diff --git a/core/includes/form.inc b/core/includes/form.inc
index 395cca75beefaca8f96420c93310a4c65726ef19..66aff35f4ae928af6df1d2ff29b54256326ad703 100644
--- a/core/includes/form.inc
+++ b/core/includes/form.inc
@@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ function drupal_redirect_form($form_state) {
-    drupal_goto(current_path());
+    drupal_goto(current_path(), array('query' => request()->query->all()));
diff --git a/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Form/RedirectTest.php b/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Form/RedirectTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..646e539ab4b8397fef8c810e3928c4c12942de38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Form/RedirectTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @file
+ * Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Form\RedirectTest.
+ */
+namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Form;
+use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
+ * Tests form redirection.
+ */
+class RedirectTest extends WebTestBase {
+  public static function getInfo() {
+    return array(
+      'name' => 'Form redirecting',
+      'description' => 'Tests functionality of drupal_redirect_form().',
+      'group' => 'Form API',
+    );
+  }
+  function setUp() {
+    parent::setUp(array('form_test'));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests form redirection.
+   */
+  function testRedirect() {
+    $path = 'form-test/redirect';
+    $options = array('query' => array('foo' => 'bar'));
+    $options['absolute'] = TRUE;
+    // Test basic redirection.
+    $edit = array(
+      'redirection' => TRUE,
+      'destination' => $this->randomName(),
+    );
+    $this->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Submit'));
+    $this->assertUrl($edit['destination'], array(), 'Basic redirection works.');
+    // Test without redirection.
+    $edit = array(
+      'redirection' => FALSE,
+    );
+    $this->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Submit'));
+    $this->assertUrl($path, array(), 'When redirect is set to FALSE, there should be no redirection.');
+    // Test redirection with query parameters.
+    $edit = array(
+      'redirection' => TRUE,
+      'destination' => $this->randomName(),
+    );
+    $this->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Submit'), $options);
+    $this->assertUrl($edit['destination'], array(), 'Redirection with query parameters works.');
+    // Test without redirection but with query parameters.
+    $edit = array(
+      'redirection' => FALSE,
+    );
+    $this->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Submit'), $options);
+    $this->assertUrl($path, $options, 'When redirect is set to FALSE, there should be no redirection, and the query parameters should be passed along.');
+    // Test redirection back to the original path.
+    $edit = array(
+      'redirection' => TRUE,
+      'destination' => '',
+    );
+    $this->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Submit'));
+    $this->assertUrl($path, array(), 'When using an empty redirection string, there should be no redirection.');
+    // Test redirection back to the original path with query parameters.
+    $edit = array(
+      'redirection' => TRUE,
+      'destination' => '',
+    );
+    $this->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Submit'), $options);
+    $this->assertUrl($path, $options, 'When using an empty redirection string, there should be no redirection, and the query parameters should be passed along.');
+  }
diff --git a/core/modules/system/tests/modules/form_test/form_test.module b/core/modules/system/tests/modules/form_test/form_test.module
index ff6d54474a2e4d2ed29eda3ee8438a88d39de588..86e810d0db3813abab309fe4a42bd57bb57a4292 100644
--- a/core/modules/system/tests/modules/form_test/form_test.module
+++ b/core/modules/system/tests/modules/form_test/form_test.module
@@ -212,6 +212,14 @@ function form_test_menu() {
     'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
+  $items['form-test/redirect'] = array(
+    'title' => 'Redirect test',
+    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
+    'page arguments' => array('form_test_redirect'),
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
+  );
   $items['form_test/form-labels'] = array(
     'title' => 'Form label test',
     'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
@@ -2043,6 +2051,43 @@ function form_test_clicked_button_submit($form, &$form_state) {
   drupal_set_message('Submit handler for form_test_clicked_button executed.');
+ * Form builder to detect form redirect.
+ */
+function form_test_redirect($form, &$form_state) {
+  $form['redirection'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'checkbox',
+    '#title' => t('Use redirection'),
+  );
+  $form['destination'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'textfield',
+    '#title' => t('Redirect destination'),
+    '#states' => array(
+      'visible' => array(
+        ':input[name="redirection"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  $form['submit'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'submit',
+    '#value' => t('Submit'),
+  );
+  return $form;
+ * Form submit handler to test different redirect behaviours.
+ */
+function form_test_redirect_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
+  if (!empty($form_state['values']['redirection'])) {
+    $form_state['redirect'] = !empty($form_state['values']['destination']) ? $form_state['values']['destination'] : NULL;
+  }
+  else {
+    $form_state['redirect'] = FALSE;
+  }
  * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for the registration form.