From 9b3f41026035389d255e25dd9662242e34fe095d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xjm <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 16:11:27 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Issue #3255809 by nod_, lauriii, hooroomoo: Add
 nightwatch tests for toolbar"

This reverts commit b9b40f305ffd9a585979228645f5a41be31fb689.
 .../src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarApiTest.js    | 270 ------------
 .../tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarTest.js | 385 ------------------
 core/scripts/dev/         |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 656 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 core/modules/toolbar/tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarApiTest.js
 delete mode 100644 core/modules/toolbar/tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarTest.js

diff --git a/core/modules/toolbar/tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarApiTest.js b/core/modules/toolbar/tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarApiTest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f272f06f3cfa..000000000000
--- a/core/modules/toolbar/tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarApiTest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Tests of the existing Toolbar JS Api.
- */
-module.exports = {
-  '@tags': ['core'],
-  before(browser) {
-    browser.drupalInstall().drupalLoginAsAdmin(() => {
-      browser
-        .drupalRelativeURL('/admin/modules')
-        .setValue('input[type="search"]', 'toolbar')
-        .waitForElementVisible('input[name="modules[toolbar][enable]"]', 1000)
-        .click('input[name="modules[breakpoint][enable]"]')
-        .click('input[name="modules[toolbar][enable]"]')
-        .click('input[type="submit"]');
-    });
-    browser
-      .drupalCreateUser({
-        name: 'user',
-        password: '123',
-        permissions: [
-          'access site reports',
-          'access toolbar',
-          'administer menu',
-          'administer modules',
-          'administer site configuration',
-          'administer account settings',
-          'administer software updates',
-          'access content',
-          'administer permissions',
-          'administer users',
-        ],
-      })
-      .drupalLogin({ name: 'user', password: '123' })
-      .drupalRelativeURL('/')
-      .waitForElementPresent('#toolbar-administration', 10000);
-  },
-  beforeEach(browser) {
-    // Set the resolution to the default desktop resolution. Ensure the default
-    // toolbar is horizontal in headless mode.
-    browser.resizeWindow(1920, 1080);
-    // To clear active tab/tray from previous tests
-    browser.execute(function () {
-      localStorage.clear();
-      // Clear escapeAdmin url values.
-      sessionStorage.clear();
-    });
-    browser.drupalRelativeURL('/');
-  },
-  after(browser) {
-    browser.drupalUninstall();
-  },
-  'Drupal.Toolbar.models': (browser) => {
-    browser.execute(
-      function () {
-        const toReturn = {};
-        const { models } = Drupal.toolbar;
-        toReturn.hasMenuModel = models.hasOwnProperty('menuModel');
-        toReturn.menuModelType = typeof models.menuModel === 'object';
-        toReturn.hasToolbarModel = models.hasOwnProperty('toolbarModel');
-        toReturn.toolbarModelType = typeof models.toolbarModel === 'object';
-        toReturn.toolbarModelActiveTab =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('activeTab').id ===
-          'toolbar-item-administration';
-        toReturn.toolbarModelActiveTray =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('activeTray').id ===
-          'toolbar-item-administration-tray';
-        toReturn.toolbarModelIsOriented =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('isOriented') === true;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelIsFixed =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('isFixed') === true;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelAreSubtreesLoaded =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('areSubtreesLoaded') === false;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelIsViewportOverflowConstrained =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('isViewportOverflowConstrained') === false;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelOrientation =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('orientation') === 'horizontal';
-        toReturn.toolbarModelLocked =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('locked') === null;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelIsTrayToggleVisible =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('isTrayToggleVisible') === true;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelHeight = models.toolbarModel.get('height') === 79;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelOffsetsBottom =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('offsets').bottom === 0;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelOffsetsLeft =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('offsets').left === 0;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelOffsetsRight =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('offsets').right === 0;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelOffsetsTop =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('offsets').top === 79;
-        toReturn.toolbarModelSubtrees =
-          Object.keys(models.menuModel.get('subtrees')).length === 0;
-        return toReturn;
-      },
-      [],
-      (result) => {
-        const expectedTrue = {
