From 55651cf3a4a1cd039832f115fb4455a95d75d7c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dries <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 15:23:16 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Issue #1981314 by pcambra, aspilicious, andypost, swentel:
 Drop procedural usage of fields in field module.

 core/modules/field/           |   2 +-
 core/modules/field/             | 196 -------------
 core/modules/field/field.module               |   3 +-
 .../lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ActiveTest.php     |   2 +-
 .../lib/Drupal/field/Tests/BulkDeleteTest.php | 123 +++++---
 .../field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/CrudTest.php |  94 ++++---
 .../lib/Drupal/field/Tests/DisplayApiTest.php |  54 +++-
 .../Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAccessTest.php    |  36 ++-
 .../field/Tests/FieldAttachOtherTest.php      |  29 +-
 .../field/Tests/FieldAttachStorageTest.php    |  60 ++--
 .../lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInfoTest.php  |  40 +--
 .../field/Tests/FieldInstanceCrudTest.php     |  70 +++--
 .../Drupal/field/Tests/FieldUnitTestBase.php  |  10 +-
 .../field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FormTest.php | 262 ++++++++++--------
 .../lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ShapeItemTest.php  |  47 ++--
 .../lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TestItemTest.php   |  31 ++-
 .../Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationTest.php    |  62 ++++-
 .../Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationWebTest.php |  34 ++-
 .../Drupal/field/Tests/Views/ApiDataTest.php  |  10 +-
 .../field/Tests/Views/FieldTestBase.php       |   9 +-
 .../Tests/Views/HandlerFieldFieldTest.php     |   6 +-
 .../modules/field_test/field_test.module      |   2 +-
 22 files changed, 632 insertions(+), 550 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/modules/field/ b/core/modules/field/
index 7965679768ac..45f4bbbf3f24 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/
+++ b/core/modules/field/
@@ -1587,7 +1587,7 @@ function field_entity_bundle_delete($entity_type, $bundle) {
   // entity types or bundles.
   $instances = field_read_instances(array('entity_type' => $entity_type, 'bundle' => $bundle), array('include_inactive' => TRUE));
   foreach ($instances as $instance) {
-    field_delete_instance($instance);
+    $instance->delete();
   // Clear the cache.
diff --git a/core/modules/field/ b/core/modules/field/
index bbd0d45b8375..36356e06433f 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/
+++ b/core/modules/field/
@@ -24,89 +24,6 @@
  * the Field API.
- * Creates a field.
- *
- * This function does not bind the field to any bundle; use
- * field_create_instance() for that.
- *
- * @param array $field
- *   A field definition. The field_name and type properties are required.
- *   Other properties, if omitted, will be given the following default values:
- *   - cardinality: 1
- *   - locked: FALSE
- *   - indexes: the field-type indexes, specified by the field type's
- *     hook_field_schema(). The indexes specified in $field are added
- *     to those default indexes. It is possible to override the
- *     definition of a field-type index by providing an index with the
- *     same name, or to remove it by redefining it as an empty array
- *     of columns. Overriding field-type indexes should be done
- *     carefully, for it might seriously affect the site's performance.
- *   - settings: each omitted setting is given the default value defined in
- *     hook_field_info().
- *   - storage:
- *     - type: the storage backend specified in the
- *       'field.settings.default_storage' configuration.
- *     - settings: each omitted setting is given the default value specified in
- *       hook_field_storage_info().
- *
- * @return \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\Field
- *   The field entity.
- *
- * @throws Drupal\field\FieldException
- *
- * @deprecated as of Drupal 8.0. Use
- *   entity_create('field_entity', $definition)->save().
- *
- * See: @link field Field API data structures @endlink.
- */
-function field_create_field(array $field) {
-  $field = entity_create('field_entity', $field);
-  $field->save();
-  return $field;
- * Updates a field.
- *
- * Any module may forbid any update for any reason. For example, the
- * field's storage module might forbid an update if it would change
- * the storage schema while data for the field exists. A field type
- * module might forbid an update if it would change existing data's
- * semantics, or if there are external dependencies on field settings
- * that cannot be updated.
- *
- * @param mixed $field
- *   Either the \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\Field object to update, or a
- *   field array structure. If the latter, $field['field_name'] must provided;
- *   it identifies the field that will be updated to match this structure. Any
- *   other properties of the field that are not specified in $field will be left
- *   unchanged, so it is not necessary to pass in a fully populated $field
- *   structure.
- *
- * @throws Drupal\field\FieldException
- *
- * @deprecated as of Drupal 8.0. Use $field->save().
- *
- * @see field_create_field()
- */
-function field_update_field($field) {
-  // Module developers can still pass in an array of properties.
-  if (is_array($field)) {
-    $field_loaded = entity_load('field_entity', $field['field_name']);
-    if (empty($field_loaded)) {
-      throw new FieldException('Attempt to update a non-existent field.');
-    }
-    // Merge incoming values.
-    foreach ($field as $key => $value) {
-      $field_loaded[$key] = $value;
-    }
-    $field = $field_loaded;
-  }
-  $field->save();
  * Reads a single field record directly from the database.
@@ -161,103 +78,6 @@ function field_read_fields($conditions = array(), $include_additional = array())
   return entity_load_multiple_by_properties('field_entity', $conditions);
- * Marks a field and its instances and data for deletion.
- *
- * @param $field_name
- *   The field name to delete.
- *
- * @deprecated as of Drupal 8.0. Use $field->delete().
- */
-function field_delete_field($field_name) {
-  if ($field = field_info_field($field_name)) {
-    $field->delete();
-  }
- * Creates an instance of a field, binding it to a bundle.
- *
- * @param array $instance
- *   A field instance definition array. The field_name, entity_type and
- *   bundle properties are required. Other properties, if omitted,
- *   will be given the following default values:
- *   - label: the field name
- *   - description: empty string
- *   - required: FALSE
- *   - default_value_function: empty string
- *   - settings: each omitted setting is given the default value specified in
- *     hook_field_info().
- *   - widget:
- *     - type: the default widget specified in hook_field_info().
- *     - settings: each omitted setting is given the default value specified in
- *       hook_field_widget_info().
- *
- * @return \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\FieldInstance
- *   The field instance entity.
- *
- * @throws Drupal\field\FieldException
- *
- * @deprecated as of Drupal 8.0. Use
- *   entity_create('field_instance', $definition)->save().
- *
- * See: @link field Field API data structures @endlink.
- */
-function field_create_instance(array $instance) {
-  $instance = entity_create('field_instance', $instance);
-  $instance->save();
-  return $instance;
- * Updates an instance of a field.
- *
- * @param mixed $instance
- *   Either the \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\FieldInstance to update, or an
- *   associative array representing an instance structure. If the latter, the
- *   required keys and values are:
- *   - entity_type: The type of the entity the field is attached to.
- *   - bundle: The bundle this field belongs to.
- *   - field_name: The name of an existing field.
- *   The other array elements represent properties of the instance, and all
- *   properties must be specified or their default values will be used (except
- *   internal-use properties, which are assigned automatically). To avoid losing
- *   the previously stored properties of the instance when making a change,
- *   first load the instance with field_info_instance(), then override the
- *   values you want to override, and finally save using this function. Example:
- *   @code
- *   // Fetch an instance info array.
- *   $instance_info = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $bundle_name);
- *   // Change a single property in the instance definition.
- *   $instance_info['definition']['required'] = TRUE;
- *   // Write the changed definition back.
- *   field_update_instance($instance_info['definition']);
- *   @endcode
- *
- * @throws Drupal\field\FieldException
- *
- * @deprecated as of Drupal 8.0. Use $instance->save().
- *
- * @see field_info_instance()
- * @see field_create_instance()
- */
-function field_update_instance($instance) {
-  // Module developers can still pass in an array of properties.
-  if (is_array($instance)) {
-    $instance_loaded = entity_load('field_instance', $instance['entity_type'] . '.' . $instance['bundle'] . '.' . $instance['field_name']);
-    if (empty($instance_loaded)) {
-      throw new FieldException('Attempt to update a non-existent instance.');
-    }
-    // Merge incoming values.
-    foreach ($instance as $key => $value) {
-      $instance_loaded[$key] = $value;
-    }
-    $instance = $instance_loaded;
-  }
-  $instance->save();
  * Reads a single instance record from the database.
@@ -316,22 +136,6 @@ function field_read_instances($conditions = array(), $include_additional = array
   return entity_load_multiple_by_properties('field_instance', $conditions);
- * Marks a field instance and its data for deletion.
- *
- * @param \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\FieldInstance $instance
- *   The field instance.
- * @param $field_cleanup
- *   If TRUE, the field will be deleted as well if its last instance is being
- *   deleted. If FALSE, it is the caller's responsibility to handle the case of
- *   fields left without instances. Defaults to TRUE.
- *
- * @deprecated as of Drupal 8.0. Use $instance->delete().
- */
-function field_delete_instance(FieldInstance $instance, $field_cleanup = TRUE) {
-  $instance->delete($field_cleanup);
  * @} End of "defgroup field_crud".
diff --git a/core/modules/field/field.module b/core/modules/field/field.module
index 299ada6dca49..403ace2c6815 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/field.module
+++ b/core/modules/field/field.module
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@
  *   field_sql_storage.module, stores field data in the local SQL database.
  * - @link field_purge Field API bulk data deletion @endlink: Cleans up after
- *   bulk deletion operations such as field_delete_field() and
- *   field_delete_instance().
+ *   bulk deletion operations such as deletion of field or field_instance.
  * - @link field_language Field language API @endlink: Provides native
  *   multilingual support for the Field API.
