From 32ee083ebba521b9b267e3736ffad5a35814ccd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chrisjlee <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 15:33:12 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Issue #1774290 by chrisjlee, aspilicious: Change YAML file
 indentations to 2 spaces.

 config/views.settings.yml                     |  34 +-
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 ...s.view.test_view_argument_validate_php.yml |  52 ++--
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 49 files changed, 2308 insertions(+), 2308 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config/views.settings.yml b/config/views.settings.yml
index 60c9e127f8e8..ed24ed57bcb7 100644
--- a/config/views.settings.yml
+++ b/config/views.settings.yml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-    output: '0'
-    region: 'footer'
+  output: '0'
+  region: 'footer'
 display_extenders: { }
 localization_plugin: ''
 no_javascript: '0'
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 sql_signature: '0'
-    show:
-        additional_queries: '0'
-        advanced_column: '0'
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-        master_display: '0'
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-        preview_information: '1'
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-            enabled: '0'
-            where: 'above'
-        display_embed: '0'
-    custom_theme: '_default'
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+  show:
+    additional_queries: '0'
+    advanced_column: '0'
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+    master_display: '0'
+    performance_statistics: '0'
+    preview_information: '1'
+    sql_query:
+      enabled: '0'
+      where: 'above'
+    display_embed: '0'
+  custom_theme: '_default'
+  always_live_preview: '1'
+  always_live_preview_button: '1'
+  exposed_filter_any_label: 'new_any'
diff --git a/config/views.view.archive.yml b/config/views.view.archive.yml
index b3ec4c13c3a7..b9d4810dfd72 100644
--- a/config/views.view.archive.yml
+++ b/config/views.view.archive.yml
@@ -7,94 +7,94 @@ base_table: node
 human_name: Archive
 core: '8'
-    default:
-        id: default
-        display_title: Master
-        display_plugin: default
-        position: '1'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options:
-                    query_comment: false
-            title: 'Monthly archive'
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            style_plugin: default
-            row_plugin: node
-            sorts:
-                created:
-                    id: created
-                    table: node
-                    field: created
-                    order: DESC
-            arguments:
-                created_year_month:
-                    id: created_year_month
-                    table: node
-                    field: created_year_month
-                    default_action: summary
-                    exception:
-                        title_enable: 1
-                    title_enable: 1
-                    title: '%1'
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    summary:
-                        sort_order: desc
-                        format: default_summary
-                    summary_options:
-                        override: true
-                        items_per_page: '30'
-                    specify_validation: 1
-            filters:
-                status:
-                    id: status
-                    table: node
-                    field: status
-                    value: 1
-                    group: 0
-                    expose:
-                        operator: false
-    page:
-        id: page
-        display_title: Page
-        display_plugin: page
-        position: '2'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            path: archive
-    block:
-        id: block
-        display_title: Block
-        display_plugin: block
-        position: '3'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            defaults:
-                arguments: false
-            arguments:
-                created_year_month:
-                    id: created_year_month
-                    table: node
-                    field: created_year_month
-                    default_action: summary
-                    exception:
-                        title_enable: 1
-                    title_enable: 1
-                    title: '%1'
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
-                    summary_options:
-                        items_per_page: '30'
-                    specify_validation: 1
+  default:
+    id: default
+    display_title: Master
+    display_plugin: default
+    position: '1'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options:
+          query_comment: false
+      title: 'Monthly archive'
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      style_plugin: default
+      row_plugin: node
+      sorts:
+        created:
+          id: created
+          table: node
+          field: created
+          order: DESC
+      arguments:
+        created_year_month:
+          id: created_year_month
+          table: node
+          field: created_year_month
+          default_action: summary
+          exception:
+            title_enable: 1
+          title_enable: 1
+          title: '%1'
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          summary:
+            sort_order: desc
+            format: default_summary
+          summary_options:
+            override: true
+            items_per_page: '30'
+          specify_validation: 1
+      filters:
+        status:
+          id: status
+          table: node
+          field: status
+          value: 1
+          group: 0
+          expose:
+            operator: false
+  page:
+    id: page
+    display_title: Page
+    display_plugin: page
+    position: '2'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      path: archive
+  block:
+    id: block
+    display_title: Block
+    display_plugin: block
+    position: '3'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      defaults:
+        arguments: false
+      arguments:
+        created_year_month:
+          id: created_year_month
+          table: node
+          field: created_year_month
+          default_action: summary
+          exception:
+            title_enable: 1
+          title_enable: 1
+          title: '%1'
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          summary:
+            format: default_summary
+          summary_options:
+            items_per_page: '30'
+          specify_validation: 1
diff --git a/config/views.view.backlinks.yml b/config/views.view.backlinks.yml
index 1c51ab0ab7f1..0e98426c8da7 100644
--- a/config/views.view.backlinks.yml
+++ b/config/views.view.backlinks.yml
@@ -7,112 +7,112 @@ base_table: node
 human_name: Backlinks
 core: '8'
-    default:
-        id: default
-        display_title: Master
-        display_plugin: default
-        position: '1'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options:
-                    query_comment: false
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-                options:
-                    items_per_page: 30
-            style_plugin: html_list
-            style_options:
-                type: ol
-            row_plugin: fields
-            empty:
-                text:
-                    id: area
-                    table: views
-                    field: area
-                    empty: false
-                    content: 'No backlinks found.'
