diff --git a/core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Gettext/PoHeaderTest.php b/core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Gettext/PoHeaderTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3fb94047332f11c301cacb21f5bc9b0275cf9c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Gettext/PoHeaderTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ * @file
+ * Contains \Drupal\Tests\Component\Gettext\PoHeaderTest.
+ */
+namespace Drupal\Tests\Component\Gettext;
+use Drupal\Component\Gettext\PoHeader;
+use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
+ * Unit tests for the Gettext PO file header handling features.
+ *
+ * @see Drupal\Component\Gettext\PoHeader.
+ *
+ * @group Gettext
+ */
+class PoHeaderTest extends UnitTestCase {
+  /**
+   * Tests that plural expressions are evaluated correctly.
+   *
+   * Validate that the given plural expressions is evaluated with the correct
+   * plural formula.
+   *
+   * @param string $plural
+   *   The plural expression.
+   * @param array $expected
+   *   Array of expected plural positions keyed by plural value.
+   *
+   * @dataProvider providerTestPluralsFormula
+   */
+  public function testPluralsFormula($plural, $expected) {
+    $p = new PoHeader();
+    $parsed = $p->parsePluralForms($plural);
+    list($nplurals, $new_plural) = $parsed;
+    foreach ($expected as $number => $plural_form) {
+      $result = isset($new_plural[$number]) ? $new_plural[$number] : $new_plural['default'];
+      $this->assertEquals($result, $plural_form, 'Difference found at ' . $number . ': ' . $plural_form . ' versus ' . $result);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Data provider for testPluralsFormula.
+   *
+   * Gets pairs of plural expressions and expected plural positions keyed by
+   * plural value.
+   *
+   * @return array
+   *   Pairs of plural expressions and expected plural positions keyed by plural
+   *   value.
+   */
+  public function providerTestPluralsFormula() {
+    return array(
+      array(
+        'nplurals=1; plural=0;',
+        array('default' => 0),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);',
+        array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 'default' => 1),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);',
+        array(1 => 0, 'default' => 1),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=2; plural=(((n==1)||((n%10)==1))?(0):1);',
+        array(
+          1 => 0,
+          11 => 0,
+          21 => 0,
+          31 => 0,
+          41 => 0,
+          51 => 0,
+          61 => 0,
+          71 => 0,
+          81 => 0,
+          91 => 0,
+          101 => 0,
+          111 => 0,
+          121 => 0,
+          131 => 0,
+          141 => 0,
+          151 => 0,
+          161 => 0,
+          171 => 0,
+          181 => 0,
+          191 => 0,
+          'default' => 1,
+        ),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=3; plural=((((n%10)==1)&&((n%100)!=11))?(0):(((((n%10)>=2)&&((n%10)<=4))&&(((n%100)<10)||((n%100)>=20)))?(1):2));',
+        array(
+          1 => 0,
+          2 => 1,
+          3 => 1,
+          4 => 1,
+          21 => 0,
+          22 => 1,
+          23 => 1,
+          24 => 1,
+          31 => 0,
+          32 => 1,
+          33 => 1,
+          34 => 1,
+          41 => 0,
+          42 => 1,
+          43 => 1,
+          44 => 1,
+          51 => 0,
+          52 => 1,
+          53 => 1,
+          54 => 1,
+          61 => 0,
+          62 => 1,
+          63 => 1,
+          64 => 1,
+          71 => 0,
+          72 => 1,
+          73 => 1,
+          74 => 1,
+          81 => 0,
+          82 => 1,
+          83 => 1,
+          84 => 1,
+          91 => 0,
+          92 => 1,
+          93 => 1,
+          94 => 1,
+          101 => 0,
+          102 => 1,
+          103 => 1,
+          104 => 1,
+          121 => 0,
+          122 => 1,
+          123 => 1,
+          124 => 1,
+          131 => 0,
+          132 => 1,
+          133 => 1,
+          134 => 1,
+          141 => 0,
+          142 => 1,
+          143 => 1,
+          144 => 1,
+          151 => 0,
+          152 => 1,
+          153 => 1,
+          154 => 1,
+          161 => 0,
+          162 => 1,
+          163 => 1,
+          164 => 1,
+          171 => 0,
+          172 => 1,
+          173 => 1,
+          174 => 1,
+          181 => 0,
+          182 => 1,
+          183 => 1,
+          184 => 1,
+          191 => 0,
+          192 => 1,
+          193 => 1,
+          194 => 1,
