diff --git a/core/modules/edit/js/editors/formEditor.js b/core/modules/edit/js/editors/formEditor.js
index adfa7483cbf5fcdeafb58a62b145b492d4e71624..2d8fb8ed27014f63d23ac2a788a0e9c2a0caca2c 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/js/editors/formEditor.js
+++ b/core/modules/edit/js/editors/formEditor.js
@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ Drupal.edit.editors.form = Drupal.edit.EditorView.extend({
     // Create an AJAX object for the form associated with the field.
     var formSaveAjax = Drupal.edit.util.form.ajaxifySaving({
-      nocssjs: false
+      nocssjs: false,
+      other_view_modes: fieldModel.findOtherViewModes()
     }, $submit);
     // Successfully saved.
@@ -176,8 +177,12 @@ Drupal.edit.editors.form = Drupal.edit.EditorView.extend({
       // First, transition the state to 'saved'.
       fieldModel.set('state', 'saved');
-      // Then, set the 'html' attribute on the field model. This will cause the
-      // field to be rerendered.
+      // Second, set the 'htmlForOtherViewModes' attribute, so that when this
+      // field is rerendered, the change can be propagated to other instances of
+      // this field, which may be displayed in different view modes.
+      fieldModel.set('htmlForOtherViewModes', response.other_view_modes);
+      // Finally, set the 'html' attribute on the field model. This will cause
+      // the field to be rerendered.
       fieldModel.set('html', response.data);
diff --git a/core/modules/edit/js/models/EntityModel.js b/core/modules/edit/js/models/EntityModel.js
index 99bd7a60c8e100ed7983180dda911f88743128cf..913abb3b831570ebda3cb6099ca3b4c8e88927d8 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/js/models/EntityModel.js
+++ b/core/modules/edit/js/models/EntityModel.js
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Drupal.edit.EntityModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
               // "Save" button again.
               entityModel.set('state', 'opened', { reason: 'networkerror' });
               // Show a modal to inform the user of the network error.
-              var message = Drupal.t('Your changes to <q>@entity-title</q> could not be saved, either due to a website problem or a network connection problem.<br>Please try again.', { '@entity-title' : entityModel.get('label') })
+              var message = Drupal.t('Your changes to <q>@entity-title</q> could not be saved, either due to a website problem or a network connection problem.<br>Please try again.', { '@entity-title' : entityModel.get('label') });
               Drupal.edit.util.networkErrorModal(Drupal.t('Sorry!'), message);
diff --git a/core/modules/edit/js/models/FieldModel.js b/core/modules/edit/js/models/FieldModel.js
index fc4a3dcb2f425e37ff2112ea9c974359984d0433..13f88cc45bae6ee6ad7fdce49c4522ca88142d3b 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/js/models/FieldModel.js
+++ b/core/modules/edit/js/models/FieldModel.js
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ Drupal.edit.FieldModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
     // Callback function for validating changes between states. Receives the
     // previous state, new state, context, and a callback
     acceptStateChange: null,
+    // A logical field ID, of the form
+    // "<entity type>/<id>/<field name>/<language>", i.e. the fieldID without
+    // the view mode, to be able to identify other instances of the same field
+    // on the page but rendered in a different view mode. e.g. "node/1/field_tags/und".
+    logicalFieldID: null,
     // The attributes below are stateful. The ones above will never change
     // during the life of a FieldModel instance.
@@ -49,7 +54,11 @@ Drupal.edit.FieldModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
     // The full HTML representation of this field (with the element that has
     // the data-edit-field-id as the outer element). Used to propagate changes
     // from this field instance to other instances of the same field.
-    html: null
+    html: null,
+    // An object containing the full HTML representations (values) of other view
+    // modes (keys) of this field, for other instances of this field displayed
+    // in a different view mode.
+    htmlForOtherViewModes: null
@@ -61,6 +70,9 @@ Drupal.edit.FieldModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
     // Enlist field automatically in the associated entity's field collection.
+    // Automatically generate the logical field ID.
+    this.set('logicalFieldID', this.get('fieldID').split('/').slice(0, 4).join('/'));
@@ -112,6 +124,46 @@ Drupal.edit.FieldModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
   getEntityID: function () {
     return this.get('fieldID').split('/').slice(0, 2).join('/');
+  },
+  /**
+   * Extracts the view mode ID from this field's ID.
+   *
+   * @return String
+   *   A view mode ID.
+   */
+  getViewMode: function () {
+    return this.get('fieldID').split('/').pop();
+  },
+  /**
+   * Find other instances of this field with different view modes.