-                    format: '1'
-            fields:
-                title:
-                    id: title
-                    table: node
-                    field: title
-                    label: ''
-                    link_to_node: 1
-            arguments:
-                nid:
-                    id: nid
-                    table: search_node_links_to
-                    field: nid
-                    default_action: 'not found'
-                    title_enable: 1
-                    title: 'Pages that link to %1'
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
-                    specify_validation: 1
-                    validate:
-                        type: node
-            filters:
-                status:
-                    id: status
-                    table: node
-                    field: status
-                    value: 1
-                    group: 0
-                    expose:
-                        operator: false
-    page:
-        id: page
-        display_title: Page
-        display_plugin: page
-        position: '2'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            path: node/%/backlinks
-            menu:
-                type: tab
-                title: 'What links here'
-                weight: '0'
-    block:
-        id: block
-        display_title: 'What links here'
-        display_plugin: block
-        position: '3'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            defaults:
-                use_more: false
-                style_plugin: false
-                style_options: false
-                row_plugin: false
-                row_options: false
-                arguments: false
-            use_more: true
-            style_plugin: html_list
-            row_plugin: fields
-            arguments:
-                nid:
-                    id: nid
-                    table: search_node_links_to
-                    field: nid
-                    default_action: default
-                    title_enable: 1
-                    title: 'What links here'
-                    default_argument_type: node
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
-                    specify_validation: 1
-                    validate:
-                        type: node
+  default:
+    id: default
+    display_title: Master
+    display_plugin: default
+    position: '1'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options:
+          query_comment: false
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+        options:
+          items_per_page: 30
+      style_plugin: html_list
+      style_options:
+        type: ol
+      row_plugin: fields
+      empty:
+        text:
+          id: area
+          table: views
+          field: area
+          empty: false
+          content: 'No backlinks found.'
+          format: '1'
+      fields:
+        title:
+          id: title
+          table: node
+          field: title
+          label: ''
+          link_to_node: 1
+      arguments:
+        nid:
+          id: nid
+          table: search_node_links_to
+          field: nid
+          default_action: 'not found'
+          title_enable: 1
+          title: 'Pages that link to %1'
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          summary:
+            format: default_summary
+          specify_validation: 1
+          validate:
+            type: node
+      filters:
+        status:
+          id: status
+          table: node
+          field: status
+          value: 1
+          group: 0
+          expose:
+            operator: false
+  page:
+    id: page
+    display_title: Page
+    display_plugin: page
+    position: '2'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      path: node/%/backlinks
+      menu:
+        type: tab
+        title: 'What links here'
+        weight: '0'
+  block:
+    id: block
+    display_title: 'What links here'
+    display_plugin: block
+    position: '3'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+        defaults:
+          use_more: false
+          style_plugin: false
+          style_options: false
+          row_plugin: false
+          row_options: false
+          arguments: false
+      use_more: true
+      style_plugin: html_list
+      row_plugin: fields
+      arguments:
+        nid:
+          id: nid
+          table: search_node_links_to
+          field: nid
+          default_action: default
+          title_enable: 1
+          title: 'What links here'
+          default_argument_type: node
+          summary:
+            format: default_summary
+          specify_validation: 1
+          validate:
+            type: node
diff --git a/config/views.view.comments_recent.yml b/config/views.view.comments_recent.yml
index a15ae40a0a44..8450f7fc6efa 100644
--- a/config/views.view.comments_recent.yml
+++ b/config/views.view.comments_recent.yml
@@ -7,115 +7,115 @@ base_table: comment
 human_name: 'Recent comments'
 core: '8'
-    default:
-        id: default
-        display_title: Master
-        display_plugin: default
-        position: '1'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options:
-                    query_comment: false
-            title: 'Recent comments'
-            use_more: true
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: some
-                options:
-                    items_per_page: 5
-            style_plugin: html_list
-            row_plugin: fields
-            relationships:
-                nid:
-                    id: nid
-                    table: comment
-                    field: nid
-            fields:
-                subject:
-                    id: subject
-                    table: comment
-                    field: subject
-                    label: ''
-                    link_to_comment: 1
-                timestamp:
-                    id: timestamp
-                    table: comment
-                    field: changed
-                    label: ''
-                    date_format: 'time ago'
-            sorts:
-                timestamp:
-                    id: timestamp
-                    table: comment
-                    field: changed
-                    order: DESC
-            filters:
-                status_extra:
-                    id: status_extra
-                    table: node
-                    field: status_extra
-                    relationship: nid
-                    group: 0
-    page:
-        id: page
-        display_title: Page
-        display_plugin: page
-        position: '2'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            defaults:
-                style_plugin: false
-                style_options: false
-                row_plugin: false
-                row_options: false
-                fields: false
-            style_plugin: html_list
-            row_plugin: fields
-            row_options:
-                inline:
-                    title: title
-                    timestamp: timestamp
-                separator: '&nbsp;'
-            fields:
-                title:
-                    id: title
-                    table: node
-                    field: title
-                    relationship: nid
-                    label: 'Reply to'
-                    link_to_node: 1
-                timestamp:
-                    id: timestamp
-                    table: comment
-                    field: changed
-                    label: ''
-                    date_format: 'time ago'
-                subject:
-                    id: subject
-                    table: comment
-                    field: subject
-                    label: ''
-                    link_to_comment: 1
-                comment:
-                    id: comment
-                    table: field_data_comment_body
-                    field: comment_body
-                    label: ''
-            path: comments/recent
-    block:
-        id: block
-        display_title: Block
-        display_plugin: block
-        position: '3'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
+  default:
+    id: default
+    display_title: Master
+    display_plugin: default
+    position: '1'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options:
+          query_comment: false
+      title: 'Recent comments'
+      use_more: true
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: some
+        options:
+          items_per_page: 5
+      style_plugin: html_list
+      row_plugin: fields
+      relationships:
+        nid:
+          id: nid
+          table: comment
+          field: nid
+      fields:
+        subject:
+          id: subject
+          table: comment
+          field: subject
+          label: ''
+          link_to_comment: 1
+        timestamp:
+          id: timestamp
+          table: comment
+          field: changed
+          label: ''
+          date_format: 'time ago'
+      sorts:
+        timestamp:
+          id: timestamp
+          table: comment
+          field: changed
+          order: DESC
+      filters:
+        status_extra:
+          id: status_extra
+          table: node
+          field: status_extra
+          relationship: nid
+          group: 0
+  page:
+    id: page
+    display_title: Page
+    display_plugin: page
+    position: '2'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      defaults:
+        style_plugin: false
+        style_options: false
+        row_plugin: false
+        row_options: false
+        fields: false
+      style_plugin: html_list