+          'default' => 2,
+        ),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=3; plural=((n==1)?(0):(((n>=2)&&(n<=4))?(1):2));',
+        array(
+          1 => 0,
+          2 => 1,
+          3 => 1,
+          4 => 1,
+          'default' => 2,
+        ),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=3; plural=((n==1)?(0):(((n==0)||(((n%100)>0)&&((n%100)<20)))?(1):2));',
+        array(
+          0 => 1,
+          1 => 0,
+          2 => 1,
+          3 => 1,
+          4 => 1,
+          5 => 1,
+          6 => 1,
+          7 => 1,
+          8 => 1,
+          9 => 1,
+          10 => 1,
+          11 => 1,
+          12 => 1,
+          13 => 1,
+          14 => 1,
+          15 => 1,
+          16 => 1,
+          17 => 1,
+          18 => 1,
+          19 => 1,
+          101 => 1,
+          102 => 1,
+          103 => 1,
+          104 => 1,
+          105 => 1,
+          106 => 1,
+          107 => 1,
+          108 => 1,
+          109 => 1,
+          110 => 1,
+          111 => 1,
+          112 => 1,
+          113 => 1,
+          114 => 1,
+          115 => 1,
+          116 => 1,
+          117 => 1,
+          118 => 1,
+          119 => 1,
+          'default' => 2,
+        ),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=3; plural=((n==1)?(0):(((((n%10)>=2)&&((n%10)<=4))&&(((n%100)<10)||((n%100)>=20)))?(1):2));',
+        array(
+          1 => 0,
+          2 => 1,
+          3 => 1,
+          4 => 1,
+          22 => 1,
+          23 => 1,
+          24 => 1,
+          32 => 1,
+          33 => 1,
+          34 => 1,
+          42 => 1,
+          43 => 1,
+          44 => 1,
+          52 => 1,
+          53 => 1,
+          54 => 1,
+          62 => 1,
+          63 => 1,
+          64 => 1,
+          72 => 1,
+          73 => 1,
+          74 => 1,
+          82 => 1,
+          83 => 1,
+          84 => 1,
+          92 => 1,
+          93 => 1,
+          94 => 1,
+          102 => 1,
+          103 => 1,
+          104 => 1,
+          122 => 1,
+          123 => 1,
+          124 => 1,
+          132 => 1,
+          133 => 1,
+          134 => 1,
+          142 => 1,
+          143 => 1,
+          144 => 1,
+          152 => 1,
+          153 => 1,
+          154 => 1,
+          162 => 1,
+          163 => 1,
+          164 => 1,
+          172 => 1,
+          173 => 1,
+          174 => 1,
+          182 => 1,
+          183 => 1,
+          184 => 1,
+          192 => 1,
+          193 => 1,
+          194 => 1,
+          'default' => 2,
+        ),),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=4; plural=(((n==1)||(n==11))?(0):(((n==2)||(n==12))?(1):(((n>2)&&(n<20))?(2):3)));',
+        array(
+          1 => 0,
+          2 => 1,
+          3 => 2,
+          4 => 2,
+          5 => 2,
+          6 => 2,
+          7 => 2,
+          8 => 2,
+          9 => 2,
+          10 => 2,
+          11 => 0,
+          12 => 1,
+          13 => 2,
+          14 => 2,
+          15 => 2,
+          16 => 2,
+          17 => 2,
+          18 => 2,
+          19 => 2,
+          'default' => 3,
+        ),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=4; plural=(((n%100)==1)?(0):(((n%100)==2)?(1):((((n%100)==3)||((n%100)==4))?(2):3)));',
+        array(
+          1 => 0,
+          2 => 1,
+          3 => 2,
+          4 => 2,
+          101 => 0,
+          102 => 1,
+          103 => 2,
+          104 => 2,
+          'default' => 3,
+        ),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=5; plural=((n==1)?(0):((n==2)?(1):((n<7)?(2):((n<11)?(3):4))));',
+        array(
+          0 => 2,
+          1 => 0,
+          2 => 1,
+          3 => 2,
+          4 => 2,
+          5 => 2,
+          6 => 2,
+          7 => 3,
+          8 => 3,
+          9 => 3,
+          10 => 3,
+          'default' => 4,
+        ),
+      ),
+      array(
+        'nplurals=6; plural=((n==1)?(0):((n==0)?(1):((n==2)?(2):((((n%100)>=3)&&((n%100)<=10))?(3):((((n%100)>=11)&&((n%100)<=99))?(4):5)))));',
+        array(
+          0 => 1,
+          1 => 0,
+          2 => 2,
+          3 => 3,
+          4 => 3,
+          5 => 3,
+          6 => 3,
+          7 => 3,
+          8 => 3,
+          9 => 3,
+          10 => 3,
+          100 => 5,
+          101 => 5,
+          102 => 5,
+          103 => 3,
+          104 => 3,
+          105 => 3,
+          106 => 3,
+          107 => 3,
+          108 => 3,
+          109 => 3,
+          110 => 3,
+          'default' => 4,
+        ),
+      ),
+    );
+  }