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ActiveTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ActiveTest.php
index c555dc831d93..c74d42660851 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ActiveTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ActiveTest.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function testActive() {
         'type' => 'field_sql_storage',
-    field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     // Test disabling and enabling:
     // - the field type module,
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/BulkDeleteTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/BulkDeleteTest.php
index d27bd7d170d2..e4786ec4f1d4 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/BulkDeleteTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/BulkDeleteTest.php
@@ -16,7 +16,40 @@
 class BulkDeleteTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
-  protected $field;
+  /**
+   * The fields to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $fields;
+  /**
+   * The entities to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $entities;
+  /**
+   * The entities to use in this test, keyed by bundle.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $entities_by_bundles;
+  /**
+   * The bundles for the entities used in this test.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $bundles;
+  /**
+   * The entity type to be used in the test classes.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $entity_type = 'test_entity';
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
@@ -37,8 +70,7 @@ public static function getInfo() {
    * @param $field_name
    *   A field name whose data should be copied from $entities into the returned
    *   partial entities.
-   * @return
-   *   An array of partial entities corresponding to $entities.
+   * @return array An array of partial entities corresponding to $entities.
   protected function convertToPartialEntities($entities, $field_name) {
     $partial_entities = array();
@@ -93,7 +125,6 @@ function setUp() {
     $this->fields = array();
-    $this->instances = array();
     $this->entities = array();
     $this->entities_by_bundles = array();
@@ -104,29 +135,37 @@ function setUp() {
     // Create two fields.
-    $field = array('field_name' => 'bf_1', 'type' => 'test_field', 'cardinality' => 1);
-    $this->fields[] = field_create_field($field);
-    $field = array('field_name' => 'bf_2', 'type' => 'test_field', 'cardinality' => 4);
-    $this->fields[] = field_create_field($field);
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', array(
+      'field_name' => 'bf_1',
+      'type' => 'test_field',
+      'cardinality' => 1
+    ));
+    $field->save();
+    $this->fields[] = $field;
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', array(
+      'field_name' => 'bf_2',
+      'type' => 'test_field',
+      'cardinality' => 4
+    ));
+    $field->save();
+    $this->fields[] = $field;
     // For each bundle, create an instance of each field, and 10
     // entities with values for each field.
     $id = 1;
-    $this->entity_type = 'test_entity';
     foreach ($this->bundles as $bundle) {
       foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
-        $instance = array(
-          'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
+        entity_create('field_instance', array(
+          'field_name' => $field->id(),
           'entity_type' => $this->entity_type,
           'bundle' => $bundle,
-        );
-        $this->instances[] = field_create_instance($instance);
+        ))->save();
       for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $entity = field_test_create_entity($id, $id, $bundle);
         foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
-          $entity->{$field['field_name']}[Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED] = $this->_generateTestFieldValues($field['cardinality']);
+          $entity->{$field->id()}[Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED] = $this->_generateTestFieldValues($field->cardinality);
@@ -144,14 +183,13 @@ function setUp() {
    * the database and that the appropriate Field API functions can
    * operate on the deleted data and instance.
-   * This tests how EntityFieldQuery interacts with
-   * field_delete_instance() and could be moved to FieldCrudTestCase,
-   * but depends on this class's setUp().
+   * This tests how EntityFieldQuery interacts with field instance deletion and
+   * could be moved to FieldCrudTestCase, but depends on this class's setUp().
   function testDeleteFieldInstance() {
     $bundle = reset($this->bundles);
     $field = reset($this->fields);
-    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $field_name = $field->id();
     $factory = \Drupal::service('entity.query');
     // There are 10 entities of this bundle.
@@ -161,11 +199,11 @@ function testDeleteFieldInstance() {
     $this->assertEqual(count($found), 10, 'Correct number of entities found before deleting');
     // Delete the instance.
-    $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field['field_name'], $bundle);
-    field_delete_instance($instance);
+    $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field->id(), $bundle);
+    $instance->delete();
     // The instance still exists, deleted.
-    $instances = field_read_instances(array('field_id' => $field['uuid'], 'deleted' => TRUE), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
+    $instances = field_read_instances(array('field_id' => $field->uuid, 'deleted' => TRUE), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
     $this->assertEqual(count($instances), 1, 'There is one deleted instance');
     $this->assertEqual($instances[0]['bundle'], $bundle, 'The deleted instance is for the correct bundle');
@@ -192,10 +230,10 @@ function testDeleteFieldInstance() {
       $ids->entity_id = $entity_id;
       $entities[$entity_id] = _field_create_entity_from_ids($ids);
-    field_attach_load($this->entity_type, $entities, FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT, array('field_id' => $field['uuid'], 'deleted' => TRUE));
+    field_attach_load($this->entity_type, $entities, FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT, array('field_id' => $field->uuid, 'deleted' => TRUE));
     $this->assertEqual(count($found), 10, 'Correct number of entities found after deleting');
     foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) {
-      $this->assertEqual($this->entities[$id]->{$field['field_name']}, $entity->{$field['field_name']}, "Entity $id with deleted data loaded correctly");
+      $this->assertEqual($this->entities[$id]->{$field->id()}, $entity->{$field->id()}, "Entity $id with deleted data loaded correctly");
@@ -211,8 +249,8 @@ function testPurgeInstance() {
     $field = reset($this->fields);
     // Delete the instance.
-    $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field['field_name'], $bundle);
-    field_delete_instance($instance);
+    $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field->id(), $bundle);
+    $instance->delete();
     // No field hooks were called.
     $mem = field_test_memorize();
@@ -226,7 +264,7 @@ function testPurgeInstance() {
       // There are $count deleted entities left.
       $found = \Drupal::entityQuery('test_entity')
         ->condition('fttype', $bundle)
-        ->condition($field['field_name'] . '.deleted', 1)
+        ->condition($field->id() . '.deleted', 1)
       $this->assertEqual(count($found), $count, 'Correct number of entities found after purging 2');
@@ -238,7 +276,7 @@ function testPurgeInstance() {
     // bundle.
     $actual_hooks = field_test_memorize();
     $hooks = array();
-    $entities = $this->convertToPartialEntities($this->entities_by_bundles[$bundle], $field['field_name']);
+    $entities = $this->convertToPartialEntities($this->entities_by_bundles[$bundle], $field->id());
     foreach (array_chunk($entities, $batch_size, TRUE) as $chunk_entity) {
       $hooks['field_test_field_load'][] = $chunk_entity;
@@ -248,19 +286,19 @@ function testPurgeInstance() {
     $this->checkHooksInvocations($hooks, $actual_hooks);
     // The instance still exists, deleted.
-    $instances = field_read_instances(array('field_id' => $field['uuid'], 'deleted' => TRUE), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
+    $instances = field_read_instances(array('field_id' => $field->uuid, 'deleted' => TRUE), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
     $this->assertEqual(count($instances), 1, 'There is one deleted instance');
     // Purge the instance.
     // The instance is gone.
-    $instances = field_read_instances(array('field_id' => $field['uuid'], 'deleted' => TRUE), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
+    $instances = field_read_instances(array('field_id' => $field->uuid, 'deleted' => TRUE), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
     $this->assertEqual(count($instances), 0, 'The instance is gone');
     // The field still exists, not deleted, because it has a second instance.
-    $fields = field_read_fields(array('uuid' => $field['uuid']), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
-    $this->assertTrue(isset($fields[$field['uuid']]), 'The field exists and is not deleted');
+    $fields = field_read_fields(array('uuid' => $field->uuid), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
+    $this->assertTrue(isset($fields[$field->uuid]), 'The field exists and is not deleted');
@@ -275,8 +313,8 @@ function testPurgeField() {
     // Delete the first instance.
     $bundle = reset($this->bundles);
-    $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field['field_name'], $bundle);
-    field_delete_instance($instance);
+    $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field->id(), $bundle);
+    $instance->delete();
     // Assert that hook_field_delete() was not called yet.
     $mem = field_test_memorize();
@@ -292,7 +330,7 @@ function testPurgeField() {
     // bundle.
     $actual_hooks = field_test_memorize();
     $hooks = array();
-    $entities = $this->convertToPartialEntities($this->entities_by_bundles[$bundle], $field['field_name']);
+    $entities = $this->convertToPartialEntities($this->entities_by_bundles[$bundle], $field->id());
     $hooks['field_test_field_load'][] = $entities;
     $hooks['field_test_field_delete'] = $entities;
     $this->checkHooksInvocations($hooks, $actual_hooks);
@@ -301,13 +339,13 @@ function testPurgeField() {
     // The field still exists, not deleted.
-    $fields = field_read_fields(array('uuid' => $field['uuid']), array('include_deleted' => TRUE));
-    $this->assertTrue(isset($fields[$field['uuid']]) && !$fields[$field['uuid']]->deleted, 'The field exists and is not deleted');
+    $fields = field_read_fields(array('uuid' => $field->uuid), array('include_deleted' => TRUE));
+    $this->assertTrue(isset($fields[$field->uuid]) && !$fields[$field->uuid]->deleted, 'The field exists and is not deleted');
     // Delete the second instance.
     $bundle = next($this->bundles);
-    $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field['field_name'], $bundle);
-    field_delete_instance($instance);
+    $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field->id(), $bundle);
+    $instance->delete();
     // Assert that hook_field_delete() was not called yet.
     $mem = field_test_memorize();
@@ -319,20 +357,21 @@ function testPurgeField() {
     // Check hooks invocations (same as above, for the 2nd bundle).
     $actual_hooks = field_test_memorize();
     $hooks = array();
-    $entities = $this->convertToPartialEntities($this->entities_by_bundles[$bundle], $field['field_name']);
+    $entities = $this->convertToPartialEntities($this->entities_by_bundles[$bundle], $field->id());
     $hooks['field_test_field_load'][] = $entities;
     $hooks['field_test_field_delete'] = $entities;
     $this->checkHooksInvocations($hooks, $actual_hooks);
     // The field still exists, deleted.
-    $fields = field_read_fields(array('uuid' => $field['uuid']), array('include_deleted' => TRUE));
-    $this->assertTrue(isset($fields[$field['uuid']]) && $fields[$field['uuid']]->deleted, 'The field exists and is deleted');
+    $fields = field_read_fields(array('uuid' => $field->uuid), array('include_deleted' => TRUE));
+    $this->assertTrue(isset($fields[$field->uuid]) && $fields[$field->uuid]->deleted, 'The field exists and is deleted');
     // Purge again to purge the instance and the field.