+      row_plugin: fields
+      row_options:
+        inline:
+          title: title
+          timestamp: timestamp
+          separator: '&nbsp;'
+      fields:
+        title:
+          id: title
+          table: node
+          field: title
+          relationship: nid
+          label: 'Reply to'
+          link_to_node: 1
+        timestamp:
+          id: timestamp
+          table: comment
+          field: changed
+          label: ''
+          date_format: 'time ago'
+        subject:
+          id: subject
+          table: comment
+          field: subject
+          label: ''
+          link_to_comment: 1
+        comment:
+          id: comment
+          table: field_data_comment_body
+          field: comment_body
+          label: ''
+      path: comments/recent
+  block:
+    id: block
+    display_title: Block
+    display_plugin: block
+    position: '3'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
diff --git a/config/views.view.frontpage.yml b/config/views.view.frontpage.yml
index 47921767ab3d..7b1af021cc6b 100644
--- a/config/views.view.frontpage.yml
+++ b/config/views.view.frontpage.yml
@@ -7,84 +7,84 @@ base_table: node
 human_name: 'Front page'
 core: '8'
-    default:
-        id: default
-        display_title: Master
-        display_plugin: default
-        position: '1'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options:
-                    query_comment: false
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            style_plugin: default
-            row_plugin: node
-            row_options:
-                links: 1
-            sorts:
-                sticky:
-                    id: sticky
-                    table: node
-                    field: sticky
-                    order: DESC
-                created:
-                    id: created
-                    table: node
-                    field: created
-                    order: DESC
-            filters:
-                promote:
-                    id: promote
-                    table: node
-                    field: promote
-                    value: '1'
-                    group: 0
-                    expose:
-                        operator: false
-                status:
-                    id: status
-                    table: node
-                    field: status
-                    value: '1'
-                    group: 0
-                    expose:
-                        operator: false
-    page:
-        id: page
-        display_title: Page
-        display_plugin: page
-        position: '2'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            path: frontpage
-    feed:
-        id: feed
-        display_title: Feed
-        display_plugin: feed
-        position: '3'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            defaults:
-                title: false
-            title: 'Front page feed'
-            pager:
-                type: some
-            style_plugin: rss
-            row_plugin: node_rss
-            path: rss.xml
-            displays:
-                default: default
-                page: page
-            sitename_title: '1'
+  default:
+    id: default
+    display_title: Master
+    display_plugin: default
+    position: '1'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options:
+          query_comment: false
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      style_plugin: default
+      row_plugin: node
+      row_options:
+        links: 1
+      sorts:
+        sticky:
+          id: sticky
+          table: node
+          field: sticky
+          order: DESC
+        created:
+          id: created
+          table: node
+          field: created
+          order: DESC
+      filters:
+        promote:
+          id: promote
+          table: node
+          field: promote
+          value: '1'
+          group: 0
+          expose:
+            operator: false
+        status:
+          id: status
+          table: node
+          field: status
+          value: '1'
+          group: 0
+          expose:
+            operator: false
+  page:
+    id: page
+    display_title: Page
+    display_plugin: page
+    position: '2'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      path: frontpage
+  feed:
+    id: feed
+    display_title: Feed
+    display_plugin: feed
+    position: '3'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      defaults:
+        title: false
+      title: 'Front page feed'
+      pager:
+        type: some
+      style_plugin: rss
+      row_plugin: node_rss
+      path: rss.xml
+      displays:
+        default: default
+        page: page
+      sitename_title: '1'
diff --git a/config/views.view.glossary.yml b/config/views.view.glossary.yml
index 417f8b72e8ea..9a8231c955f3 100644
--- a/config/views.view.glossary.yml
+++ b/config/views.view.glossary.yml
@@ -7,142 +7,142 @@ base_table: node
 human_name: Glossary
 core: '8'
-    default:
-        id: default
-        display_title: Master
-        display_plugin: default
-        position: '1'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options:
-                    query_comment: false
-            use_ajax: true
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-                options:
-                    items_per_page: 36
-            style_plugin: table
-            style_options:
-                columns:
-                    title: title
-                    name: name
-                    changed: changed
-                default: title
-                info:
-                    title:
-                        sortable: 1
-                        separator: ''
-                    name:
-                        sortable: 1
-                        separator: ''
-                    changed:
-                        sortable: 1
-                        separator: ''
-                override: 1
-                sticky: 0
-            fields:
-                title:
-                    id: title
-                    table: node
-                    field: title
-                    link_to_node: 1
-                name:
-                    id: name
-                    table: users
-                    field: name
-                    label: Author
-                    link_to_user: 1
-                    relationship: uid
-                changed:
-                    id: changed
-                    table: node
-                    field: changed
-                    label: 'Last update'
-                    date_format: large
-            arguments:
-                title:
-                    id: title
-                    table: node
-                    field: title
-                    default_action: default
-                    exception:
-                        title_enable: 1
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    default_argument_options:
-                        argument: a
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
-                    specify_validation: 1
-                    glossary: 1
-                    limit: '1'
-                    case: upper
-                    path_case: lower
-                    transform_dash: 0
-            relationships:
-                uid:
-                    id: uid
-                    table: node
-                    field: uid
-    page:
-        id: page
-        display_title: Page
-        display_plugin: page
-        position: '2'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            path: glossary
-            menu:
-                type: normal
-                title: Glossary
-                weight: '0'
-    attachment:
-        id: attachment
-        display_title: Attachment
-        display_plugin: attachment
-        position: '3'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            pager:
-                type: none
-                options:
-                    offset: '0'
-            defaults:
-                arguments: false
-            arguments:
-                title:
-                    id: title
-                    table: node
-                    field: title
-                    default_action: summary
-                    exception:
-                        title_enable: 1
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    default_argument_options:
-                        argument: a
-                    summary:
-                        format: unformatted_summary
-                    summary_options:
-                        items_per_page: '25'
-                        inline: 1
-                        separator: ' | '
-                    specify_validation: 1
-                    glossary: 1
-                    limit: '1'
-                    case: upper
-                    path_case: lower
-                    transform_dash: 0
-            displays:
-                default: default
-                page: page
-            inherit_arguments: 0
+  default:
+    id: default
+    display_title: Master
+    display_plugin: default
+    position: '1'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options:
+          query_comment: false
+      use_ajax: true
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+        options:
+          items_per_page: 36
+      style_plugin: table
+      style_options:
+        columns:
+          title: title
+          name: name
+          changed: changed
+        default: title
+        info:
+          title:
+            sortable: 1
+            separator: ''
+          name:
+            sortable: 1
