $override = NULL) {
   // Finally, use the 'broken' handler.
   debug(t("Missing handler: @table @field @type", array('@table' => $table, '@field' => $field, '@type' => $type)));
-  return views_get_plugin($type, 'broken');
+  return $manager->createInstance('broken');
@@ -1715,28 +1668,10 @@ function views_view_is_disabled($view) {
 function views_get_view($name) {
   $view = entity_load('view', $name);
   if ($view) {
-    $view->update();
-    $view = $view->getExecutable();
-    // @figure out whether it makes sense to clone this here.
-    return $view->cloneView();
+    return $view->getExecutable();
- * Find the real location of a table.
- *
- * If a table has moved, find the new name of the table so that we can
- * change its name directly in options where necessary.
- */
-function views_move_table($table) {
-  $data = views_fetch_data($table, FALSE);
-  if (isset($data['moved to'])) {
-    $table = $data['moved to'];
-  }
-  return $table;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Views form (View with form elements)
diff --git a/views_ui/ b/views_ui/
index ddbacfeb7e04..08126925cff6 100644
--- a/views_ui/
+++ b/views_ui/
@@ -2600,10 +2600,6 @@ function views_fetch_fields($base, $type, $grouping = FALSE) {
                 $skip_bases[$field][$key][$base_name] = TRUE;
-            // Don't show old fields. The real field will be added right.
-            if (isset($info[$key]['moved to'])) {
-              continue;
-            }
             foreach (array('title', 'group', 'help', 'base', 'aliases') as $string) {
               // First, try the lowest possible level
               if (!empty($info[$key][$string])) {