     // The field is gone.
-    $fields = field_read_fields(array('uuid' => $field['uuid']), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
+    $fields = field_read_fields(array('uuid' => $field->uuid), array('include_deleted' => TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE));
     $this->assertEqual(count($fields), 0, 'The field is purged.');
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/CrudTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/CrudTest.php
index 7960f8223d7d..3f9846f968ea 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/CrudTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/CrudTest.php
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ function testCreateField() {
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    $field = field_create_field($field_definition);
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition);
+    $field->save();
     $mem = field_test_memorize();
     $this->assertIdentical($mem['field_test_field_create_field'][0][0]['field_name'], $field_definition['field_name'], 'hook_field_create_field() called with correct arguments.');
     $this->assertIdentical($mem['field_test_field_create_field'][0][0]['type'], $field_definition['type'], 'hook_field_create_field() called with correct arguments.');
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ function testCreateField() {
     // Guarantee that the name is unique.
     try {
-      field_create_field($field_definition);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create two fields with the same name.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ function testCreateField() {
       $field_definition = array(
         'field_name' => 'field_1',
-      field_create_field($field_definition);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create a field with no type.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ function testCreateField() {
       $field_definition = array(
         'type' => 'test_field'
-      field_create_field($field_definition);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create an unnamed field.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ function testCreateField() {
         'field_name' => '2field_2',
         'type' => 'test_field',
-      field_create_field($field_definition);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create a field with a name starting with a digit.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ function testCreateField() {
         'field_name' => 'field#_3',
         'type' => 'test_field',
-      field_create_field($field_definition);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create a field with a name containing an illegal character.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ function testCreateField() {
         'field_name' => '_12345678901234567890123456789012',
         'type' => 'test_field',
-      field_create_field($field_definition);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create a field with a name longer than 32 characters.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ function testCreateField() {
         'type' => 'test_field',
         'field_name' => 'ftvid',
-      field_create_field($field_definition);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create a field bearing the name of an entity key.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ function testCreateFieldFail() {
     // Try to create the field.
     try {
-      $field = field_create_field($field_definition);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
       $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'Field creation (correctly) fails.');
     catch (\Exception $e) {
@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ function testReadField() {
       'field_name' => 'field_1',
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     // Read the field back.
     $field = field_read_field($field_definition['field_name']);
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ function testReadFields() {
       'field_name' => 'field_1',
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     // Check that 'single column' criteria works.
     $fields = field_read_fields(array('field_name' => $field_definition['field_name']));
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ function testReadFields() {
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
-    field_create_instance($instance_definition);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance_definition)->save();
@@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ function testFieldIndexes() {
       'field_name' => 'field_1',
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     $field = field_read_field($field_definition['field_name']);
     $schema = $field->getSchema();
     $expected_indexes = array('value' => array('value'));
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ function testFieldIndexes() {
         'value' => array(),
-    field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     $field = field_read_field($field_definition['field_name']);
     $schema = $field->getSchema();
     $expected_indexes = array('value' => array());
@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ function testFieldIndexes() {
         'value_2' => array('value'),
-    field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     $field = field_read_field($field_definition['field_name']);
     $schema = $field->getSchema();
     $expected_indexes = array('value' => array('value'), 'value_2' => array('value'));
@@ -275,9 +276,9 @@ function testDeleteField() {
     // Create two fields (so we can test that only one is deleted).
     $this->field = array('field_name' => 'field_1', 'type' => 'test_field');
-    field_create_field($this->field);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $this->field)->save();
     $this->another_field = array('field_name' => 'field_2', 'type' => 'test_field');
-    field_create_field($this->another_field);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $this->another_field)->save();
     // Create instances for each.
     $this->instance_definition = array(
@@ -285,15 +286,15 @@ function testDeleteField() {
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
-    field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
-    $this->another_instance_definition = $this->instance_definition;
-    $this->another_instance_definition['field_name'] = $this->another_field['field_name'];
-    field_create_instance($this->another_instance_definition);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
+    $another_instance_definition = $this->instance_definition;
+    $another_instance_definition['field_name'] = $this->another_field['field_name'];
+    entity_create('field_instance', $another_instance_definition)->save();
     // Test that the first field is not deleted, and then delete it.
     $field = field_read_field($this->field['field_name'], array('include_deleted' => TRUE));
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($field) && empty($field['deleted']), 'A new field is not marked for deletion.');
-    field_delete_field($this->field['field_name']);
+    field_info_field($this->field['field_name'])->delete();
     // Make sure that the field is marked as deleted when it is specifically
     // loaded.
@@ -316,13 +317,13 @@ function testDeleteField() {
     // Make sure the other field (and its field instance) are not deleted.
     $another_field = field_read_field($this->another_field['field_name']);
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($another_field) && empty($another_field['deleted']), 'A non-deleted field is not marked for deletion.');
-    $another_instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->another_instance_definition['field_name'], $this->another_instance_definition['bundle']);
+    $another_instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $another_instance_definition['field_name'], $another_instance_definition['bundle']);
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($another_instance) && empty($another_instance['deleted']), 'An instance of a non-deleted field is not marked for deletion.');
     // Try to create a new field the same name as a deleted field and
     // write data into it.
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $this->field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
     $field = field_read_field($this->field['field_name']);
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($field) && empty($field['deleted']), 'A new field with a previously used name is created.');
     $instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
@@ -346,12 +347,13 @@ function testDeleteField() {
   function testUpdateFieldType() {
-    $field = array('field_name' => 'field_type', 'type' => 'number_decimal');
-    $field = field_create_field($field);
+    $field_definition = array('field_name' => 'field_type', 'type' => 'number_decimal');
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition);
+    $field->save();
-    $test_field = array('field_name' => 'field_type', 'type' => 'number_integer');
     try {
-      field_update_field($test_field);
+      $field->type = 'number_integer';
+      $field->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot update a field to a different type.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -367,21 +369,23 @@ function testUpdateField() {
     // respected. Since cardinality enforcement is consistent across database
     // systems, it makes a good test case.
     $cardinality = 4;
-    $field = field_create_field(array(
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', array(
       'field_name' => 'field_update',
       'type' => 'test_field',
       'cardinality' => $cardinality,
-    $instance = field_create_instance(array(
+    $field->save();
+    $instance = entity_create('field_instance', array(
       'field_name' => 'field_update',
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
+    $instance->save();
     do {
       // We need a unique ID for our entity. $cardinality will do.
       $id = $cardinality;
-      $entity = field_test_create_entity($id, $id, $instance['bundle']);
+      $entity = field_test_create_entity($id, $id, $instance->bundle);
       // Fill in the entity with more values than $cardinality.
       for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
         $entity->field_update[Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED][$i]['value'] = $i;
@@ -389,16 +393,16 @@ function testUpdateField() {
       // Save the entity.
       // Load back and assert there are $cardinality number of values.
-      $entity = field_test_create_entity($id, $id, $instance['bundle']);
+      $entity = field_test_create_entity($id, $id, $instance->bundle);
       field_attach_load('test_entity', array($id => $entity));
-      $this->assertEqual(count($entity->field_update[Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED]), $field['cardinality'], 'Cardinality is kept');
+      $this->assertEqual(count($entity->field_update[Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED]), $field->cardinality, 'Cardinality is kept');
       // Now check the values themselves.
       for ($delta = 0; $delta < $cardinality; $delta++) {
         $this->assertEqual($entity->field_update[Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED][$delta]['value'], $delta, 'Value is kept');
       // Increase $cardinality and set the field cardinality to the new value.
-      $field['cardinality'] = ++$cardinality;
-      field_update_field($field);
+      $field->cardinality = ++$cardinality;
+      $field->save();
     } while ($cardinality < 6);
@@ -406,19 +410,25 @@ function testUpdateField() {
    * Test field type modules forbidding an update.
   function testUpdateFieldForbid() {
-    $field = array('field_name' => 'forbidden', 'type' => 'test_field', 'settings' => array('changeable' => 0, 'unchangeable' => 0));
-    $field = field_create_field($field);
-    $field['settings']['changeable']++;
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', array(
+      'field_name' => 'forbidden',
+      'type' => 'test_field',
+      'settings' => array(
+        'changeable' => 0,
+        'unchangeable' => 0
+    )));
+    $field->save();
+    $field->settings['changeable']++;
     try {
-      field_update_field($field);
+      $field->save();
       $this->pass(t("A changeable setting can be updated."));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
       $this->fail(t("An unchangeable setting cannot be updated."));
-    $field['settings']['unchangeable']++;
+    $field->settings['unchangeable']++;
     try {
-      field_update_field($field);
+      $field->save();
       $this->fail(t("An unchangeable setting can be updated."));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/DisplayApiTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/DisplayApiTest.php
index 9ca988ee5af8..57b917db8d1e 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/DisplayApiTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/DisplayApiTest.php
@@ -11,6 +11,48 @@
 class DisplayApiTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
+  /**
+   * The field name to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $field_name;
+  /**
+   * The field label to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $label;
+  /**
+   * The field cardinality to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var number
+   */
+  protected $cardinality;
+  /**
+   * The field display options to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $display_options;
+  /**
+   * The field display options to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
+   */
+  protected $entity;
+  /**
+   * An array of random values, in the format expected for field values.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $values;
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Field Display API tests',
@@ -27,12 +69,12 @@ function setUp() {
     $this->label = $this->randomName();
     $this->cardinality = 4;
-    $this->field = array(
+    $field = array(
       'field_name' => $this->field_name,
       'type' => 'test_field',
       'cardinality' => $this->cardinality,
-    $this->instance = array(
+    $instance = array(
       'field_name' => $this->field_name,
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
@@ -54,14 +96,14 @@ function setUp() {
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     // Create a display for the default view mode.
-    entity_get_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
+    entity_get_display($instance['entity_type'], $instance['bundle'], 'default')
       ->setComponent($this->field_name, $this->display_options['default'])
     // Create a display for the teaser view mode.
