diff --git a/core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/destination/Config.php b/core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/destination/Config.php
index 18d78a325e1cde669db74ebbb45c0822d695227e..13f7e908e0b802e56bfa126d7e12a3956b62c89c 100644
--- a/core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/destination/Config.php
+++ b/core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/destination/Config.php
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
  * @code
  * source:
- *   plugin: i18n_variable
+ *   plugin: d6_variable_translation
  *   variables:
  *     - site_offline_message
  * process:
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
  * This will add the value of the variable "site_offline_message" to the config
  * with the machine name "system.maintenance" as "system.maintenance.message",
- * coupled with the relevant langcode as obtained from the "i18n_variable"
- * source plugin.
+ * coupled with the relevant langcode as obtained from the
+ * "d6_variable_translation" source plugin.
- * @see \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\i18nVariable
+ * @see \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\VariableTranslation
  * @MigrateDestination(
  *   id = "config"
diff --git a/core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Unit/MigrateSqlSourceTestCase.php b/core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Unit/MigrateSqlSourceTestCase.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 428c286ef7bb842836d6876ad5bdd416d7060855..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Unit/MigrateSqlSourceTestCase.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit;
-use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface;
-use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
-use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerNotInitializedException;
-use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
-use Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueFactoryInterface;
-use Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueStoreInterface;
- * Base class for Migrate module source unit tests.
- *
- * @deprecated in drupal:8.2.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
- * \Drupal\Tests\migrate\Kernel\MigrateSqlSourceTestBase instead.
- */
-abstract class MigrateSqlSourceTestCase extends MigrateTestCase {
-  /**
-   * The tested source plugin.
-   *
-   * @var \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\DrupalSqlBase
-   */
-  protected $source;
-  /**
-   * The database contents.
-   *
-   * Database contents represents a mocked database. It should contain an
-   * associative array with the table name as key, and as many nested arrays as
-   * the number of mocked rows. Each of those faked rows must be another array
-   * with the column name as the key and the value as the cell.
-   *
-   * @var array
-   */
-  protected $databaseContents = [];
-  /**
-   * The plugin class under test.
-   *
-   * The plugin system is not working during unit testing so the source plugin
-   * class needs to be manually specified.
-   *
-   * @var string
-   */
-  const PLUGIN_CLASS = '';
-  /**
-   * The high water mark at the beginning of the import operation.
-   *
-   * Once the migration is run, we save a mark of the migrated sources, so the
-   * migration can run again and update only new sources or changed sources.
-   *
-   * @var mixed
-   */
-  /**
-   * Expected results after the source parsing.
-   *
-   * @var array
-   */
-  protected $expectedResults = [];
-  /**
-   * Expected count of source rows.
-   *
-   * @var int
-   */
-  protected $expectedCount = 0;
-  /**
-   * The source plugin instance under test.
-   *
-   * @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrateSourceInterface
-   */
-  protected $plugin;
-  /**
-   * {@inheritdoc}
-   */
-  protected function setUp() {
-    $module_handler = $this->createMock('Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface');
-    $state = $this->createMock('Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface');
-    $entity_type_manager = $this->createMock(EntityTypeManagerInterface::class);
-    // Mock a key-value store to return high-water values.
-    $key_value = $this->createMock(KeyValueStoreInterface::class);
-    // SourcePluginBase does not yet support full dependency injection so we
-    // need to make sure that \Drupal::keyValue() works as expected by mocking
-    // the keyvalue service.
-    $key_value_factory = $this->createMock(KeyValueFactoryInterface::class);
-    $key_value_factory
-      ->method('get')
-      ->with('migrate:high_water')
-      ->willReturn($key_value);
-    try {
-      $container = \Drupal::getContainer();
-    }
-    catch (ContainerNotInitializedException $e) {
-      $container = new ContainerBuilder();
-    }
-    $container->set('keyvalue', $key_value_factory);
-    \Drupal::setContainer($container);
-    $migration = $this->getMigration();
-    // Set the high water value.