-          hasMenuModel: 'has menu model',
-          menuModelType: 'menu model is an object',
-          hasToolbarModel: 'has toolbar model',
-          toolbarModelType: 'toolbar model is an object',
-          toolbarModelActiveTab: 'get("activeTab") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelActiveTray: 'get("activeTray") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelIsOriented: 'get("isOriented") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelIsFixed: 'get("isFixed") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelAreSubtreesLoaded:
-            'get("areSubtreesLoaded") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelIsViewportOverflowConstrained:
-            'get("isViewportOverflowConstrained") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelOrientation: 'get("orientation") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelLocked: 'get("locked") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelIsTrayToggleVisible:
-            'get("isTrayToggleVisible") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelHeight: 'get("height") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelOffsetsBottom:
-            'get("offsets") bottom has expected result',
-          toolbarModelOffsetsLeft: 'get("offsets") left has expected result',
-          toolbarModelOffsetsRight: 'get("offsets") right has expected result',
-          toolbarModelOffsetsTop: 'get("offsets") top has expected result',
-          toolbarModelSubtrees: 'get("subtrees") has expected result',
-        };
-        browser.assert.deepEqual(
-          Object.keys(expectedTrue).sort(),
-          Object.keys(result.value).sort(),
-          'Keys to check match',
-        );
-        Object.keys(expectedTrue).forEach((property) => {
-          browser.assert.equal(
-            result.value[property],
-            true,
-            expectedTrue[property],
-          );
-        });
-      },
-    );
-  },
-  'Change tab': (browser) => {
-    browser.execute(
-      function () {
-        const toReturn = {};
-        const { models } = Drupal.toolbar;
-        toReturn.hasMenuModel = models.hasOwnProperty('menuModel');
-        toReturn.menuModelType = typeof models.menuModel === 'object';
-        toReturn.hasToolbarModel = models.hasOwnProperty('toolbarModel');
-        toReturn.toolbarModelType = typeof models.toolbarModel === 'object';
-        const tab = document.querySelector('#toolbar-item-user');
-        tab.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }));
-        toReturn.toolbarModelChangedTab =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('activeTab').id === 'toolbar-item-user';
-        toReturn.toolbarModelChangedTray =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('activeTray').id === 'toolbar-item-user-tray';
-        return toReturn;
-      },
-      [],
-      (result) => {
-        const expectedTrue = {
-          hasMenuModel: 'has menu model',
-          menuModelType: 'menu model is an object',
-          hasToolbarModel: 'has toolbar model',
-          toolbarModelType: 'toolbar model is an object',
-          toolbarModelChangedTab: 'get("activeTab") has expected result',
-          toolbarModelChangedTray: 'get("activeTray") has expected result',
-        };
-        browser.assert.deepEqual(
-          Object.keys(expectedTrue).sort(),
-          Object.keys(result.value).sort(),
-          'Keys to check match',
-        );
-        Object.keys(expectedTrue).forEach((property) => {
-          browser.assert.equal(
-            result.value[property],
-            true,
-            expectedTrue[property],
-          );
-        });
-      },
-    );
-  },
-  'Change orientation': (browser) => {
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        const toReturn = {};
-        const { models } = Drupal.toolbar;
-        const orientationToggle = document.querySelector(
-          '#toolbar-item-administration-tray .toolbar-toggle-orientation button',
-        );
-        toReturn.toolbarOrientation =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('orientation') === 'horizontal';
-        orientationToggle.dispatchEvent(
-          new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }),
-        );
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          toReturn.toolbarChangeOrientation =
-            models.toolbarModel.get('orientation') === 'vertical';
-          done(toReturn);
-        }, 100);
-      },
-      [],
-      (result) => {
-        const expectedTrue = {
-          toolbarOrientation: 'get("orientation") has expected result',
-          toolbarChangeOrientation: 'changing orientation has expected result',
-        };
-        browser.assert.deepEqual(
-          Object.keys(expectedTrue).sort(),
-          Object.keys(result.value).sort(),
-          'Keys to check match',
-        );
-        Object.keys(expectedTrue).forEach((property) => {
-          browser.assert.equal(
-            result.value[property],
-            true,
-            expectedTrue[property],
-          );
-        });
-      },
-    );
-  },
-  'Open submenu': (browser) => {
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        const toReturn = {};
-        const { models } = Drupal.toolbar;
-        Drupal.toolbar.models.toolbarModel.set('orientation', 'vertical');
-        toReturn.toolbarOrientation =
-          models.toolbarModel.get('orientation') === 'vertical';
-        const manageTab = document.querySelector(
-          '#toolbar-item-administration',
-        );
-        Drupal.toolbar.models.toolbarModel.set('activeTab', manageTab);