-    entity_get_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'teaser')
+    entity_get_display($instance['entity_type'], $instance['bundle'], 'teaser')
       ->setComponent($this->field_name, $this->display_options['teaser'])
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAccessTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAccessTest.php
index b63d48d8d25d..58fb767f4ab0 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAccessTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAccessTest.php
@@ -19,6 +19,20 @@ class FieldAccessTest extends FieldTestBase {
   public static $modules = array('node', 'field_test');
+  /**
+   * Node entity to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var \Drupal\node\Plugin\Core\Entity\Node
+   */
+  protected $node;
+  /**
+   * Field value to test display on nodes.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $test_view_field_value;
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Field access tests',
@@ -34,32 +48,32 @@ function setUp() {
     // Create content type.
-    $this->content_type_info = $this->drupalCreateContentType();
-    $this->content_type = $this->content_type_info->type;
+    $content_type_info = $this->drupalCreateContentType();
+    $content_type = $content_type_info->type;
-    $this->field = array(
+    $field = array(
       'field_name' => 'test_view_field',
       'type' => 'text',
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    $this->instance = array(
-      'field_name' => $this->field['field_name'],
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    $instance = array(
+      'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
       'entity_type' => 'node',
-      'bundle' => $this->content_type,
+      'bundle' => $content_type,
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     // Assign display properties for the 'default' and 'teaser' view modes.
     foreach (array('default', 'teaser') as $view_mode) {
-      entity_get_display('node', $this->content_type, $view_mode)
-        ->setComponent($this->field['field_name'])
+      entity_get_display('node', $content_type, $view_mode)
+        ->setComponent($field['field_name'])
     // Create test node.
     $this->test_view_field_value = 'This is some text';
     $settings = array();
-    $settings['type'] = $this->content_type;
+    $settings['type'] = $content_type;
     $settings['title'] = 'Field view access test';
     $settings['test_view_field'] = array(array('value' => $this->test_view_field_value));
     $this->node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings);
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachOtherTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachOtherTest.php
index d16b25ab6b65..b44d1cba0823 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachOtherTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachOtherTest.php
@@ -14,6 +14,21 @@
  * Unit test class for non-storage related field_attach_* functions.
 class FieldAttachOtherTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
+  /**
+   * Field name to use in the test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $field_name;
+  /**
+   * Field name to use in the test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $field_name_2;
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Field attach tests (other)',
@@ -192,9 +207,10 @@ function testFieldAttachPrepareViewMultiple() {
     // hook_field_formatter_prepare_view().
     $formatter_setting = $this->randomName();
-    $this->instance2 = $this->instance;
-    $this->instance2['bundle'] = 'test_bundle_2';
-    field_create_instance($this->instance2);
+    $instance_definition = $this->instance_definition;
+    $instance_definition['bundle'] = 'test_bundle_2';
+    $this->instance2 = entity_create('field_instance', $instance_definition);
+    $this->instance2->save();
     $display_2 = entity_get_display('test_entity', 'test_bundle_2', 'full')
       ->setComponent($this->field['field_name'], array(
@@ -268,9 +284,9 @@ function testFieldAttachCache() {
       'fttype' => $this->instance['bundle'],
     $cid = "field:$entity_type:{$entity_init->ftid}";
-    $instance = $this->instance;
-    $instance['entity_type'] = $entity_type;
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    $instance_definition = $this->instance_definition;
+    $instance_definition['entity_type'] = $entity_type;
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance_definition)->save();
     // Check that no initial cache entry is present.
     $this->assertFalse(cache('field')->get($cid), 'Cached: no initial cache entry');
@@ -553,4 +569,5 @@ function testFieldAttachExtractFormValues() {
     $this->assertFalse(isset($entity->{$this->field_name}), 'The first field does not exist in the entity object');
     $this->assertIdentical($entity->{$this->field_name_2}[$langcode], $expected_values_2, 'Submit filters empty values');
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachStorageTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachStorageTest.php
index 719206734653..d2b29e7d56c0 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachStorageTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldAttachStorageTest.php
@@ -16,6 +16,21 @@
  * all hook_field_attach_pre_{load,insert,update}() hooks.
 class FieldAttachStorageTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
+  /**
+   * The field instance.
+   *
+   * @var \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\FieldInstance
+   */
+  protected $instance;
+  /**
+   * Field name to use in the test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $field_name;
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Field attach tests (storage-related)',
@@ -39,7 +54,7 @@ function testFieldAttachSaveLoad() {
     // Configure the instance so that we test hook_field_load() (see
     // field_test_field_load() in field_test.module).
     $this->instance['settings']['test_hook_field_load'] = TRUE;
-    field_update_instance($this->instance);
+    $this->instance->save();
     $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
     $entity_type = 'test_entity';
@@ -117,11 +132,11 @@ function testFieldAttachLoadMultiple() {
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
       $field_names[$i] = 'field_' . $i;
-      $field = array('field_name' => $field_names[$i], 'type' => 'test_field');
-      $field = field_create_field($field);
+      $field = entity_create('field_entity', array('field_name' => $field_names[$i], 'type' => 'test_field'));
+      $field->save();
       $field_ids[$i] = $field['uuid'];
       foreach ($field_bundles_map[$i] as $bundle) {
-        $instance = array(
+        entity_create('field_instance', array(
           'field_name' => $field_names[$i],
           'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
           'bundle' => $bundles[$bundle],
@@ -130,8 +145,7 @@ function testFieldAttachLoadMultiple() {
             // (see field_test_field_load() in field_test.module).
             'test_hook_field_load' => TRUE,
-        );
-        field_create_instance($instance);
+        ))->save();
@@ -191,13 +205,13 @@ function testFieldAttachSaveLoadDifferentStorage() {
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
-      field_create_field($field);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
       $instance = array(
         'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
         'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
         'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
-      field_create_instance($instance);
+      entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     $entity_init = field_test_create_entity();
@@ -226,22 +240,19 @@ function testFieldAttachSaveLoadDifferentStorage() {
   function testFieldStorageDetailsAlter() {
     $field_name = 'field_test_change_my_details';
-    $field = array(
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', array(
       'field_name' => $field_name,
       'type' => 'test_field',
       'cardinality' => 4,
       'storage' => array('type' => 'field_test_storage'),
-    );
-    $field = field_create_field($field);
-    $instance = array(
+    ));
+    $field->save();
+    $instance = entity_create('field_instance', array(
       'field_name' => $field_name,
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
-    );
-    field_create_instance($instance);
-    $field = field_info_field($instance['field_name']);
-    $instance = field_info_instance($instance['entity_type'], $instance['field_name'], $instance['bundle']);
+    ));
+    $instance->save();
     // The storage details are indexed by a storage engine type.
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('drupal_variables', $field['storage_details']), 'The storage type is Drupal variables.');
@@ -345,7 +356,7 @@ function testFieldAttachSaveMissingData() {
   function testFieldAttachSaveMissingDataDefaultValue() {
     // Add a default value function.
     $this->instance['default_value_function'] = 'field_test_default_value';
-    field_update_instance($this->instance);
+    $this->instance->save();
     // Verify that fields are populated with default values.
     $entity_type = 'test_entity';
@@ -444,8 +455,8 @@ function testEntityCreateRenameBundle() {
     // Add an instance to that bundle.
-    $this->instance['bundle'] = $new_bundle;
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    $this->instance_definition['bundle'] = $new_bundle;
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
     // Save an entity with data in the field.
     $entity = field_test_create_entity(0, 0, $this->instance['bundle']);
@@ -483,13 +494,13 @@ function testEntityDeleteBundle() {
     // Add an instance to that bundle.
-    $this->instance['bundle'] = $new_bundle;
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    $this->instance_definition['bundle'] = $new_bundle;
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
     // Create a second field for the test bundle
     $field_name = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName() . '_field_name');
     $field = array('field_name' => $field_name, 'type' => 'test_field', 'cardinality' => 1);
-    field_create_field($field);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
     $instance = array(
       'field_name' => $field_name,
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
@@ -498,7 +509,7 @@ function testEntityDeleteBundle() {
       'description' => $this->randomName() . '_description',
       'weight' => mt_rand(0, 127),
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     // Save an entity with data for both fields
     $entity = field_test_create_entity(0, 0, $this->instance['bundle']);
@@ -527,4 +538,5 @@ function testEntityDeleteBundle() {
     $this->assertFalse(field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->field_name, $this->instance['bundle']), "First field is deleted");
     $this->assertFalse(field_read_instance('test_entity', $field_name, $instance['bundle']), "Second field is deleted");
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInfoTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInfoTest.php
index dad0e542ab35..1388168e86c2 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInfoTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInfoTest.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * @file
- * Definition of Drupal\field\Tests\FieldInfoTest.
+ * Contains \Drupal\field\Tests\FieldInfoTest.
 namespace Drupal\field\Tests;
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ function testFieldInfo() {
     // Create a field, verify it shows up.
     $core_fields = field_info_fields();
-    $field = array(
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', array(
       'field_name' => drupal_strtolower($this->randomName()),
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    );
-    field_create_field($field);
+    ));
+    $field->save();
     $fields = field_info_fields();
     $this->assertEqual(count($fields), count($core_fields) + 1, 'One new field exists');
     $this->assertEqual($fields[$field['field_name']]['field_name'], $field['field_name'], 'info fields contains field name');
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function testFieldInfo() {
     $this->assertEqual($fields[$field['field_name']]['active'], TRUE, 'info fields contains active 1');
     // Create an instance, verify that it shows up
-    $instance = array(
+    $instance_definition = array(
       'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
@@ -80,14 +80,15 @@ function testFieldInfo() {
       'description' => $this->randomName(),
       'weight' => mt_rand(0, 127),
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    $instance = entity_create('field_instance', $instance_definition);
+    $instance->save();
     $info = entity_get_info('test_entity');
     $instances = field_info_instances('test_entity', $instance['bundle']);
     $this->assertEqual(count($instances), 1, format_string('One instance shows up in info when attached to a bundle on a @label.', array(
       '@label' => $info['label']
-    $this->assertTrue($instance < $instances[$instance['field_name']], 'Instance appears in info correctly');
+    $this->assertTrue($instance_definition < $instances[$instance['field_name']], 'Instance appears in info correctly');
     // Test a valid entity type but an invalid bundle.