+   *
+   * @return Array
+   *   An array containing view mode IDs.
+   */
+  findOtherViewModes: function () {
+    var currentField = this;
+    var otherViewModes = [];
+    Drupal.edit.collections.fields
+      // Find all instances of fields that display the same logical field (same
+      // entity, same field, just a different instance and maybe a different
+      // view mode).
+      .where({ logicalFieldID: currentField.get('logicalFieldID') })
+      .forEach(function (field) {
+        // Ignore the current field.
+        if (field === currentField) {
+          return;
+        }
+        // Also ignore other fields with the same view mode.
+        else if (field.get('fieldID') === currentField.get('fieldID')) {
+          return;
+        }
+        else {
+          otherViewModes.push(field.getViewMode());
+        }
+      });
+    return otherViewModes;
 }, {
diff --git a/core/modules/edit/js/util.js b/core/modules/edit/js/util.js
index 07290df5ff0a58eed00712a2a73791f972871b1c..6e1aaab6ad1d8699894ba4154ba0cf6e5ade3330 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/js/util.js
+++ b/core/modules/edit/js/util.js
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ Drupal.edit.util.form = {
    *   An object with the following keys:
    *    - nocssjs: (required) boolean indicating whether no CSS and JS should be
    *      returned (necessary when the form is invisible to the user).
+   *    - other_view_modes: (required) array containing view mode IDs (of other
+   *      instances of this field on the page).
    * @return Drupal.ajax
    *   A Drupal.ajax instance.
@@ -140,7 +142,10 @@ Drupal.edit.util.form = {
       setClick: true,
       event: 'click.edit',
       progress: { type: null },
-      submit: { nocssjs : options.nocssjs },
+      submit: {
+        nocssjs : options.nocssjs,
+        other_view_modes : options.other_view_modes
+      },
       // Reimplement the success handler to ensure Drupal.attachBehaviors() does
       // not get called on the form.
       success: function (response, status) {
diff --git a/core/modules/edit/js/views/AppView.js b/core/modules/edit/js/views/AppView.js
index c4303801a94477c916541680dfd8e89d8035770b..2d85d2ebb2413253d6230465533e88b9d0dacefc 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/js/views/AppView.js
+++ b/core/modules/edit/js/views/AppView.js
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Drupal.edit.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
       // Track app state.
       .on('change:state', this.editorStateChange, this)
       // Respond to field model HTML representation change events.
+      .on('change:html', this.propagateUpdatedField, this)
       .on('change:html', this.renderUpdatedField, this)
       // Respond to addition.
       .on('add', this.rerenderedFieldToCandidate, this)
@@ -422,20 +423,33 @@ Drupal.edit.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
    * @param Drupal.edit.FieldModel fieldModel
    *   The FieldModel whose 'html' attribute changed.
+   * @param String html
+   *   The updated 'html' attribute.
+   * @param Object options
+   *   An object with the following keys:
+   *   - Boolean propagation: whether this change to the 'html' attribute
+   *     occurred because of the propagation of changes to another instance of
+   *     this field.
-  renderUpdatedField: function (fieldModel) {
+  renderUpdatedField: function (fieldModel, html, options) {
     // Get data necessary to rerender property before it is unavailable.
-    var html = fieldModel.get('html');
     var $fieldWrapper = $(fieldModel.get('el'));
     var $context = $fieldWrapper.parent();
-    // First set the state to 'candidate', to allow all attached views to
-    // clean up all their "active state"-related changes.
-    fieldModel.set('state', 'candidate');
+    // When propagating the changes of another instance of this field, this
+    // field is not being actively edited and hence no state changes are
+    // necessary. So: only update the state of this field when the rerendering
+    // of this field happens not because of propagation, but because it is being
+    // edited itself.
+    if (!options.propagation) {
+      // First set the state to 'candidate', to allow all attached views to
+      // clean up all their "active state"-related changes.
+      fieldModel.set('state', 'candidate');
-    // Set the field's state to 'inactive', to enable the updating of its DOM
-    // value.
-    fieldModel.set('state', 'inactive', { reason: 'rerender' });
+      // Set the field's state to 'inactive', to enable the updating of its DOM
+      // value.
+      fieldModel.set('state', 'inactive', { reason: 'rerender' });
+    }
     // Destroy the field model; this will cause all attached views to be
     // destroyed too, and removal from all collections in which it exists.
@@ -449,6 +463,56 @@ Drupal.edit.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
+  /**
+   * Propagates the changes to an updated field to all instances of that field.
