diff --git a/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/migrate_drupal_ui.upgrading.html.twig b/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/migrate_drupal_ui.upgrading.html.twig
index 9aa5015b140bf047aa8e5ec40eeb2fe0fd81ee4c..c5dcfa2dce5ac118b35bcdb152f794eb9b6c1d99 100644
--- a/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/migrate_drupal_ui.upgrading.html.twig
+++ b/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/migrate_drupal_ui.upgrading.html.twig
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ label: 'Migrating data for an upgrade using the user interface'
   - migrate.overview
-{% set migrate_drupal_upgrade = render_var(url('migrate_drupal_ui.upgrade')) %}
-{% set migrate_drupal_log = render_var(url('dblog.overview')) %}
+{% set migrate_drupal_upgrade_link_text %}{% trans %}Upgrade{% endtrans %}{% endset %}
+{% set migrate_drupal_upgrade_link = render_var(help_route_link(migrate_drupal_upgrade_link_text, 'migrate_drupal_ui.upgrade')) %}
 {% set migrate_overview_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('migrate.overview')) %}
 <h2>{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}</h2>
 <p>{% trans %}Migrate data into a new, empty site, as part of an upgrade from an older version of Drupal. See {{ migrate_overview_topic }} for an overview of migrating and upgrading.{% endtrans %}</p>
 <h2>{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}</h2>
-<li>{% trans %}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Configuration</em> &gt; <em>Development</em> &gt; <em><a href="{{ migrate_drupal_upgrade }}">Upgrade</a></em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
+<li>{% trans %}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Configuration</em> &gt; <em>Development</em> &gt; <em>{{ migrate_drupal_upgrade_link }}</em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
 <li>{% trans %}Read the introduction and follow the <em>Preparation steps</em> on the page. Then click <em>Continue</em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
 <li>{% trans %}Select the Drupal version of the source site. Also enter the database credentials and public and private files directories (private file directory is not available when migrating from Drupal 6). Click <em>Review upgrade</em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
 <li>{% trans %}If the next page you see contains a message about conflicting content, that means that the site where you are running the upgrade is not empty. If you continue, you will lose the data in the site. If that is acceptable, click the button to continue; if not, start these steps over in a new, clean Drupal site.{% endtrans %}</li>
diff --git a/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/responsive_image.style.html.twig b/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/responsive_image.style.html.twig
index 980bbb45035969b71496da8f1e72d1f482f97c8d..9aa7aeb56ebb4155969bf48d2f2df60807fddfa4 100644
--- a/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/responsive_image.style.html.twig
+++ b/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/responsive_image.style.html.twig
@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ related:
 {% set media_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('core.media')) %}
 {% set image_style_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('image.style')) %}
 {% set breakpoint_overview_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('breakpoint.overview')) %}
-{% set styles = render_var(url('entity.responsive_image_style.collection')) %}
+{% set styles_link_text %}{% trans %}Responsive image styles{% endtrans %}{% endset %}
+{% set styles_link = render_var(help_route_link(styles_link_text, 'entity.responsive_image_style.collection')) %}
 <h2>{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}</h2>
 <p>{% trans %}Configure a responsive image style, which can be used to display images at different sizes on different devices. See {{ media_topic }} for an overview of responsive image styles, and {{ breakpoint_overview_topic }} for an overview of breakpoints.{% endtrans %}</p>
 <h2>{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}</h2>
-  <li>{% trans %}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Configuration</em> &gt; <em>Media</em> &gt; <a href="{{ styles }}"><em>Responsive image styles</em></a>.{% endtrans %}</li>
+  <li>{% trans %}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Configuration</em> &gt; <em>Media</em> &gt; <em>{{ styles_link }}</em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
   <li>{% trans %}Click <em>Add responsive image style</em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
   <li>{% trans %}Enter a descriptive <em>Label</em> for your style.{% endtrans %}</li>
   <li>{% trans %}Select a <em>Breakpoint group</em> from the groups defined by your installed themes and modules.{% endtrans %}</li>