     $instances = field_info_instances('test_entity', 'invalid_bundle');
@@ -127,7 +128,8 @@ function testFieldPrepare() {
       'field_name' => 'field',
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    $field = field_create_field($field_definition);
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition);
+    $field->save();
     // Simulate a stored field definition missing a field setting (e.g. a
     // third-party module adding a new field setting has been enabled, and
@@ -153,13 +155,14 @@ function testInstancePrepare() {
       'field_name' => 'field',
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     $instance_definition = array(
       'field_name' => $field_definition['field_name'],
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
-    $instance = field_create_instance($instance_definition);
+    $instance = entity_create('field_instance', $instance_definition);
+    $instance->save();
     // Simulate a stored instance definition missing various settings (e.g. a
     // third-party module adding instance or widget settings has been enabled,
@@ -189,13 +192,13 @@ function testInstanceDisabledEntityType() {
       'field_name' => 'field',
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     $instance_definition = array(
       'field_name' => 'field',
       'entity_type' => 'comment',
       'bundle' => 'comment_node_article',
-    field_create_instance($instance_definition);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance_definition)->save();
     // Disable coment module. This clears field_info cache.
@@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ function testFieldMap() {
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
-      field_create_field($field);
+      entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
     // Create a couple instances.
@@ -251,7 +254,7 @@ function testFieldMap() {
     foreach ($instances as $instance) {
-      field_create_instance($instance);
+      entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     $expected = array(
@@ -308,11 +311,11 @@ function testFieldInfoCache() {
     // Create a test field and ensure it's in the array returned by
     // field_info_fields().
     $field_name = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName());
-    $field = array(
+    $field = entity_create('field_entity', array(
       'field_name' => $field_name,
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    );
-    field_create_field($field);
+    ));
+    $field->save();
     $fields = field_info_fields();
     $this->assertTrue(isset($fields[$field_name]), 'The test field is initially found in the array returned by field_info_fields().');
@@ -330,11 +333,10 @@ function testFieldInfoCache() {
    * Test that the widget definition functions work.
   function testWidgetDefinition() {
     $widget_definition = field_info_widget_types('test_field_widget_multiple');
     // Test if hook_field_widget_info_alter is beïng called.
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('test_field', $widget_definition['field_types']), "The 'test_field_widget_multiple' widget is enabled for the 'test_field' field type in field_test_field_widget_info_alter().");
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInstanceCrudTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInstanceCrudTest.php
index 5f9578a51ce3..9caf203f668e 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInstanceCrudTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldInstanceCrudTest.php
@@ -2,18 +2,36 @@
  * @file
- * Definition of Drupal\field\Tests\FieldInstanceCrudTest.
+ * Contains \Drupal\field\Tests\FieldInstanceCrudTest.
 namespace Drupal\field\Tests;
 use Drupal\field\FieldException;
-use Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\FieldInstance;
 class FieldInstanceCrudTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
+  /**
+   * The field entity.
+   *
+   * @var \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\Field
+   */
   protected $field;
+  /**
+   * The field entity definition.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $field_definition;
+  /**
+   * The field instance entity definition.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $instance_definition;
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Field instance CRUD tests',
@@ -25,11 +43,12 @@ public static function getInfo() {
   function setUp() {
-    $this->field = array(
+    $this->field_definition = array(
       'field_name' => drupal_strtolower($this->randomName()),
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    field_create_field($this->field);
+    $this->field = entity_create('field_entity', $this->field_definition);
+    $this->field->save();
     $this->instance_definition = array(
       'field_name' => $this->field['field_name'],
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
@@ -47,14 +66,15 @@ function setUp() {
    * Test the creation of a field instance.
   function testCreateFieldInstance() {
-    $instance = field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
+    $instance = entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition);
+    $instance->save();
     // Read the configuration. Check against raw configuration data rather than
     // the loaded ConfigEntity, to be sure we check that the defaults are
     // applied on write.
     $config = \Drupal::config('field.instance.' . $instance->id())->get();
-    $field_type = field_info_field_types($this->field['type']);
+    $field_type = field_info_field_types($this->field_definition['type']);
     // Check that default values are set.
     $this->assertEqual($config['required'], FALSE, 'Required defaults to false.');
@@ -66,7 +86,7 @@ function testCreateFieldInstance() {
     // Guarantee that the field/bundle combination is unique.
     try {
-      field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
+      entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create two instances with the same field / bundle combination.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -76,7 +96,7 @@ function testCreateFieldInstance() {
     // Check that the specified field exists.
     try {
       $this->instance_definition['field_name'] = $this->randomName();
-      field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
+      entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create an instance of a non-existing field.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -84,20 +104,21 @@ function testCreateFieldInstance() {
     // Create a field restricted to a specific entity type.
-    $field_restricted = array(
+    $field_restricted_definition = array(
       'field_name' => drupal_strtolower($this->randomName()),
       'type' => 'test_field',
       'entity_types' => array('test_cacheable_entity'),
-    field_create_field($field_restricted);
+    $field_restricted = entity_create('field_entity', $field_restricted_definition);
+    $field_restricted->save();
     // Check that an instance can be added to an entity type allowed
     // by the field.
     try {
       $instance = $this->instance_definition;
-      $instance['field_name'] = $field_restricted['field_name'];
+      $instance['field_name'] = $field_restricted_definition['field_name'];
       $instance['entity_type'] = 'test_cacheable_entity';
-      field_create_instance($instance);
+      entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
       $this->pass(t('Can create an instance on an entity type allowed by the field.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -108,8 +129,8 @@ function testCreateFieldInstance() {
     // forbidden by the field.
     try {
       $instance = $this->instance_definition;
-      $instance['field_name'] = $field_restricted['field_name'];
-      field_create_instance($instance);
+      $instance['field_name'] = $field_restricted_definition['field_name'];
+      entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
       $this->fail(t('Cannot create an instance on an entity type forbidden by the field.'));
     catch (FieldException $e) {
@@ -123,7 +144,7 @@ function testCreateFieldInstance() {
    * Test reading back an instance definition.
   function testReadFieldInstance() {
-    field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
     // Read the instance back.
     $instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
@@ -136,7 +157,7 @@ function testReadFieldInstance() {
    * Test the update of a field instance.
   function testUpdateFieldInstance() {
-    field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
     // Check that basic changes are saved.
     $instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
@@ -144,7 +165,7 @@ function testUpdateFieldInstance() {
     $instance['label'] = $this->randomName();
     $instance['description'] = $this->randomName();
     $instance['settings']['test_instance_setting'] = $this->randomName();
-    field_update_instance($instance);
+    $instance->save();
     $instance_new = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
     $this->assertEqual($instance['required'], $instance_new['required'], '"required" change is saved');
@@ -164,15 +185,15 @@ function testDeleteFieldInstance() {
     // Create two instances for the same field so we can test that only one
     // is deleted.
-    field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
-    $this->another_instance_definition = $this->instance_definition;
-    $this->another_instance_definition['bundle'] .= '_another_bundle';
-    $instance = field_create_instance($this->another_instance_definition);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
+    $another_instance_definition = $this->instance_definition;
+    $another_instance_definition['bundle'] .= '_another_bundle';
+    entity_create('field_instance', $another_instance_definition)->save();
     // Test that the first instance is not deleted, and then delete it.
     $instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle'], array('include_deleted' => TRUE));
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($instance) && empty($instance['deleted']), 'A new field instance is not marked for deletion.');
-    field_delete_instance($instance);
+    $instance->delete();
     // Make sure the instance is marked as deleted when the instance is
     // specifically loaded.
@@ -184,14 +205,15 @@ function testDeleteFieldInstance() {
     $this->assertTrue(empty($instance), 'A deleted field instance is not loaded by default.');
     // Make sure the other field instance is not deleted.
-    $another_instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->another_instance_definition['field_name'], $this->another_instance_definition['bundle']);
+    $another_instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $another_instance_definition['field_name'], $another_instance_definition['bundle']);
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($another_instance) && empty($another_instance['deleted']), 'A non-deleted field instance is not marked for deletion.');
     // Make sure the field is deleted when its last instance is deleted.
-    field_delete_instance($another_instance);
+    $another_instance->delete();
     $deleted_fields = \Drupal::state()->get('field.field.deleted');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($deleted_fields[$another_instance['field_id']]), 'A deleted field is marked for deletion.');
     $field = field_read_field($another_instance['field_name']);
     $this->assertFalse($field, 'The field marked to be deleted is not found anymore in the configuration.');
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldUnitTestBase.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldUnitTestBase.php
index ed3c151fd355..1199d2c78ccb 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldUnitTestBase.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FieldUnitTestBase.php
@@ -54,12 +54,13 @@ function createFieldWithInstance($suffix = '') {
     $field = 'field' . $suffix;
     $field_id = 'field_id' . $suffix;
     $instance = 'instance' . $suffix;
+    $instance_definition = 'instance_definition' . $suffix;
     $this->$field_name = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName() . '_field_name' . $suffix);
-    $this->$field = array('field_name' => $this->$field_name, 'type' => 'test_field', 'cardinality' => 4);
-    $this->$field = field_create_field($this->$field);
+    $this->$field = entity_create('field_entity', array('field_name' => $this->$field_name, 'type' => 'test_field', 'cardinality' => 4));
+    $this->$field->save();
     $this->$field_id = $this->{$field}['uuid'];
-    $this->$instance = array(
+    $this->$instance_definition = array(
       'field_name' => $this->$field_name,
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
@@ -70,7 +71,8 @@ function createFieldWithInstance($suffix = '') {
         'test_instance_setting' => $this->randomName(),
-    field_create_instance($this->$instance);
+    $this->$instance = entity_create('field_instance', $this->$instance_definition);
+    $this->$instance->save();
     entity_get_form_display('test_entity', 'test_bundle', 'default')
       ->setComponent($this->$field_name, array(
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FormTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FormTest.php
index 6e20523c19e9..955b4c018eb5 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FormTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/FormTest.php
@@ -19,6 +19,34 @@ class FormTest extends FieldTestBase {
   public static $modules = array('node', 'field_test', 'options');
+  /**
+   * An array of values defining a field single.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $field_single;
+  /**
+   * An array of values defining a field multiple.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $field_multiple;
+  /**
+   * An array of values defining a field with unlimited cardinality.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $field_unlimited;
+  /**
+   * An array of values defining a field instance.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $instance;
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Field form tests',
@@ -50,13 +78,13 @@ function setUp() {
   function testFieldFormSingle() {
-    $this->field = $this->field_single;
-    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    $field = $this->field_single;
+    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
-      ->setComponent($this->field_name)
+      ->setComponent($field_name)
     $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
@@ -66,93 +94,93 @@ function testFieldFormSingle() {
     // Create token value expected for description.