+            separator: ''
+          changed:
+            sortable: 1
+            separator: ''
+        override: 1
+        sticky: 0
+      fields:
+        title:
+          id: title
+          table: node
+          field: title
+          link_to_node: 1
+        name:
+          id: name
+          table: users
+          field: name
+          label: Author
+          link_to_user: 1
+          relationship: uid
+        changed:
+          id: changed
+          table: node
+          field: changed
+          label: 'Last update'
+          date_format: large
+      arguments:
+        title:
+          id: title
+          table: node
+          field: title
+          default_action: default
+          exception:
+            title_enable: 1
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          default_argument_options:
+            argument: a
+          summary:
+            format: default_summary
+          specify_validation: 1
+          glossary: 1
+          limit: '1'
+          case: upper
+          path_case: lower
+          transform_dash: 0
+      relationships:
+        uid:
+          id: uid
+          table: node
+          field: uid
+  page:
+    id: page
+    display_title: Page
+    display_plugin: page
+    position: '2'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      path: glossary
+      menu:
+        type: normal
+        title: Glossary
+        weight: '0'
+  attachment:
+    id: attachment
+    display_title: Attachment
+    display_plugin: attachment
+    position: '3'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      pager:
+        type: none
+        options:
+          offset: '0'
+      defaults:
+        arguments: false
+      arguments:
+        title:
+          id: title
+          table: node
+          field: title
+          default_action: summary
+          exception:
+            title_enable: 1
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          default_argument_options:
+            argument: a
+          summary:
+            format: unformatted_summary
+          summary_options:
+            items_per_page: '25'
+            inline: 1
+            separator: ' | '
+          specify_validation: 1
+          glossary: 1
+          limit: '1'
+          case: upper
+          path_case: lower
+          transform_dash: 0
+      displays:
+        default: default
+        page: page
+      inherit_arguments: 0
diff --git a/config/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml b/config/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml
index b1245bc98764..7fcf7c868aa8 100644
--- a/config/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml
+++ b/config/views.view.taxonomy_term.yml
@@ -7,99 +7,99 @@ base_table: node
 human_name: 'Taxonomy term'
 core: '8'
-    default:
-        id: default
-        display_title: Master
-        display_plugin: default
-        position: '1'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options:
-                    query_comment: false
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            style_plugin: default
-            row_plugin: node
-            sorts:
-                sticky:
-                    id: sticky
-                    table: node
-                    field: sticky
-                    order: DESC
-                created:
-                    id: created
-                    table: node
-                    field: created
-                    order: DESC
-            arguments:
-                term_node_tid_depth:
-                    id: term_node_tid_depth
-                    table: node
-                    field: term_node_tid_depth
-                    default_action: 'not found'
-                    exception:
-                        title_enable: 1
-                    title_enable: 1
-                    title: '%1'
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
-                    specify_validation: 1
-                    validate:
-                        type: taxonomy_term
-                    depth: '0'
-                    break_phrase: 1
-                term_node_tid_depth_modifier:
-                    id: term_node_tid_depth_modifier
-                    table: node
-                    field: term_node_tid_depth_modifier
-                    exception:
-                        title_enable: 1
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
-                    specify_validation: 1
-            filters:
-                status_extra:
-                    id: status_extra
-                    table: node
-                    field: status_extra
-                    group: 0
-                    expose:
-                        operator: false
-    page:
-        id: page
-        display_title: Page
-        display_plugin: page
-        position: '2'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            path: taxonomy/term/%
-    feed:
-        id: feed
-        display_title: Feed
-        display_plugin: feed
-        position: '3'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            pager:
-                type: full
-                options:
-                    items_per_page: 15
-            style_plugin: rss
-            row_plugin: node_rss
-            path: taxonomy/term/%/%/feed
-            displays:
-                page: page
-                default: 0
+  default:
+    id: default
+    display_title: Master
+    display_plugin: default
+    position: '1'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options:
+          query_comment: false
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      style_plugin: default
+      row_plugin: node
+      sorts:
+        sticky:
+          id: sticky
+          table: node
+          field: sticky
+          order: DESC
+        created:
+          id: created
+          table: node
+          field: created
+          order: DESC
+      arguments:
+        term_node_tid_depth:
+          id: term_node_tid_depth
+          table: node
+          field: term_node_tid_depth
+          default_action: 'not found'
+          exception:
+            title_enable: 1
+          title_enable: 1
+          title: '%1'
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          summary:
+            format: default_summary
+          specify_validation: 1
+          validate:
+            type: taxonomy_term
+          depth: '0'
+          break_phrase: 1
+        term_node_tid_depth_modifier:
+          id: term_node_tid_depth_modifier
+          table: node
+          field: term_node_tid_depth_modifier
+          exception:
+            title_enable: 1
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          summary:
+            format: default_summary
+          specify_validation: 1
+      filters:
+        status_extra:
+          id: status_extra
+          table: node
+          field: status_extra
+          group: 0
+          expose:
+            operator: false
+  page:
+    id: page
+    display_title: Page
+    display_plugin: page
+    position: '2'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      path: taxonomy/term/%
+  feed:
+    id: feed
+    display_title: Feed
+    display_plugin: feed
+    position: '3'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      pager:
+        type: full
+        options:
+          items_per_page: 15
+      style_plugin: rss
+      row_plugin: node_rss
+      path: taxonomy/term/%/%/feed
+      displays:
+        page: page
+        default: 0
diff --git a/config/views.view.tracker.yml b/config/views.view.tracker.yml
index 9b178298edca..1f4c9389c74a 100644
--- a/config/views.view.tracker.yml
+++ b/config/views.view.tracker.yml
@@ -7,142 +7,142 @@ base_table: node
 human_name: Tracker
 core: '8'
-    default:
-        id: default
-        display_title: Master
-        display_plugin: default
-        position: '1'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options:
-                    query_comment: false
-            title: 'Recent posts'
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-                options:
-                    items_per_page: '25'
-            style_plugin: table
-            style_options:
-                columns:
-                    type: type
-                    title: title
-                    name: name
-                    comment_count: comment_count
-                    last_comment_timestamp: last_comment_timestamp
-                    timestamp: title
-                    new_comments: comment_count
-                default: last_comment_timestamp
-                info:
-                    type:
-                        sortable: 1
-                        separator: ''
-                    title:
-                        sortable: 1
-                        separator: '&nbsp;'
-                    name:
-                        sortable: 1
-                        separator: ''
-                    comment_count:
-                        sortable: 1
-                        separator: '<br />'
-                    last_comment_timestamp:
-                        sortable: 1
-                        separator: '&nbsp;'
-                    timestamp:
-                        separator: ''
-                    new_comments:
-                        separator: ''
-                override: 1
-                order: desc
-            relationships:
-                uid:
-                    id: uid
-                    table: node
-                    field: uid
-            fields:
-                type:
-                    id: type
-                    table: node
-                    field: type
-                title:
-                    id: title
-                    table: node
-                    field: title
-                name:
-                    id: name
-                    table: users
-                    field: name
-                    relationship: uid
-                    label: Author
-                comment_count:
-                    id: comment_count
-                    table: node_comment_statistics
-                    field: comment_count
-                    label: Replies
-                last_comment_timestamp:
-                    id: last_comment_timestamp
-                    table: node_comment_statistics
-                    field: last_comment_timestamp
-                    label: 'Last Post'
-                timestamp:
-                    id: timestamp
-                    table: history
-                    field: timestamp
-                    label: ''
-                    link_to_node: 0
-                    comments: 1
-                new_comments:
-                    id: new_comments
-                    table: node
-                    field: new_comments
-                    label: ''
-                    hide_empty: true
-                    suffix: ' new'
-                    link_to_comment: 1
-            sorts:
-                last_comment_timestamp:
-                    id: last_comment_timestamp
-                    table: node_comment_statistics
-                    field: last_comment_timestamp
-            arguments:
-                uid_touch:
-                    id: uid_touch
-                    table: node
-                    field: uid_touch
-                    exception:
-                        title_enable: 1
-                    title_enable: 1
-                    title: 'Recent posts for %1'
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
-                    specify_validation: 1
-            filters:
-                status:
-                    id: status
-                    table: node
-                    field: status
-                    value: '1'
-                    group: 0
-                    expose:
-                        operator: false
-    page:
-        id: page
-        display_title: Page
-        display_plugin: page
-        position: '2'
-        display_options:
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-                options: {  }
-            path: tracker
-            menu:
-                type: normal
-                title: 'Recent posts'
+  default:
+    id: default
+    display_title: Master
+    display_plugin: default
+    position: '1'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options:
+          query_comment: false
+      title: 'Recent posts'
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+        options:
+          items_per_page: '25'
+      style_plugin: table
+      style_options:
+        columns:
+          type: type
+          title: title
+          name: name
+          comment_count: comment_count
+          last_comment_timestamp: last_comment_timestamp
+          timestamp: title
+          new_comments: comment_count
+        default: last_comment_timestamp
+        info:
+          type:
+            sortable: 1
+            separator: ''
+          title:
+            sortable: 1
+            separator: '&nbsp;'
+          name:
+            sortable: 1
+            separator: ''
+          comment_count:
+            sortable: 1
+            separator: '<br />'
+          last_comment_timestamp:
+            sortable: 1
+            separator: '&nbsp;'
+          timestamp:
+            separator: ''
+          new_comments:
+            separator: ''
+        override: 1
+        order: desc
+      relationships:
+        uid:
+          id: uid
+          table: node
+          field: uid
+      fields:
+        type:
+          id: type
+          table: node
+          field: type
+        title:
+          id: title
+          table: node
+          field: title
+        name:
+          id: name
+          table: users
+          field: name
+          relationship: uid
+          label: Author
+        comment_count:
+          id: comment_count
+          table: node_comment_statistics
+          field: comment_count
+          label: Replies
+        last_comment_timestamp:
+          id: last_comment_timestamp
+          table: node_comment_statistics
+          field: last_comment_timestamp
+          label: 'Last Post'
+        timestamp:
+          id: timestamp
+          table: history
+          field: timestamp
+          label: ''
+          link_to_node: 0
+          comments: 1
+        new_comments:
+          id: new_comments
+          table: node
+          field: new_comments
+          label: ''
+          hide_empty: true
+          suffix: ' new'
+          link_to_comment: 1
+      sorts:
+        last_comment_timestamp:
+          id: last_comment_timestamp
+          table: node_comment_statistics
+          field: last_comment_timestamp
+      arguments:
+        uid_touch:
+          id: uid_touch
+          table: node
+          field: uid_touch
+          exception:
+            title_enable: 1
+          title_enable: 1
+          title: 'Recent posts for %1'
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          summary:
+            format: default_summary
+          specify_validation: 1
+      filters:
+        status:
+          id: status
+          table: node
+          field: status
+          value: '1'
+          group: 0
+          expose:
+            operator: false
+  page:
+    id: page
+    display_title: Page
+    display_plugin: page
+    position: '2'
+    display_options:
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+        options: {  }
+      path: tracker
+      menu:
+        type: normal
+        title: 'Recent posts'
diff --git a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_dynamic.yml b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_dynamic.yml
index 87754f6a7c4c..8b40c46f22ad 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_dynamic.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_dynamic.yml
@@ -4,29 +4,29 @@ core: '8'
 description: ''
 disabled: '0'
-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: test_dynamic
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            row_plugin: fields
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
-    page_1:
-        display_options:
-            path: test_access_dynamic
-        display_plugin: page
-        display_title: Page
-        id: page_1
-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: test_dynamic
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
+  page_1:
+    display_options:
+      path: test_access_dynamic
+    display_plugin: page
+    display_title: Page
+    id: page_1
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
 name: test_access_dynamic
 tag: ''
diff --git a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_none.yml b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_none.yml
index 1ed07967e912..f40fbf0be1a0 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_none.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_none.yml
@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ core: '8'
 description: ''
 disabled: '0'
-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            row_plugin: fields
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
 name: test_access_none
 tag: ''
diff --git a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_perm.yml b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_perm.yml
index f67edb171552..acb93c98d9dd 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_perm.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_perm.yml
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ core: '8'
 description: ''
 disabled: '0'
-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                perm: 'views_test test permission'
-                type: perm
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            row_plugin: fields
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        perm: 'views_test test permission'
+        type: perm
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
 name: test_access_perm
 tag: ''
diff --git a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_role.yml b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_role.yml
index c2da0f558ad7..2ac737a8d276 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_role.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_role.yml
@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ core: '8'
 description: ''
 disabled: '0'
-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: role
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            row_plugin: fields
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: role
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
 name: test_access_role
 tag: ''
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index d32bb76d8ab5..c76e541cda1c 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_static.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_access_static.yml
@@ -4,29 +4,29 @@ core: '8'
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-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: test_static
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            row_plugin: fields
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