-    \Drupal::keyValue('migrate:high_water')
-      ->expects($this->any())
-      ->method('get')
-      ->willReturn(static::ORIGINAL_HIGH_WATER);
-    // Setup the plugin.
-    $plugin_class = static::PLUGIN_CLASS;
-    $plugin = new $plugin_class($this->migrationConfiguration['source'], $this->migrationConfiguration['source']['plugin'], [], $migration, $state, $entity_type_manager);
-    // Do some reflection to set the database and moduleHandler.
-    $plugin_reflection = new \ReflectionClass($plugin);
-    $database_property = $plugin_reflection->getProperty('database');
-    $database_property->setAccessible(TRUE);
-    $module_handler_property = $plugin_reflection->getProperty('moduleHandler');
-    $module_handler_property->setAccessible(TRUE);
-    // Set the database and the module handler onto our plugin.
-    $database_property->setValue($plugin, $this->getDatabase($this->databaseContents + ['test_map' => []]));
-    $module_handler_property->setValue($plugin, $module_handler);
-    $plugin->setStringTranslation($this->getStringTranslationStub());
-    $migration->expects($this->any())
-      ->method('getSourcePlugin')
-      ->will($this->returnValue($plugin));
-    $this->source = $plugin;
-    $this->expectedCount = count($this->expectedResults);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tests that the source returns the same rows as expected.
-   */
-  public function testRetrieval() {
-    $this->assertInstanceOf(SelectInterface::class, $this->source->query());
-    $this->queryResultTest($this->source, $this->expectedResults);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tests that the source returns the row count expected.
-   */
-  public function testSourceCount() {
-    $count = $this->source->count();
-    $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($count));
-    $this->assertEquals($this->expectedCount, $count);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tests the source defines a valid ID.
-   */
-  public function testSourceId() {
-    $this->assertNotEmpty($this->source->getIds());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the value on a row for a given key.
-   *
-   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Row $row
-   *   The row identifier.
-   * @param string $key
-   *   The key identifier.
-   *
-   * @return mixed
-   *   The value on a row for a given key.
-   */
-  protected function getValue($row, $key) {
-    return $row->getSourceProperty($key);
-  }
diff --git a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/D6VariableTranslation.php b/core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/D6VariableTranslation.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 423d09467299e8aed885ddb7e44f8e76945ba487..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/D6VariableTranslation.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6;
-use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
-use Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface;
-use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface;
- * Gets Drupal i18n_variable source from database.
- *
- * @deprecated in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
- * Use \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\VariableTranslation.
- *
- * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/3006487
- *
- * @MigrateSource(
- *   id = "variable_translation",
- *   source_module = "system",
- * )
- */
-class D6VariableTranslation extends VariableTranslation {
-  /**
-   * {@inheritdoc}
-   */
-  public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, MigrationInterface $migration, StateInterface $state, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager) {
-    @trigger_error('The ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\D6VariableTranslation is deprecated in Drupal 8.7.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Instead, use ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\VariableTranslation. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3006487.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
-    parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $migration, $state, $entity_type_manager);
-  }
diff --git a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/i18nVariable.php b/core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/i18nVariable.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 140399cc3a7d6e94457e62f0a374d99c3161b443..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/i18nVariable.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6;
-@trigger_error('The ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\i18nVariable is deprecated in Drupal 8.4.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Instead, use ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\VariableTranslation', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- * Drupal i18n_variable source from database.
- *
- * @MigrateSource(
- *   id = "i18n_variable",
- *   source_module = "system",
- * )
- *
- * @deprecated in drupal:8.4.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
- * \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\VariableTranslation instead.
- *
- * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2898649
- */
-class i18nVariable extends VariableTranslation {}
diff --git a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/i18nVariableTest.php b/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/i18nVariableTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a67adb5c5b9604d3212b9814c0e30fdb10bba7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/migrate/source/d6/i18nVariableTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Kernel\Plugin\migrate\source\d6;
-use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Kernel\MigrateSqlSourceTestBase;
- * Tests the variable source plugin.