     $token_description = check_plain(config('')->get('name')) . '_description';
     $this->assertText($token_description, 'Token replacement for description is displayed');
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", '', 'Widget is displayed');
-    $this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", '', 'Widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertNoField("{$field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
     // Check that hook_field_widget_form_alter() does not believe this is the
     // default value form.
     $this->assertNoText('From hook_field_widget_form_alter(): Default form is true.', 'Not default value form in hook_field_widget_form_alter().');
     // Submit with invalid value (field-level validation).
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => -1);
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => -1);
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertRaw(t('%name does not accept the value -1.', array('%name' => $this->instance['label'])), 'Field validation fails with invalid input.');
     // TODO : check that the correct field is flagged for error.
     // Create an entity
     $value = mt_rand(1, 127);
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     preg_match('|test-entity/manage/(\d+)/edit|', $this->url, $match);
     $id = $match[1];
     $this->assertRaw(t('test_entity @id has been created.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was created');
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'Field value was saved');
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'Field value was saved');
     // Display edit form.
     $this->drupalGet('test-entity/manage/' . $id . '/edit');
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", $value, 'Widget is displayed with the correct default value');
-    $this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", $value, 'Widget is displayed with the correct default value');
+    $this->assertNoField("{$field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
     // Update the entity.
     $value = mt_rand(1, 127);
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertRaw(t('test_entity @id has been updated.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was updated');
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'Field value was updated');
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'Field value was updated');
     // Empty the field.
     $value = '';
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
     $this->drupalPost('test-entity/manage/' . $id . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertRaw(t('test_entity @id has been updated.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was updated');
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
-    $this->assertIdentical($entity->{$this->field_name}, array(), 'Field was emptied');
+    $this->assertIdentical($entity->{$field_name}, array(), 'Field was emptied');
    * Tests field widget default values on entity forms.
   function testFieldFormDefaultValue() {
-    $this->field = $this->field_single;
-    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
+    $field = $this->field_single;
+    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
     $default = rand(1, 127);
     $this->instance['default_value'] = array(array('value' => $default));
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
-      ->setComponent($this->field_name)
+      ->setComponent($field_name)
     $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
     // Display creation form.
     // Test that the default value is displayed correctly.
-    $this->assertFieldByXpath("//input[@name='{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]' and @value='$default']");
+    $this->assertFieldByXpath("//input[@name='{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]' and @value='$default']");
     // Try to submit an empty value.
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => '');
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => '');
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     preg_match('|test-entity/manage/(\d+)/edit|', $this->url, $match);
     $id = $match[1];
     $this->assertRaw(t('test_entity @id has been created.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was created.');
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
-    $this->assertTrue(empty($entity->{$this->field_name}), 'Field is now empty.');
+    $this->assertTrue(empty($entity->{$field_name}), 'Field is now empty.');
   function testFieldFormSingleRequired() {
-    $this->field = $this->field_single;
-    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
+    $field = $this->field_single;
+    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
     $this->instance['required'] = TRUE;
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
-      ->setComponent($this->field_name)
+      ->setComponent($field_name)
     $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
@@ -163,50 +191,50 @@ function testFieldFormSingleRequired() {
     // Create an entity
     $value = mt_rand(1, 127);
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     preg_match('|test-entity/manage/(\d+)/edit|', $this->url, $match);
     $id = $match[1];
     $this->assertRaw(t('test_entity @id has been created.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was created');
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'Field value was saved');
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'Field value was saved');
     // Edit with missing required value.
     $value = '';
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
     $this->drupalPost('test-entity/manage/' . $id . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertRaw(t('!name field is required.', array('!name' => $this->instance['label'])), 'Required field with no value fails validation');
 //  function testFieldFormMultiple() {
 //    $this->field = $this->field_multiple;
-//    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-//    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
-//    field_create_field($this->field);
-//    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+//    $field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
+//    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
+//    entity_create('field_entity', $this->field)->save();
+//    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
 //  }
   function testFieldFormUnlimited() {
-    $this->field = $this->field_unlimited;
-    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    $field = $this->field_unlimited;
+    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
-      ->setComponent($this->field_name)
+      ->setComponent($field_name)
     $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
     // Display creation form -> 1 widget.
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", '', 'Widget 1 is displayed');
-    $this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", '', 'Widget 1 is displayed');
+    $this->assertNoField("{$field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
     // Press 'add more' button -> 2 widgets.
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Add another item'));
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", '', 'Widget 1 is displayed');
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", '', 'New widget is displayed');
-    $this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][2][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", '', 'Widget 1 is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", '', 'New widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertNoField("{$field_name}[$langcode][2][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
     // TODO : check that non-field inpurs are preserved ('title')...
     // Yet another time so that we can play with more values -> 3 widgets.
@@ -224,8 +252,8 @@ function testFieldFormUnlimited() {
       do {
         $weight = mt_rand(-$delta_range, $delta_range);
       } while (in_array($weight, $weights));
-      $edit["$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][value]"] = $value;
-      $edit["$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][_weight]"] = $weight;
+      $edit["{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][value]"] = $value;
+      $edit["{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][_weight]"] = $weight;
       // We'll need three slightly different formats to check the values.
       $values[$delta] = $value;
       $weights[$delta] = $weight;
@@ -236,15 +264,15 @@ function testFieldFormUnlimited() {
     // Press 'add more' button -> 4 widgets
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add another item'));
     for ($delta = 0; $delta <= $delta_range; $delta++) {
-      $this->assertFieldByName("$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][value]", $values[$delta], "Widget $delta is displayed and has the right value");
-      $this->assertFieldByName("$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][_weight]", $weights[$delta], "Widget $delta has the right weight");
+      $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][value]", $values[$delta], "Widget $delta is displayed and has the right value");
+      $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][_weight]", $weights[$delta], "Widget $delta has the right weight");
     $pattern = implode('.*', array_values($pattern));
     $this->assertPattern("|$pattern|s", 'Widgets are displayed in the correct order');
-    $this->assertFieldByName("$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][value]", '', "New widget is displayed");
-    $this->assertFieldByName("$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][_weight]", $delta, "New widget has the right weight");
-    $this->assertNoField("$this->field_name[$langcode][" . ($delta + 1) . '][value]', 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][value]", '', "New widget is displayed");
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][_weight]", $delta, "New widget has the right weight");
+    $this->assertNoField("{$field_name}[$langcode][" . ($delta + 1) . '][value]', 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
     // Submit the form and create the entity.
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
@@ -254,7 +282,7 @@ function testFieldFormUnlimited() {
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
     $field_values = array_values($field_values);
-    $this->assertIdentical($entity->{$this->field_name}[$langcode], $field_values, 'Field values were saved in the correct order');
+    $this->assertIdentical($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode], $field_values, 'Field values were saved in the correct order');
     // Display edit form: check that the expected number of widgets is
     // displayed, with correct values change values, reorder, leave an empty
@@ -270,31 +298,31 @@ function testFieldFormUnlimited() {
   function testFieldFormMultivalueWithRequiredRadio() {
     // Create a multivalue test field.
-    $this->field = $this->field_unlimited;
-    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    $field = $this->field_unlimited;
+    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
-      ->setComponent($this->field_name)
+      ->setComponent($field_name)
     $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
     // Add a required radio field.
-    field_create_field(array(
+    entity_create('field_entity', array(
       'field_name' => 'required_radio_test',
       'type' => 'list_text',
       'settings' => array(
         'allowed_values' => array('yes' => 'yes', 'no' => 'no'),
-    ));
+    ))->save();
     $instance = array(
       'field_name' => 'required_radio_test',
       'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
       'required' => TRUE,
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($instance['entity_type'], $instance['bundle'], 'default')
       ->setComponent($instance['field_name'], array(
         'type' => 'options_buttons',
@@ -311,19 +339,19 @@ function testFieldFormMultivalueWithRequiredRadio() {
     $this->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "error")]', FALSE, 'No error message is displayed.');
     // Verify that the widget is added.
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", '', 'Widget 1 is displayed');
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", '', 'New widget is displayed');
-    $this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][2][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", '', 'Widget 1 is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][1][value]", '', 'New widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertNoField("{$field_name}[$langcode][2][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
   function testFieldFormJSAddMore() {
-    $this->field = $this->field_unlimited;
-    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    $field = $this->field_unlimited;
+    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
-      ->setComponent($this->field_name)
+      ->setComponent($field_name)
     $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
@@ -348,8 +376,8 @@ function testFieldFormJSAddMore() {
       do {
         $weight = mt_rand(-$delta_range, $delta_range);
       } while (in_array($weight, $weights));
-      $edit["$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][value]"] = $value;
-      $edit["$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][_weight]"] = $weight;
+      $edit["{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][value]"] = $value;
+      $edit["{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][_weight]"] = $weight;
       // We'll need three slightly different formats to check the values.