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-        display_options:
-            path: test_access_static
-        display_plugin: page
-        display_title: Page
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+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: test_static
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+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
+  page_1:
+    display_options:
+      path: test_access_static
+    display_plugin: page
+    display_title: Page
+    id: page_1
+    position: '0'
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 name: test_access_static
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--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_aggregate_count.yml
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@@ -4,52 +4,52 @@ core: '8'
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-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: none
-            arguments:
-                type:
-                    default_action: summary
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    field: type
-                    id: type
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
-                    table: node
-            cache:
-                type: none
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-                type: basic
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-                nid:
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-                type: some
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-                options:
-                    query_comment: '0'
-                type: views_query
-            row_plugin: fields
-            style_plugin: default
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-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
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+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: none
+      arguments:
+        type:
+          default_action: summary
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          field: type
+          id: type
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+            format: default_summary
+          table: node
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      fields:
+        nid:
+          alter:
+            alter_text: '0'
+            ellipsis: '1'
+            html: '0'
+            make_link: '0'
+            strip_tags: '0'
+            trim: '0'
+            word_boundary: '1'
+          empty_zero: '0'
+          field: title
+          hide_empty: '0'
+          id: nid
+          link_to_node: '0'
+          table: node
+      group_by: '1'
+      pager:
+        type: some
+      query:
+        options:
+          query_comment: '0'
+        type: views_query
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
 name: test_aggregate_count
 tag: ''
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@@ -4,51 +4,51 @@ core: '8'
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-    default:
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-            access:
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-                'null':
-                    default_action: default
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-                    must_not_be: '0'
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-                    table: views
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            fields:
-                title:
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-                    field: title
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-                options:
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-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: none
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+        'null':
+          default_action: default
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+        type: none
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+        type: basic
+      fields:
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+            alter_text: '0'
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+            trim: '0'
+            word_boundary: '1'
+          empty_zero: '0'
+          field: title
+          hide_empty: '0'
+          id: title
+          link_to_node: '0'
+          table: node
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+        options:
+          id: '0'
+          items_per_page: '10'
+          offset: '0'
+        type: full
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
 name: test_argument_default_fixed
 tag: ''
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index c641af890cad..babe7fae54a9 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_comment_user_uid.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_comment_user_uid.yml
@@ -4,43 +4,43 @@ core: '8'
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-        display_options:
-            access:
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-                uid_touch:
-                    default_argument_skip_url: '0'
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-                    field: uid_touch
-                    id: uid_touch
-                    summary:
-                        format: default_summary
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-                        items_per_page: '25'
-                    table: node
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            fields:
-                nid:
-                    field: nid
-                    id: nid
-                    table: node
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            query:
-                options:
-                    query_comment: '0'
-                type: views_query
-            row_plugin: node
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: perm
+      arguments:
+        uid_touch:
+          default_argument_skip_url: '0'
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          field: uid_touch
+          id: uid_touch
+          summary:
+            format: default_summary
+            number_of_records: '0'
+          summary_options:
+            items_per_page: '25'
+          table: node
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      fields:
+        nid:
+          field: nid
+          id: nid
+          table: node
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      query:
+        options:
+          query_comment: '0'
+        type: views_query
+      row_plugin: node
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
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 name: test_comment_user_uid
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index 5531420bf0ce..cf2b9df0ba58 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_destroy.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_destroy.yml
@@ -4,153 +4,153 @@ core: '8'
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-    attachment_1:
-        display_options:
-            displays:
-                default: default
-                page_1: page_1
-            pager:
-                type: some
-        display_plugin: attachment
-        display_title: Attachment
-        id: attachment_1
-        position: '0'
-    attachment_2:
-        display_options:
-            displays:
-                default: default
-                page_1: page_1
-            pager:
-                type: some
-        display_plugin: attachment
-        display_title: Attachment
-        id: attachment_2
-        position: '0'
-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: none
-            arguments:
-                created_day:
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    field: created_day
-                    id: created_day
-                    style_plugin: default_summary
-                    table: node
-                created_fulldate:
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    field: created_fulldate
-                    id: created_fulldate
-                    style_plugin: default_summary
-                    table: node
-                created_month:
-                    default_argument_type: fixed
-                    field: created_month
-                    id: created_month
-                    style_plugin: default_summary
-                    table: node
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-                type: none
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-                    empty: '0'
-                    field: area
-                    id: area
-                    table: views
-                area_1:
-                    empty: '0'
-                    field: area
-                    id: area_1
-                    table: views
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            fields:
-                created:
-                    field: created
-                    id: created
-                    table: node
-                nid:
-                    field: nid
-                    id: nid
-                    table: node
-                path:
-                    field: path
-                    id: path
-                    table: node
-            filters:
-                nid:
-                    field: nid
-                    id: nid
-                    table: node
-                status:
-                    field: status
-                    id: status
-                    table: node