- *
- * @covers \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\i18nVariable
- *
- * @group migrate_drupal
- * @group legacy
- */
-class i18nVariableTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestBase {
-  /**
-   * {@inheritdoc}
-   */
-  public static $modules = ['migrate_drupal'];
-  /**
-   * {@inheritdoc}
-   *
-   * @dataProvider providerSource
-   * @requires extension pdo_sqlite
-   * @expectedDeprecation The Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\i18nVariable is deprecated in Drupal 8.4.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Instead, use Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\VariableTranslation
-   */
-  public function testSource(array $source_data, array $expected_data, $expected_count = NULL, array $configuration = [], $high_water = NULL) {
-    parent::testSource($source_data, $expected_data, $expected_count, $configuration, $high_water);
-  }
-  /**
-   * {@inheritdoc}
-   */
-  public function providerSource() {
-    $tests = [];
-    // The source data.
-    $tests[0]['source_data']['i18n_variable'] = [
-      [
-        'name' => 'site_slogan',
-        'language' => 'fr',
-        'value' => 's:19:"Migrate est génial";',
-      ],
-      [
-        'name' => 'site_name',
-        'language' => 'fr',
-        'value' => 's:11:"nom de site";',
-      ],
-      [
-        'name' => 'site_slogan',
-        'language' => 'mi',
-        'value' => 's:19:"Ko whakamataku heke";',
-      ],
-      [
-        'name' => 'site_name',
-        'language' => 'mi',
-        'value' => 's:9:"ingoa_pae";',
-      ],
-    ];
-    // The expected results.
-    $tests[0]['expected_data'] = [
-      [
-        'language' => 'fr',
-        'site_slogan' => 'Migrate est génial',
-        'site_name' => 'nom de site',
-      ],
-      [
-        'language' => 'mi',
-        'site_slogan' => 'Ko whakamataku heke',
-        'site_name' => 'ingoa_pae',
-      ],
-    ];
-    // The expected count.
-    $tests[0]['expected_count'] = NULL;
-    // The migration configuration.
-    $tests[0]['configuration']['variables'] = [
-      'site_slogan',
-      'site_name',
-    ];
-    return $tests;
-  }
diff --git a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/VariableMultiRowTestBase.php b/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/VariableMultiRowTestBase.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5710436221dc4d8f484785960aa5314e7532644a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/VariableMultiRowTestBase.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Unit\source;
-use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
- * Base class for variable multirow source unit tests.
- */
-abstract class VariableMultiRowTestBase extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
-  // The plugin system is not working during unit testing so the source plugin
-  // class needs to be manually specified.
-  const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\VariableMultiRow';
-  // The fake Migration configuration entity.
-  protected $migrationConfiguration = [
-    'id' => 'test',
-    'source' => [
-      'plugin' => 'd6_variable_multirow',
-      'variables' => [
-        'foo',
-        'bar',
-      ],
-    ],
-  ];
-  protected $expectedResults = [
-    ['name' => 'foo', 'value' => 1],
-    ['name' => 'bar', 'value' => FALSE],
-  ];
-  protected $databaseContents = [
-    'variable' => [
-      ['name' => 'foo', 'value' => 'i:1;'],
-      ['name' => 'bar', 'value' => 'b:0;'],
-    ],
-  ];
diff --git a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/VariableTest.php b/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/VariableTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b5abc36b01c84ccb7747ef03f7707aa2301b3c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/VariableTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Unit\source;
-use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
- * Tests the variable source plugin.