       $values[$delta] = $value;
       $weights[$delta] = $weight;
@@ -358,19 +386,19 @@ function testFieldFormJSAddMore() {
     // Press 'add more' button through Ajax, and place the expected HTML result
     // as the tested content.
-    $commands = $this->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $edit, $this->field_name . '_add_more');
+    $commands = $this->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $edit, $field_name . '_add_more');
     $this->content = $commands[1]['data'];
     for ($delta = 0; $delta <= $delta_range; $delta++) {
-      $this->assertFieldByName("$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][value]", $values[$delta], "Widget $delta is displayed and has the right value");
-      $this->assertFieldByName("$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][_weight]", $weights[$delta], "Widget $delta has the right weight");
+      $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][value]", $values[$delta], "Widget $delta is displayed and has the right value");
+      $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][_weight]", $weights[$delta], "Widget $delta has the right weight");
     $pattern = implode('.*', array_values($pattern));
     $this->assertPattern("|$pattern|s", 'Widgets are displayed in the correct order');
-    $this->assertFieldByName("$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][value]", '', "New widget is displayed");
-    $this->assertFieldByName("$this->field_name[$langcode][$delta][_weight]", $delta, "New widget has the right weight");
-    $this->assertNoField("$this->field_name[$langcode][" . ($delta + 1) . '][value]', 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][value]", '', "New widget is displayed");
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][_weight]", $delta, "New widget has the right weight");
+    $this->assertNoField("{$field_name}[$langcode][" . ($delta + 1) . '][value]', 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
@@ -379,13 +407,13 @@ function testFieldFormJSAddMore() {
   function testFieldFormMultipleWidget() {
     // Create a field with fixed cardinality and an instance using a multiple
     // widget.
-    $this->field = $this->field_multiple;
-    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    $field = $this->field_multiple;
+    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
-      ->setComponent($this->field_name, array(
+      ->setComponent($field_name, array(
         'type' => 'test_field_widget_multiple',
@@ -393,28 +421,28 @@ function testFieldFormMultipleWidget() {
     // Display creation form.
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode]", '', 'Widget is displayed.');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode]", '', 'Widget is displayed.');
     // Create entity with three values.
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode]" => '1, 2, 3');
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode]" => '1, 2, 3');
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     preg_match('|test-entity/manage/(\d+)/edit|', $this->url, $match);
     $id = $match[1];
     // Check that the values were saved.
     $entity_init = field_test_create_entity($id);
-    $this->assertFieldValues($entity_init, $this->field_name, $langcode, array(1, 2, 3));
+    $this->assertFieldValues($entity_init, $field_name, $langcode, array(1, 2, 3));
     // Display the form, check that the values are correctly filled in.
     $this->drupalGet('test-entity/manage/' . $id . '/edit');
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode]", '1, 2, 3', 'Widget is displayed.');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode]", '1, 2, 3', 'Widget is displayed.');
     // Submit the form with more values than the field accepts.
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode]" => '1, 2, 3, 4, 5');
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode]" => '1, 2, 3, 4, 5');
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertRaw('this field cannot hold more than 4 values', 'Form validation failed.');
     // Check that the field values were not submitted.
-    $this->assertFieldValues($entity_init, $this->field_name, $langcode, array(1, 2, 3));
+    $this->assertFieldValues($entity_init, $field_name, $langcode, array(1, 2, 3));
@@ -426,8 +454,8 @@ function testFieldFormAccess() {
     $field_name = $field['field_name'];
     $instance = $this->instance;
     $instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
-    field_create_field($field);
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
@@ -444,8 +472,8 @@ function testFieldFormAccess() {
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
       'default_value' => array(0 => array('value' => 99)),
-    field_create_field($field_no_access);
-    field_create_instance($instance_no_access);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_no_access)->save();
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance_no_access)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($instance_no_access['entity_type'], $instance_no_access['bundle'], 'default')
@@ -501,17 +529,17 @@ function testFieldFormAccess() {
   function testNestedFieldForm() {
     // Add two instances on the 'test_bundle'
-    field_create_field($this->field_single);
-    field_create_field($this->field_unlimited);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $this->field_single)->save();
+    entity_create('field_entity', $this->field_unlimited)->save();
     $this->instance['field_name'] = 'field_single';
     $this->instance['label'] = 'Single field';
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
     $this->instance['field_name'] = 'field_unlimited';
     $this->instance['label'] = 'Unlimited field';
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance)->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
@@ -615,12 +643,13 @@ function testNestedFieldForm() {
    * Tests the Hidden widget.
   function testFieldFormHiddenWidget() {
-    $this->field = $this->field_single;
-    $this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
-    $this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
+    $field = $this->field_single;
+    $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+    $this->instance['field_name'] = $field_name;
     $this->instance['default_value'] = array(0 => array('value' => 99));
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    $this->instance = entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance);
+    $this->instance->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
       ->setComponent($this->instance['field_name'], array(
         'type' => 'hidden',
@@ -633,18 +662,18 @@ function testFieldFormHiddenWidget() {
     // Create an entity and test that the default value is assigned correctly to
     // the field that uses the hidden widget.
-    $this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", 'The hidden widget is not displayed');
+    $this->assertNoField("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", 'The hidden widget is not displayed');
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
     preg_match('|test-entity/manage/(\d+)/edit|', $this->url, $match);
     $id = $match[1];
     $this->assertRaw(t('test_entity @id has been created.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was created');
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], 99, 'Default value was saved');
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], 99, 'Default value was saved');
     // Update the instance to remove the default value and switch to the
     // default widget.
     $this->instance['default_value'] = NULL;
-    field_update_instance($this->instance);
+    $this->instance->save();
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
       ->setComponent($this->instance['field_name'], array(
         'type' => 'test_field_widget',
@@ -653,16 +682,16 @@ function testFieldFormHiddenWidget() {
     // Display edit form.
     $this->drupalGet('test-entity/manage/' . $id . '/edit');
-    $this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", 99, 'Widget is displayed with the correct default value');
+    $this->assertFieldByName("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]", 99, 'Widget is displayed with the correct default value');
     // Update the entity.
     $value = mt_rand(1, 127);
-    $edit = array("{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
+    $edit = array("{$field_name}[$langcode][0][value]" => $value);
     $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertRaw(t('test_entity @id has been updated.', array('@id' => $id)), 'Entity was updated');
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'Field value was updated');
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'Field value was updated');
     // Update the form display and switch to the Hidden widget again.
     entity_get_form_display($this->instance['entity_type'], $this->instance['bundle'], 'default')
@@ -678,7 +707,7 @@ function testFieldFormHiddenWidget() {
     // Check that the expected value has been carried over to the new revision.
     $entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'New revision has the expected value for the field with the Hidden widget');
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'], $value, 'New revision has the expected value for the field with the Hidden widget');
@@ -697,4 +726,5 @@ function assertFieldValues(EntityInterface $entity, $field_name, $langcode, $exp
       $this->assertEqual($values[$key][$column], $value, format_string('Value @value was saved correctly.', array('@value' => $value)));
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ShapeItemTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ShapeItemTest.php
index 4e92d7e681d6..6f7f3a005c36 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ShapeItemTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/ShapeItemTest.php
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ class ShapeItemTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
   public static $modules = array('field_test');
+  /**
+   * The name of the field to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $field_name = 'field_shape';
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Shape field item',
@@ -34,17 +41,17 @@ public function setUp() {
     // Create an field field and instance for validation.
-    $this->field = array(
-      'field_name' => 'field_shape',
+    $field = array(
+      'field_name' => $this->field_name,
       'type' => 'shape',
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    $this->instance = array(
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    $instance = array(
       'entity_type' => 'entity_test',
-      'field_name' => 'field_shape',
+      'field_name' => $this->field_name,
       'bundle' => 'entity_test',
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
@@ -55,34 +62,34 @@ public function testShapeItem() {
     $entity = entity_create('entity_test', array());
     $shape = 'cube';
     $color = 'blue';
-    $entity->field_shape->shape = $shape;
-    $entity->field_shape->color = $color;
+    $entity->{$this->field_name}->shape = $shape;
+    $entity->{$this->field_name}->color = $color;
     $entity->name->value = $this->randomName();
     // Verify entity has been created properly.
     $id = $entity->id();
     $entity = entity_load('entity_test', $id);
-    $this->assertTrue($entity->field_shape instanceof FieldInterface, 'Field implements interface.');
-    $this->assertTrue($entity->field_shape[0] instanceof FieldItemInterface, 'Field item implements interface.');
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_shape->shape, $shape);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_shape->color, $color);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_shape[0]->shape, $shape);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_shape[0]->color, $color);
+    $this->assertTrue($entity->{$this->field_name} instanceof FieldInterface, 'Field implements interface.');
+    $this->assertTrue($entity->{$this->field_name}[0] instanceof FieldItemInterface, 'Field item implements interface.');
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->shape, $shape);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->color, $color);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[0]->shape, $shape);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[0]->color, $color);
     // Verify changing the field value.
     $new_shape = 'circle';
     $new_color = 'red';
-    $entity->field_shape->shape = $new_shape;
-    $entity->field_shape->color = $new_color;
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_shape->shape, $new_shape);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_shape->color, $new_color);
+    $entity->{$this->field_name}->shape = $new_shape;
+    $entity->{$this->field_name}->color = $new_color;
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->shape, $new_shape);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->color, $new_color);
     // Read changed entity and assert changed values.
     $entity = entity_load('entity_test', $id);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_shape->shape, $new_shape);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_shape->color, $new_color);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->shape, $new_shape);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->color, $new_color);
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TestItemTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TestItemTest.php
index c8ff8fa3e698..e8b85d10b649 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TestItemTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TestItemTest.php
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ class TestItemTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
   public static $modules = array('field_test');
+  /**
+   * The name of the field to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $field_name = 'field_test';
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Test field item',
@@ -34,17 +41,17 @@ public function setUp() {
     // Create an field field and instance for validation.