-        const menuDropdown = document.querySelector(
-          '#toolbar-item-administration-tray button',
-        );
-        menuDropdown.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }));
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          const statReportElement = document.querySelector(
-            '#toolbar-link-system-status',
-          );
-          toReturn.submenuItem =
-            statReportElement.textContent === 'Status report';
-          done(toReturn);
-        }, 100);
-      },
-      [],
-      (result) => {
-        const expectedTrue = {
-          toolbarOrientation: 'get("orientation") has expected result',
-          submenuItem: 'opening submenu has expected result',
-        };
-        browser.assert.deepEqual(
-          Object.keys(expectedTrue).sort(),
-          Object.keys(result.value).sort(),
-          'Keys to check match',
-        );
-        Object.keys(expectedTrue).forEach((property) => {
-          browser.assert.equal(
-            result.value[property],
-            true,
-            expectedTrue[property],
-          );
-        });
-      },
-    );
-  },
diff --git a/core/modules/toolbar/tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarTest.js b/core/modules/toolbar/tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarTest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d97611080fed..000000000000
--- a/core/modules/toolbar/tests/src/Nightwatch/Tests/toolbarTest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Test the expected toolbar functionality.
- */
-const itemAdministration = '#toolbar-item-administration';
-const itemAdministrationTray = '#toolbar-item-administration-tray';
-const adminOrientationButton = `${itemAdministrationTray} .toolbar-toggle-orientation button`;
-const itemUser = '#toolbar-item-user';
-const itemUserTray = '#toolbar-item-user-tray';
-const userOrientationBtn = `${itemUserTray} .toolbar-toggle-orientation button`;
-module.exports = {
-  '@tags': ['core'],
-  before(browser) {
-    browser.drupalInstall().drupalLoginAsAdmin(() => {
-      browser
-        .drupalRelativeURL('/admin/modules')
-        .setValue('input[type="search"]', 'toolbar')
-        .waitForElementVisible('input[name="modules[toolbar][enable]"]', 1000)
-        .click('input[name="modules[breakpoint][enable]"]')
-        .click('input[name="modules[toolbar][enable]"]')
-        .click('input[type="submit"]');
-    });
-    browser
-      .drupalCreateUser({
-        name: 'user',
-        password: '123',
-        permissions: [
-          'access site reports',
-          'access toolbar',
-          'access administration pages',
-          'administer menu',
-          'administer modules',
-          'administer site configuration',
-          'administer account settings',
-          'administer software updates',
-          'access content',
-          'administer permissions',
-          'administer users',
-        ],
-      })
-      .drupalLogin({ name: 'user', password: '123' })
-      .drupalRelativeURL('/')
-      .waitForElementPresent('#toolbar-administration', 10000);
-  },
-  beforeEach(browser) {
-    browser.resizeWindow(1920, 1080);
-    browser.execute(function () {
-      // To clear active tab/tray from previous tests.
-      localStorage.clear();
-      // Clear escapeAdmin URL values.
-      sessionStorage.clear();
-    });
-    browser.drupalRelativeURL('/');
-  },
-  after(browser) {
-    browser.drupalUninstall();
-  },
-  'Change tab': (browser) => {
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(itemUserTray);
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(itemUser, 'is-active');
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(itemUserTray, 'is-active');
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(itemUser, 'is-active');
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(itemUserTray, 'is-active');
-  },
-  'Change orientation': (browser) => {
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(adminOrientationButton);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-horizontal',
-    );
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-vertical',
-    );
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-horizontal',
-    );
-  },
-  'Toggle tray': (browser) => {
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(itemUserTray);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(itemUserTray, 'is-active');
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(itemUserTray, 'is-active');
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(itemUserTray, 'is-active');
-  },
-  'Toggle submenu and sub-submenu': (browser) => {
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(adminOrientationButton);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-horizontal',
-    );
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-vertical',
-    );
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray li:nth-child(4) button',
-    );
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray li:nth-child(4)',
-      'open',
-    );
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray li:nth-child(4) button',
-      'open',
-    );
-'#toolbar-item-administration-tray li:nth-child(4) button');
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray li:nth-child(4)',
-      'open',
-    );
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray li:nth-child(4) button',
-      'open',
-    );
-    browser.expect
-      .element('#toolbar-link-user-admin_index')
-    browser.expect
-      .element('#toolbar-link-system-admin_config_system')
-    // Check sub-submenu.