- *
- * @group migrate_drupal
- */
-class VariableTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
-  const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\Variable';
-  protected $migrationConfiguration = [
-    'id' => 'test',
-    'highWaterProperty' => ['field' => 'test'],
-    'source' => [
-      'plugin' => 'd6_variable',
-      'variables' => [
-        'foo',
-        'bar',
-      ],
-    ],
-  ];
-  protected $expectedResults = [
-    [
-      'id' => 'foo',
-      'foo' => 1,
-      'bar' => FALSE,
-    ],
-  ];
-  protected $databaseContents = [
-    'variable' => [
-      ['name' => 'foo', 'value' => 'i:1;'],
-      ['name' => 'bar', 'value' => 'b:0;'],
-    ],
-  ];
diff --git a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/d6/VariableTranslationTest.php b/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/d6/VariableTranslationTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b548923d29b5ab67a4caa2af6664be8d7bbdc3f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/d6/VariableTranslationTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Unit\source\d6;
-use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
- * Tests the variable source plugin.
- *
- * @group migrate_drupal
- * @group legacy
- */
-class VariableTranslationTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
-  // The plugin system is not working during unit testing so the source plugin
-  // class needs to be manually specified.
-  const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\VariableTranslation';
-  /**
-   * Define bare minimum migration configuration.
-   */
-  protected $migrationConfiguration = [
-    'id' => 'test',
-    'highWaterProperty' => ['field' => 'test'],
-    'source' => [
-      'plugin' => 'variable_translation',
-      'variables' => [
-        'site_slogan',
-        'site_name',
-      ],
-    ],
-  ];
-  /**
-   * Expected results from the source.
-   */
-  protected $expectedResults = [
-    [
-      'language' => 'fr',
-      'site_slogan' => 'Migrate est génial',
-      'site_name' => 'nom de site',
-    ],
-    [
-      'language' => 'mi',
-      'site_slogan' => 'Ko whakamataku heke',
-      'site_name' => 'ingoa_pae',
-    ],
-  ];
-  /**
-   * Database contents for tests.
-   */
-  protected $databaseContents = [
-    'i18n_variable' => [
-      ['name' => 'site_slogan', 'language' => 'fr', 'value' => 's:19:"Migrate est génial";'],
-      ['name' => 'site_name', 'language' => 'fr', 'value' => 's:11:"nom de site";'],
-      ['name' => 'site_slogan', 'language' => 'mi', 'value' => 's:19:"Ko whakamataku heke";'],
-      ['name' => 'site_name', 'language' => 'mi', 'value' => 's:9:"ingoa_pae";'],
-    ],
-  ];
diff --git a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/d6/i18nVariableTest.php b/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/d6/i18nVariableTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d2a15666d1f2b8e366f2e10578a49ecc8f5380e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/source/d6/i18nVariableTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Unit\source\d6;
-use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
- * Tests the variable source plugin.
- *
- * @group migrate_drupal
- * @group legacy
- */
-class i18nVariableTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
-  // The plugin system is not working during unit testing so the source plugin
-  // class needs to be manually specified.
-  const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\i18nVariable';
-  /**
-   * Define bare minimum migration configuration.
-   */
-  protected $migrationConfiguration = [
-    'id' => 'test',
-    'highWaterProperty' => ['field' => 'test'],
-    'source' => [
-      'plugin' => 'i18n_variable',
-      'variables' => [
-        'site_slogan',
-        'site_name',
-      ],
-    ],
-  ];
-  /**
-   * Expected results from the source.
-   */
-  protected $expectedResults = [
-    [
-      'language' => 'fr',
-      'site_slogan' => 'Migrate est génial',
-      'site_name' => 'nom de site',
-    ],
-    [
-      'language' => 'mi',
-      'site_slogan' => 'Ko whakamataku heke',
-      'site_name' => 'ingoa_pae',
-    ],
-  ];
-  /**
-   * Database contents for tests.
-   */
-  protected $databaseContents = [
-    'i18n_variable' => [
-      ['name' => 'site_slogan', 'language' => 'fr', 'value' => 's:19:"Migrate est génial";'],
-      ['name' => 'site_name', 'language' => 'fr', 'value' => 's:11:"nom de site";'],
-      ['name' => 'site_slogan', 'language' => 'mi', 'value' => 's:19:"Ko whakamataku heke";'],
-      ['name' => 'site_name', 'language' => 'mi', 'value' => 's:9:"ingoa_pae";'],
-    ],
-  ];