-    $this->field = array(
-      'field_name' => 'field_test',
+    $field = array(
+      'field_name' => $this->field_name,
       'type' => 'test_field',
-    field_create_field($this->field);
-    $this->instance = array(
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
+    $instance = array(
       'entity_type' => 'entity_test',
-      'field_name' => 'field_test',
+      'field_name' => $this->field_name,
       'bundle' => 'entity_test',
-    field_create_instance($this->instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
@@ -61,20 +68,20 @@ public function testTestItem() {
     // Verify entity has been created properly.
     $id = $entity->id();
     $entity = entity_load('entity_test', $id);
-    $this->assertTrue($entity->field_test instanceof FieldInterface, 'Field implements interface.');
-    $this->assertTrue($entity->field_test[0] instanceof FieldItemInterface, 'Field item implements interface.');
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_test->value, $value);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_test[0]->value, $value);
+    $this->assertTrue($entity->{$this->field_name} instanceof FieldInterface, 'Field implements interface.');
+    $this->assertTrue($entity->{$this->field_name}[0] instanceof FieldItemInterface, 'Field item implements interface.');
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->value, $value);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}[0]->value, $value);
     // Verify changing the field value.
     $new_value = rand(1, 10);
     $entity->field_test->value = $new_value;
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_test->value, $new_value);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->value, $new_value);
     // Read changed entity and assert changed values.
     $entity = entity_load('entity_test', $id);
-    $this->assertEqual($entity->field_test->value, $new_value);
+    $this->assertEqual($entity->{$this->field_name}->value, $new_value);
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationTest.php
index ae52f2eff015..f755e512f948 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationTest.php
@@ -26,6 +26,49 @@ class TranslationTest extends FieldUnitTestBase {
   public static $modules = array('language', 'node');
+  /**
+   * The name of the field to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $field_name;
+  /**
+   * The name of the entity type to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $entity_type = 'test_entity';
+  /**
+   * An array defining the field to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $field_definition;
+  /**
+   * An array defining the field instance to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $instance_definition;
+  /**
+   * The field to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\Field
+   */
+  protected $field;
+  /**
+   * The field instance to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\FieldInstance
+   */
+  protected $instance;
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Field translations tests',
@@ -41,15 +84,13 @@ function setUp() {
     $this->field_name = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName() . '_field_name');
-    $this->entity_type = 'test_entity';
     $this->field_definition = array(
       'field_name' => $this->field_name,
       'type' => 'test_field',
       'cardinality' => 4,
       'translatable' => TRUE,
-    field_create_field($this->field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $this->field_definition)->save();
     $this->field = field_read_field($this->field_name);
     $this->instance_definition = array(
@@ -57,7 +98,7 @@ function setUp() {
       'entity_type' => $this->entity_type,
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
-    field_create_instance($this->instance_definition);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $this->instance_definition)->save();
     $this->instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->field_name, 'test_bundle');
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
@@ -95,7 +136,7 @@ function testFieldAvailableLanguages() {
     // Test field_available_languages() behavior for untranslatable fields.
     $this->field['translatable'] = FALSE;
-    field_update_field($this->field);
+    $this->field->save();
     $available_langcodes = field_available_languages($this->entity_type, $this->field);
     $this->assertTrue(count($available_langcodes) == 1 && $available_langcodes[0] === Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED, 'For untranslatable fields only Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED is available.');
@@ -107,7 +148,6 @@ function testFieldInvoke() {
     // Enable field translations for the entity.
     field_test_entity_info_translatable('test_entity', TRUE);
-    $entity_type = 'test_entity';
     $entity = field_test_create_entity(0, 0, $this->instance['bundle']);
     // Populate some extra languages to check if _field_invoke() correctly uses
@@ -251,12 +291,13 @@ function testTranslatableFieldSaveLoad() {
     $field_name_default = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName() . '_field_name');
     $field_definition = $this->field_definition;
     $field_definition['field_name'] = $field_name_default;
-    $field = field_create_field($field_definition);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
     $instance_definition = $this->instance_definition;
     $instance_definition['field_name'] = $field_name_default;
     $instance_definition['default_value'] = array(array('value' => rand(1, 127)));
-    $instance = field_create_instance($instance_definition);
+    $instance = entity_create('field_instance', $instance_definition);
+    $instance->save();
     $translation_langcodes = array_slice($available_langcodes, 0, 2);
@@ -310,14 +351,14 @@ function testFieldDisplayLanguage() {
       'cardinality' => 2,
       'translatable' => TRUE,
-    field_create_field($field);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
     $instance = array(
       'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
       'entity_type' => $entity_type,
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     $entity = field_test_create_entity(1, 1, $this->instance['bundle']);
     $instances = field_info_instances($entity_type, $this->instance['bundle']);
@@ -387,4 +428,5 @@ function testFieldDisplayLanguage() {
     $display_langcode = field_language($entity, $this->field_name, $requested_langcode);
     $this->assertEqual($display_langcode, $requested_langcode, 'Display language behave correctly when language fallback is disabled');
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationWebTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationWebTest.php
index 786f1b4ca5d5..7001ad0d7e22 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationWebTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/TranslationWebTest.php
@@ -21,6 +21,34 @@ class TranslationWebTest extends FieldTestBase {
   public static $modules = array('language', 'field_test');
+  /**
+   * The name of the field to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $field_name;
+  /**
+   * The name of the entity type to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $entity_type = 'test_entity';
+  /**
+   * The field to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\Field
+   */
+  protected $field;
+  /**
+   * The field instance to use in this test.
+   *
+   * @var \Drupal\field\Plugin\Core\Entity\FieldInstance
+   */
+  protected $instance;
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
       'name' => 'Field translations web tests',
@@ -34,15 +62,13 @@ function setUp() {
     $this->field_name = drupal_strtolower($this->randomName() . '_field_name');
-    $this->entity_type = 'test_entity';
     $field = array(
       'field_name' => $this->field_name,
       'type' => 'test_field',
       'cardinality' => 4,
       'translatable' => TRUE,
-    field_create_field($field);
+    entity_create('field_entity', $field)->save();
     $this->field = field_read_field($this->field_name);
     $instance = array(
@@ -50,7 +76,7 @@ function setUp() {
       'entity_type' => $this->entity_type,
       'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     $this->instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->field_name, 'test_bundle');
     entity_get_form_display($this->entity_type, 'test_bundle', 'default')
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/ApiDataTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/ApiDataTest.php
index f18742271ffa..4bf26258a856 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/ApiDataTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/ApiDataTest.php
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function setUp() {
       'entity_type' => 'node',
       'bundle' => 'page',
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     // The second one will be attached to users only.
     $instance = array(
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function setUp() {
       'entity_type' => 'user',
       'bundle' => 'user',
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     // The third will be attached to both nodes and users.
     $instance = array(
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ function setUp() {
       'entity_type' => 'node',
       'bundle' => 'page',
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     $instance = array(
       'field_name' => $field_names[2],
       'entity_type' => 'user',
       'bundle' => 'user',
-    field_create_instance($instance);
+    entity_create('field_instance', $instance)->save();
     // Now create some example nodes/users for the view result.
     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function setUp() {
         'field_name_0' => array((array('value' => $this->randomName()))),
         'field_name_2' => array((array('value' => $this->randomName()))),
-      $this->nodes[] = $this->drupalCreateNode($edit);
+      $nodes[] = $this->drupalCreateNode($edit);
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/FieldTestBase.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/FieldTestBase.php
index c0f500b7c643..3cba44cf16c2 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/FieldTestBase.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/FieldTestBase.php
@@ -35,12 +35,15 @@ abstract class FieldTestBase extends ViewTestBase {
    * Stores the field definitions used by the test.
+   *
    * @var array
   public $fields;
    * Stores the instances of the fields. They have
    * the same keys as the fields.
+   *
    * @var array
   public $instances;
@@ -58,7 +61,8 @@ function setUpFields($amount = 3) {
       $field_names[$i] = 'field_name_' . $i;
       $field = array('field_name' => $field_names[$i], 'type' => 'text');
-      $this->fields[$i] = $field = field_create_field($field);
+      $this->fields[$i] = $field = entity_create('field_entity', $field);
+      $field->save();
     return $field_names;
@@ -70,7 +74,8 @@ function setUpInstances($bundle = 'page') {
         'entity_type' => 'node',
         'bundle' => 'page',
-      $this->instances[$key] = field_create_instance($instance);
+      $this->instances[$key] = entity_create('field_instance', $instance);
+      $this->instances[$key]->save();
diff --git a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/HandlerFieldFieldTest.php b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/HandlerFieldFieldTest.php
index f365635ec907..8658c523e659 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/HandlerFieldFieldTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Tests/Views/HandlerFieldFieldTest.php
@@ -47,9 +47,11 @@ protected function setUp() {
     // Setup a field with cardinality > 1.
-    $this->fields[3] = $field = field_create_field(array('field_name' => 'field_name_3', 'type' => 'text', 'cardinality' => FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED));
+    $this->fields[3] = $field = entity_create('field_entity', array('field_name' => 'field_name_3', 'type' => 'text', 'cardinality' => FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED));
+    $field->save();
     // Setup a field that will have no value.
-    $this->fields[4] = $field = field_create_field(array('field_name' => 'field_name_4', 'type' => 'text', 'cardinality' => FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED));
+    $this->fields[4] = $field = entity_create('field_entity', array('field_name' => 'field_name_4', 'type' => 'text', 'cardinality' => FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED));
+    $field->save();
diff --git a/core/modules/field/tests/modules/field_test/field_test.module b/core/modules/field/tests/modules/field_test/field_test.module
index 04f1c8370b7e..50b21398a893 100644
--- a/core/modules/field/tests/modules/field_test/field_test.module
+++ b/core/modules/field/tests/modules/field_test/field_test.module
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ function field_test_field_language_alter(&$display_langcode, $context) {
  *   field_test_memorize();
  *   // call some Field API functions that invoke field_test hooks
- *   $field = field_create_field(...);
+ *   entity_create('field_entity', $field_definition)->save();
  *   // retrieve and reset the memorized hook call data
  *   $mem = field_test_memorize();