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray',
-    );
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray',
-      'open',
-    );
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray button',
-      'open',
-    );
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray button',
-    );
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray',
-      'open',
-    );
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray button',
-      'open',
-    );
-    browser.expect
-      .element('#toolbar-link-entity-user-admin_form')
-'Account settings');
-  },
-  'Narrow toolbar width breakpoint': (browser) => {
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(adminOrientationButton);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-horizontal',
-    );
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      '#toolbar-administration',
-      'toolbar-oriented',
-    );
-    browser.resizeWindow(263, 900);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-vertical',
-    );
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(itemAdministration, 'toolbar-oriented');
-  },
-  'Standard width toolbar breakpoint': (browser) => {
-    browser.resizeWindow(1000, 900);
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(adminOrientationButton);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent('body', 'toolbar-fixed');
-    browser.resizeWindow(609, 900);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-vertical',
-    );
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent('body', 'toolbar-fixed');
-  },
-  'Wide toolbar breakpoint': (browser) => {
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(adminOrientationButton);
-    browser.resizeWindow(975, 900);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-vertical',
-    );
-  },
-  'Back to site link': (browser) => {
-    const escapeSelector = '[data-toolbar-escape-admin]';
-    browser.drupalRelativeURL('/user');
-    browser.drupalRelativeURL('/admin');
-    // Don't check the visibility as stark doesn't add the .path-admin class
-    // to the <body> required to display the button.
-    browser.assert.attributeContains(escapeSelector, 'href', '/user/2');
-  },
-  'Aural view test: tray orientation': (browser) => {
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(
-      '#toolbar-item-administration-tray .toolbar-toggle-orientation button',
-    );
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        Drupal.announce = done;
-        const orientationButton = document.querySelector(
-          '#toolbar-item-administration-tray .toolbar-toggle-orientation button',
-        );
-        orientationButton.dispatchEvent(
-          new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }),
-        );
-      },
-      (result) => {
-        browser.assert.equal(
-          result.value,
-          'Tray orientation changed to vertical.',
-        );
-      },
-    );
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        Drupal.announce = done;
-        const orientationButton = document.querySelector(
-          '#toolbar-item-administration-tray .toolbar-toggle-orientation button',
-        );
-        orientationButton.dispatchEvent(
-          new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }),
-        );
-      },
-      (result) => {
-        browser.assert.equal(
-          result.value,
-          'Tray orientation changed to horizontal.',
-        );
-      },
-    );
-  },
-  'Aural view test: tray toggle': (browser) => {
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        Drupal.announce = done;
-        const $adminButton = jQuery('#toolbar-item-administration');
-        $adminButton.trigger('click');
-      },
-      (result) => {
-        browser.assert.equal(
-          result.value,
-          'Tray "Administration menu" closed.',
-        );
-      },
-    );
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        Drupal.announce = done;
-        const $adminButton = jQuery('#toolbar-item-administration');
-        $adminButton.trigger('click');
-      },
-      (result) => {
-        browser.assert.equal(
-          result.value,
-          'Tray "Administration menu" opened.',
-        );
-      },
-    );
-  },
-  'Toolbar event: drupalToolbarOrientationChange': (browser) => {
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        jQuery(document).on(
-          'drupalToolbarOrientationChange',
-          function (event, orientation) {
-            done(orientation);
-          },
-        );
-        const orientationButton = document.querySelector(
-          '#toolbar-item-administration-tray .toolbar-toggle-orientation button',
-        );
-        orientationButton.dispatchEvent(
-          new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }),
-        );
-      },
-      (result) => {
-        browser.assert.equal(result.value, 'vertical');
-      },
-    );
-  },
-  'Toolbar event: drupalToolbarTabChange': (browser) => {
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        jQuery(document).on('drupalToolbarTabChange', function (event, tab) {
-          done(;
-        });
-        jQuery('#toolbar-item-user').trigger('click');
-      },
-      (result) => {
-        browser.assert.equal(result.value, 'toolbar-item-user');
-      },
-    );
-  },
-  'Toolbar event: drupalToolbarTrayChange': (browser) => {
-    browser.executeAsync(
-      function (done) {
-        const $adminButton = jQuery('#toolbar-item-administration');
-        // Hide the admin menu first, this event is not firing reliably
-        // otherwise.