-                title:
-                    field: title
-                    id: title
-                    table: node
-            footer:
-                area:
-                    empty: '0'
-                    field: area
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-                area_1:
-                    empty: '0'
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-                    id: area_1
-                    table: views
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-                    field: area
-                    id: area
-                    table: views
-                area_1:
-                    empty: '0'
-                    field: area
-                    id: area_1
-                    table: views
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            query:
-                type: views_query
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-                nid:
-                    field: nid
-                    id: nid
-                    table: comments
-                pid:
-                    field: pid
-                    id: pid
-                    table: comments
-                uid:
-                    field: uid
-                    id: uid
-                    table: comments
-            row_plugin: fields
-            sorts:
-                last_comment_name:
-                    field: last_comment_name
-                    id: last_comment_name
-                    table: node_comment_statistics
-                last_comment_timestamp:
-                    field: last_comment_timestamp
-                    id: last_comment_timestamp
-                    table: node_comment_statistics
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
-    page_1:
-        display_options:
-            path: test_destroy
-        display_plugin: page
-        display_title: Page
-        id: page_1
-        position: '0'
+  attachment_1:
+    display_options:
+      displays:
+        default: default
+        page_1: page_1
+      pager:
+        type: some
+    display_plugin: attachment
+    display_title: Attachment
+    id: attachment_1
+    position: '0'
+  attachment_2:
+    display_options:
+      displays:
+        default: default
+        page_1: page_1
+      pager:
+        type: some
+    display_plugin: attachment
+    display_title: Attachment
+    id: attachment_2
+    position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: none
+      arguments:
+        created_day:
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          field: created_day
+          id: created_day
+          style_plugin: default_summary
+          table: node
+        created_fulldate:
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          field: created_fulldate
+          id: created_fulldate
+          style_plugin: default_summary
+          table: node
+        created_month:
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          field: created_month
+          id: created_month
+          style_plugin: default_summary
+          table: node
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      empty:
+        area:
+          empty: '0'
+          field: area
+          id: area
+          table: views
+        area_1:
+          empty: '0'
+          field: area
+          id: area_1
+          table: views
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      fields:
+        created:
+          field: created
+          id: created
+          table: node
+        nid:
+          field: nid
+          id: nid
+          table: node
+        path:
+          field: path
+          id: path
+          table: node
+      filters:
+        nid:
+          field: nid
+          id: nid
+          table: node
+        status:
+          field: status
+          id: status
+          table: node
+        title:
+          field: title
+          id: title
+          table: node
+      footer:
+        area:
+          empty: '0'
+          field: area
+          id: area
+          table: views
+        area_1:
+          empty: '0'
+          field: area
+          id: area_1
+          table: views
+      header:
+        area:
+          empty: '0'
+          field: area
+          id: area
+          table: views
+        area_1:
+          empty: '0'
+          field: area
+          id: area_1
+          table: views
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+      relationships:
+        nid:
+          field: nid
+          id: nid
+          table: comments
+        pid:
+          field: pid
+          id: pid
+          table: comments
+        uid:
+          field: uid
+          id: uid
+          table: comments
+      row_plugin: fields
+      sorts:
+        last_comment_name:
+          field: last_comment_name
+          id: last_comment_name
+          table: node_comment_statistics
+        last_comment_timestamp:
+          field: last_comment_timestamp
+          id: last_comment_timestamp
+          table: node_comment_statistics
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
+  page_1:
+    display_options:
+      path: test_destroy
+    display_plugin: page
+    display_title: Page
+    id: page_1
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
 name: test_destroy
 tag: ''
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index a2afce14adf2..a2a268a35d54 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_filter_date_between.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_filter_date_between.yml
@@ -4,36 +4,36 @@ core: '8'
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-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: none
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            fields:
-                nid:
-                    field: nid
-                    id: nid
-                    table: node
-            filters:
-                created:
-                    field: created
-                    id: created
-                    table: node
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            query:
-                options:
-                    query_comment: '0'
-                type: views_query
-            row_plugin: fields
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      fields:
+        nid:
+          field: nid
+          id: nid
+          table: node
+      filters:
+        created:
+          field: created
+          id: created
+          table: node
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      query:
+        options:
+          query_comment: '0'
+        type: views_query
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
 name: test_filter_date_between
 tag: ''
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index 2d2c7c6ea4cd..639edb709414 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_filter_group_override.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_filter_group_override.yml
@@ -4,49 +4,49 @@ core: '8'
 description: ''
 disabled: '0'
-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: perm
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            fields:
-                title:
-                    alter:
-                        ellipsis: '0'
-                        word_boundary: '0'
-                    field: title
-                    id: title
-                    label: ''
-                    table: node
-            filters:
-                status:
-                    expose:
-                        operator: '0'
-                    field: status
-                    group: '1'
-                    id: status
-                    table: node
-                    value: '1'
-            pager:
-                type: full
-            query:
-                type: views_query
-            row_plugin: fields
-            style_plugin: default
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
-    page_1:
-        display_options:
-            path: test
-        display_plugin: page
-        display_title: Page
-        id: page_1
-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: perm
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      fields:
+        title:
+          alter:
+            ellipsis: '0'
+            word_boundary: '0'
+          field: title
+          id: title
+          label: ''
+          table: node
+      filters:
+        status:
+          expose:
+            operator: '0'
+          field: status
+          group: '1'
+          id: status
+          table: node
+          value: '1'
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
+  page_1:
+    display_options:
+      path: test
+    display_plugin: page
+    display_title: Page
+    id: page_1
+    position: '0'
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 name: test_filter_group_override
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index 52a4451a6014..ecc4fde2c5a4 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_filter_groups.yml
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_filter_groups.yml
@@ -4,106 +4,106 @@ core: '8'
 description: ''
 disabled: '0'
-    default:
-        display_options:
-            access:
-                type: perm
-            cache:
-                type: none
-            exposed_form:
-                type: basic
-            fields:
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-                    alter:
-                        ellipsis: '0'
-                        word_boundary: '0'
-                    field: title
-                    id: title