diff --git a/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.configuring.html.twig b/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.configuring.html.twig
index 0c6f7e21867499f5fbc6110f64ddb657a1581d77..349aa143149d24c0f20132f65202ecde088752f4 100644
--- a/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.configuring.html.twig
+++ b/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.configuring.html.twig
@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ related:
   - search.overview
   - search.index
-{% set search_settings = render_var(url('entity.search_page.collection')) %}
+{% set search_settings_link_text %}{% trans %}Search pages{% endtrans %}{% endset %}
+{% set search_settings_link = render_var(help_route_link(search_settings_link_text, 'entity.search_page.collection')) %}
 {% set search_index_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('search.index')) %}
 <h2>{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}</h2>
 <p>{% trans %}Configure one or more search pages.{% endtrans %}</p>
 <h2>{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}</h2>
-  <li>{% trans %}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Configuration</em> &gt; <em>Search and Metadata</em> &gt; <a href="{{ search_settings }}"><em>Search pages</em></a>.{% endtrans %}</li>
+  <li>{% trans %}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Configuration</em> &gt; <em>Search and Metadata</em> &gt; <em>{{ search_settings_link }}</em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
   <li>{% trans %}Scroll down to the <em>Search pages</em> section. You will see a list of the already-configured search pages on your site.{% endtrans %}</li>
   <li>{% trans %}To configure an existing search page, click <em>Edit</em>. Or, to add a new search page, select the <em>Search page type</em> and click <em>Add search page</em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
   <li>{% trans %}Enter the desired <em>Label</em> name and URL <em>Path</em> for the search page.{% endtrans %}</li>
diff --git a/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.index.html.twig b/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.index.html.twig
index 1451cebdd11b42fa42144c147d5d030f8bc6377b..e232d6e69f6e5d5d4a4ae7ad16fe70c690d5bb37 100644
--- a/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.index.html.twig
+++ b/core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.index.html.twig
@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ related:
   - search.configuring
 {% set cron_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('core.cron')) %}
-{% set search_settings = render_var(url('entity.search_page.collection')) %}
+{% set search_settings_link_text %}{% trans %}Search pages{% endtrans %}{% endset %}
+{% set search_settings_link = render_var(help_route_link(search_settings_link_text, 'entity.search_page.collection')) %}
 <h2>{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}</h2>
 <p>{% trans %}Manage the search index, and make sure that the site is fully indexed for searching.{% endtrans %}</p>
 <h2>{% trans %}What is the search index?{% endtrans %}</h2>
 <p>{% trans %}The <em>Content</em> and <em>Help</em> search types provided by the core software pre-index their content and store the results in several database tables that are collectively called the <em>search index</em>. The process of indexing renders the content and breaks it up into words, which can then be matched more efficiently with keyword queries when users perform searches. Search indexing happens during cron runs; see {{ cron_topic }} for more information about cron.{% endtrans %}</p>
 <h2>{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}</h2>
-<li>{% trans %}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Configuration</em> &gt; <em>Search and Metadata</em> &gt; <a href="{{ search_settings }}"><em>Search pages</em></a>.{% endtrans %}</li>
+<li>{% trans %}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Configuration</em> &gt; <em>Search and Metadata</em> &gt; <em>{{ search_settings_link }}</em>.{% endtrans %}</li>
 <li>{% trans %}Under <em>Indexing throttle</em>, select the <em>Number of items to index per cron run</em>. A smaller number will make cron faster and reduce the possibility of timeout; a larger number will make sure more of your site is indexed in fewer cron runs.{% endtrans %}</li>
 <li>{% trans %}Under <em>Default indexing settings</em>, enter the desired <em>Minimum word length to index</em>. Words smaller than this length will be dropped from both keywords when searching and content when indexing.{% endtrans %}</li>
 <li>{% trans %}If your site uses Chinese, Japanese, or Korean languages, optionally check <em>Simple CJK handling</em> under <em>Default indexing settings</em> to provide some support for these languages.{% endtrans %}</li>