-        $adminButton.trigger('click');
-        jQuery(document).on('drupalToolbarTrayChange', function (event, tray) {
-          done(;
-        });
-        $adminButton.trigger('click');
-      },
-      (result) => {
-        browser.assert.equal(result.value, 'toolbar-item-administration-tray');
-      },
-    );
-  },
-  'Locked toolbar vertical wide viewport': (browser) => {
-    browser.resizeWindow(1000, 900);
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(adminOrientationButton);
-    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
-    browser.expect.element(adminOrientationButton);
-    browser.resizeWindow(975, 900);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemAdministrationTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-vertical',
-    );
-    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
-    browser.expect.element(adminOrientationButton);
-  },
-  'Settings are retained on refresh': (browser) => {
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(itemUser);
-    // Set user as active tab.
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(itemUser, 'is-active');
-    browser.assert.not.cssClassPresent(itemUserTray, 'is-active');
-    // Check tab and tray are open.
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(itemUser, 'is-active');
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(itemUserTray, 'is-active');
-    // Set orientation to vertical.
-    browser.waitForElementPresent(userOrientationBtn);
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemUserTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-horizontal',
-    );
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemUserTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-vertical',
-    );
-    browser.refresh();
-    // Check user tab is active.
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(itemUser, 'is-active');
-    // Check tray is active and orientation is vertical.
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent(
-      itemUserTray,
-      'is-active toolbar-tray-vertical',
-    );
-  },
-  'Check toolbar overlap with page content': (browser) => {
-    browser.assert.cssClassPresent('body', 'toolbar-horizontal');
-    browser.execute(
-      () => {
-        const toolbar = document.querySelector('#toolbar-administration');
-        const nextElement = toolbar.nextElementSibling.getBoundingClientRect();
-        const tray = document
-          .querySelector('#toolbar-item-administration-tray')
-          .getBoundingClientRect();
-        // Page content should start after the toolbar height to not overlap.
-        return > + tray.height;
-      },
-      (result) => {
-        browser.assert.equal(
-          result.value,
-          true,
-          'Toolbar and page content do not overlap',
-        );
-      },
-    );
-  },
diff --git a/core/scripts/dev/ b/core/scripts/dev/
index 2b08ea1f4ac8..e6c9f2ab6565 100755
--- a/core/scripts/dev/
+++ b/core/scripts/dev/
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
-  if [[ -f "$TOP_LEVEL/$FILE" ]] && [[ $FILE =~ \.js$ ]] && [[ ! $FILE =~ ^core/tests/Drupal/Nightwatch ]] && [[ ! $FILE =~ /tests/src/Nightwatch/ ]] && [[ ! $FILE =~ ^core/assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui ]] && [[ ! $FILE =~ ^core/modules/ckeditor5/js/ckeditor5_plugins ]]; then
+  if [[ -f "$TOP_LEVEL/$FILE" ]] && [[ $FILE =~ \.js$ ]] && [[ ! $FILE =~ ^core/tests/Drupal/Nightwatch ]] && [[ ! $FILE =~ ^core/assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui ]] && [[ ! $FILE =~ ^core/modules/ckeditor5/js/ckeditor5_plugins ]]; then
     # Work out the root name of the JavaScript so we can ensure that the ES6
     # version has been compiled correctly.
     if [[ $FILE =~ \.es6\.js$ ]]; then