-                    label: ''
-                    table: node
-            filter_groups:
-                groups:
-                    1: AND
-                    2: AND
-            filters:
-                nid:
-                    field: nid
-                    group: '2'
-                    id: nid
-                    table: node
-                    value:
-                        value: '1'
-                nid_1:
-                    field: nid
-                    group: '2'
-                    id: nid_1
-                    table: node
-                    value:
-                        value: '2'
-                status:
-                    expose:
-                        operator: '0'
-                    field: status
-                    group: '1'
-                    id: status
-                    table: node
-                    value: '1'
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-                options:
-                    items_per_page: '10'
-                type: full
-            query:
-                type: views_query
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-            sorts:
-                created:
-                    field: created
-                    id: created
-                    order: DESC
-                    table: node
-            style_plugin: default
-            title: test_filter_groups
-        display_plugin: default
-        display_title: Master
-        id: default
-        position: '0'
-    page:
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-                filters: '0'
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-                groups:
-                    1: OR
-                    2: OR
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-                nid:
-                    field: nid
-                    group: '2'
-                    id: nid
-                    table: node
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-                    value:
-                        value: '2'
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-                        operator: '0'
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+        groups:
+          1: AND
+          2: AND
+      filters:
+        nid:
+          field: nid
+          group: '2'
+          id: nid
+          table: node
+          value:
+            value: '1'
+        nid_1:
+          field: nid
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+            value: '2'
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+            operator: '0'
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+        created:
+          field: created
+          id: created
+          order: DESC
+          table: node
+      style_plugin: default
+      title: test_filter_groups
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+    display_title: Master
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+      defaults:
+        filters: '0'
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+        groups:
+          1: OR
+          2: OR
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+        nid:
+          field: nid
+          group: '2'
+          id: nid
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+          value:
+            value: '1'
+        nid_1:
+          field: nid
+          group: '2'
+          id: nid_1
+          table: node
+          value:
+            value: '2'
+        status:
+          expose:
+            operator: '0'
+          field: status
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+          id: status
+          table: node
+          value: '1'
+      path: test-filter-groups
+    display_plugin: page
+    display_title: Page
+    id: page
+    position: '0'
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+      access:
+        type: perm
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+        title:
+          default_argument_type: fixed
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+          field: title
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+        type: full
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+      style_plugin: default
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+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
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+        type: some
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
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+        nid:
+          field: nid
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+          id: nid
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+        type: some
+      row_plugin: fields
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+    display_title: Master
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+  default:
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+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
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+        type: none
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+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
 human_name: ''
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-                mapping:
-                    name_field: name
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+      defaults:
+        fields: '0'
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+        age:
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+        job:
+          field: job
+          id: job
+          relationship: none
+          table: views_test
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+          field: name
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+          table: views_test
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+        options:
+          offset: '0'
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+          order: ASC
+          relationship: none
+          table: views_test
+      style_options:
+        mapping:
+          name_field: name
+          numeric_field:
+            age: age
+          title_field: name
+          toggle_numeric_field: '1'
+          toggle_title_field: '1'
+      style_plugin: mapping_test
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
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-        position: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: perm
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+        tid:
+          default_argument_type: fixed
+          field: tid
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+            items_per_page: '25'
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+            tags: '0'
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+          id: term_node_tid_1
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+            tags: '0'
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+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
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+            first: 'Tag first1'
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+        type: views_query
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+      use_more_text: more1
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+    display_title: Master1
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+    position: '0'
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--- a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_views_handler_field_user_name.yml
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+          query_comment: '0'
+        type: views_query
+      row_plugin: fields
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+          table: views_test
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
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-        display_title: Master
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+      fields:
+        id:
+          field: id
+          id: id
+          table: views_old_table
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
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+        type: none
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+        type: none
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+        comments: '0'
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-                type: full
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+            identifier: type
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+        type: full
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
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+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
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+          expose:
+            identifier: type
+            label: 'Content: Type'
+            operator_id: type_op
+            reduce: '0'
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+        type: full
+      query:
+        options:
+          query_comment: '0'
+        type: views_query
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+        comments: '0'
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+  default:
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+      access:
+        type: none
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+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: none
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+      style_plugin: default
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
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