diff --git a/core/modules/user/tests/src/Functional/Views/ArgumentDefaultTest.php b/core/modules/user/tests/src/Functional/Views/ArgumentDefaultTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e14948ba2665f41f240e6951a4329e76c549e1f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/core/modules/user/tests/src/Functional/Views/ArgumentDefaultTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-namespace Drupal\Tests\user\Functional\Views;
-use Drupal\views\Views;
- * Tests views user argument default plugin.
- *
- * @group user
- */
-class ArgumentDefaultTest extends UserTestBase {
-  /**
-   * Views used by this test.
-   *
-   * @var array
-   */
-  public static $testViews = ['test_plugin_argument_default_current_user'];
-  public function test_plugin_argument_default_current_user() {
-    // Create a user to test.
-    $account = $this->drupalCreateUser();
-    // Switch the user.
-    \Drupal::service('account_switcher')->switchTo($account);
-    $view = Views::getView('test_plugin_argument_default_current_user');
-    $view->initHandlers();
-    $this->assertEqual($view->argument['null']->getDefaultArgument(), $account->id(), 'Uid of the current user is used.');
-    // Switch back.
-    \Drupal::service('account_switcher')->switchBack();
-  }
diff --git a/core/modules/user/tests/src/Kernel/Views/ArgumentDefaultTest.php b/core/modules/user/tests/src/Kernel/Views/ArgumentDefaultTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1e91b3b7123f953570ef781a438fd718f827af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/modules/user/tests/src/Kernel/Views/ArgumentDefaultTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+namespace Drupal\Tests\user\Kernel\Views;
+use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
+use Drupal\Tests\user\Traits\UserCreationTrait;
+use Drupal\views\Tests\ViewTestData;
+use Drupal\views\Views;
+ * Tests views user argument default plugin.
+ *
+ * @group user
+ */
+class ArgumentDefaultTest extends KernelTestBase {
+  use UserCreationTrait;
+  /**
+   * {@inheritdoc}
+   */
+  protected static $modules = [
+    'node',
+    'system',
+    'user',
+    'user_test_views',
+    'views',
+  ];
+  /**
+   * Views used by this test.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  public static $testViews = ['test_plugin_argument_default_current_user'];
+  /**
+   * Tests the current user with argument default.
+   */
+  public function testPluginArgumentDefaultCurrentUser() {
+    $this->installSchema('system', ['sequences']);
+    $this->installEntitySchema('user');
+    ViewTestData::createTestViews(get_class($this), ['user_test_views']);
+    // Create a user to test.
+    $account = $this->createUser();
+    // Switch the user.
+    $this->container->get('account_switcher')->switchTo($account);
+    $view = Views::getView('test_plugin_argument_default_current_user');
+    $view->initHandlers();
+    $this->assertEquals($account->id(), $view->argument['null']->getDefaultArgument(), 'Uid of the current user is used.');
+  }