diff --git a/modules/comment/comment.test b/modules/comment/comment.test
index 82c6008939f4bb674719ad17ddf032289e31213c..c9478f4917cfc7798a23402414488013ea4a630c 100644
--- a/modules/comment/comment.test
+++ b/modules/comment/comment.test
@@ -251,6 +251,56 @@ class CommentHelperCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
     return $match[2];
+  /**
+   * Tests new comment marker.
+   */
+  public function testCommentNewCommentsIndicator() {
+    // Test if the right links are displayed when no comment is present for the
+    // node.
+    $this->drupalLogin($this->admin_user);
+    $this->node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => 1, 'comment' => COMMENT_NODE_OPEN));
+    $this->drupalGet('node');
+    $this->assertNoLink(t('@count comments', array('@count' => 0)));
+    $this->assertNoLink(t('@count new comments', array('@count' => 0)));
+    $this->assertLink(t('Read more'));
+    $count = $this->xpath('//div[@id=:id]/div[@class=:class]/ul/li', array(':id' => 'node-' . $this->node->nid, ':class' => 'link-wrapper'));
+    $this->assertTrue(count($count) == 1, t('One child found'));
+    // Create a new comment. This helper function may be run with different
+    // comment settings so use comment_save() to avoid complex setup.
+    $comment = (object) array(
+      'cid' => NULL,
+      'nid' => $this->node->nid,
+      'node_type' => $this->node->type,
+      'pid' => 0,
+      'uid' => $this->loggedInUser->uid,
+      'status' => COMMENT_PUBLISHED,
+      'subject' => $this->randomName(),
+      'hostname' => ip_address(),
+      'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
+      'comment_body' => array(LANGUAGE_NONE => array($this->randomName())),
+    );
+    comment_save($comment);
+    $this->drupalLogout();
+    // Log in with 'web user' and check comment links.
+    $this->drupalLogin($this->web_user);
+    $this->drupalGet('node');
+    $this->assertLink(t('1 new comment'));
+    $this->clickLink(t('1 new comment'));
+    $this->assertRaw('<a id="new"></a>', t('Found "new" marker.'));
+    $this->assertTrue($this->xpath('//a[@id=:new]/following-sibling::a[1][@id=:comment_id]', array(':new' => 'new', ':comment_id' => 'comment-1')), t('The "new" anchor is positioned at the right comment.'));
+    // Test if "new comment" link is correctly removed.
+    $this->drupalGet('node');
+    $this->assertLink(t('1 comment'));
+    $this->assertLink(t('Read more'));
+    $this->assertNoLink(t('1 new comment'));
+    $this->assertNoLink(t('@count new comments', array('@count' => 0)));
+    $count = $this->xpath('//div[@id=:id]/div[@class=:class]/ul/li', array(':id' => 'node-' . $this->node->nid, ':class' => 'link-wrapper'));
+    $this->assertTrue(count($count) == 2, print_r($count, TRUE));
+  }
 class CommentInterfaceTest extends CommentHelperCase {
diff --git a/modules/node/node.module b/modules/node/node.module
index 66e93c737b91a5a61dfd75e5c1a5a634ac907d06..8476970203c6aeeae6d4e5348465d796d775bef8 100644
--- a/modules/node/node.module
+++ b/modules/node/node.module
@@ -1404,11 +1404,13 @@ function node_show($node, $message = FALSE) {
     drupal_set_title(t('Revision of %title from %date', array('%title' => $node->title, '%date' => format_date($node->revision_timestamp))), PASS_THROUGH);
+  // For markup consistency with other pages, use node_view_multiple() rather than node_view().
+  $nodes = node_view_multiple(array($node->nid => $node), 'full');
   // Update the history table, stating that this user viewed this node.
-  // For markup consistency with other pages, use node_view_multiple() rather than node_view().
-  return node_view_multiple(array($node->nid => $node), 'full');
+  return $nodes;