+   *
+   * @param Drupal.edit.FieldModel updatedField
+   *   The FieldModel whose 'html' attribute changed.
+   * @param String html
+   *   The updated 'html' attribute.
+   * @param Object options
+   *   An object with the following keys:
+   *   - Boolean propagation: whether this change to the 'html' attribute
+   *     occurred because of the propagation of changes to another instance of
+   *     this field.
+   *
+   * @see Drupal.edit.AppView.renderUpdatedField()
+   */
+  propagateUpdatedField: function (updatedField, html, options) {
+    // Don't propagate field updates that themselves were caused by propagation.
+    if (options.propagation) {
+      return;
+    }
+    var htmlForOtherViewModes = updatedField.get('htmlForOtherViewModes');
+    Drupal.edit.collections.fields
+      // Find all instances of fields that display the same logical field (same
+      // entity, same field, just a different instance and maybe a different
+      // view mode).
+      .where({ logicalFieldID: updatedField.get('logicalFieldID') })
+      .forEach(function (field) {
+        // Ignore the field that was already updated.
+        if (field === updatedField) {
+          return;
+        }
+        // If this other instance of the field has the same view mode, we can
+        // update it easily.
+        else if (field.getViewMode() === updatedField.getViewMode()) {
+          field.set('html', updatedField.get('html'));
+        }
+        // If this other instance of the field has a different view mode, and
+        // that is one of the view modes for which a re-rendered version is
+        // available (and that should be the case unless this field was only
+        // added to the page after editing of the updated field began), then use
+        // that view mode's re-rendered version.
+        else {
+          if (field.getViewMode() in htmlForOtherViewModes) {
+            field.set('html', htmlForOtherViewModes[field.getViewMode()], { propagation: true });
+          }
+        }
+      });
+  },
    * If the new in-place editable field is for the entity that's currently
    * being edited, then transition it to the 'candidate' state.
diff --git a/core/modules/edit/js/views/EditorView.js b/core/modules/edit/js/views/EditorView.js
index 78abaa50467b3aa7dc3600d07fb0e30dafbb5673..ce57d6f36169a42743d7521c7f297cd2028ea9f8 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/js/views/EditorView.js
+++ b/core/modules/edit/js/views/EditorView.js
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ Drupal.edit.EditorView = Backbone.View.extend({
       fieldID: this.fieldModel.get('fieldID'),
       $el: this.$el,
       nocssjs: true,
+      other_view_modes: fieldModel.findOtherViewModes(),
       // Reset an existing entry for this entity in the TempStore (if any) when
       // saving the field. Logically speaking, this should happen in a separate
       // request because this is an entity-level operation, not a field-level
@@ -232,7 +233,11 @@ Drupal.edit.EditorView = Backbone.View.extend({
         // First, transition the state to 'saved'.
         fieldModel.set('state', 'saved');
-        // Then, set the 'html' attribute on the field model. This will cause
+        // Second, set the 'htmlForOtherViewModes' attribute, so that when this
+        // field is rerendered, the change can be propagated to other instances of
+        // this field, which may be displayed in different view modes.
+        fieldModel.set('htmlForOtherViewModes', response.other_view_modes);
+        // Finally, set the 'html' attribute on the field model. This will cause
         // the field to be rerendered.
         fieldModel.set('html', response.data);
diff --git a/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/Ajax/FieldFormSavedCommand.php b/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/Ajax/FieldFormSavedCommand.php
index 2e89c1994b5ccf74347104bbf37a8c11f89dc55c..7e2b57f6fdece6290ed04d85494288e09f46c9b5 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/Ajax/FieldFormSavedCommand.php
+++ b/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/Ajax/FieldFormSavedCommand.php
@@ -15,14 +15,37 @@
 class FieldFormSavedCommand extends BaseCommand {
+  /**
+   * The same re-rendered edited field, but in different view modes.
+   *
+   * @var array
+   */
+  protected $other_view_modes;
    * Constructs a FieldFormSavedCommand object.
    * @param string $data
-   *   The data to pass on to the client side.
+   *   The re-rendered edited field to pass on to the client side.
+   * @param array $other_view_modes
+   *   The same re-rendered edited field, but in different view modes, for other
+   *   instances of the same field on the user's page. Keyed by view mode.
-  public function __construct($data) {
+  public function __construct($data, $other_view_modes = array()) {
     parent::__construct('editFieldFormSaved', $data);
+    $this->other_view_modes = $other_view_modes;
+  }
+  /**
+   * {@inheritdoc}
+   */
+  public function render() {
+    return array(
+      'command' => $this->command,
+      'data' => $this->data,
+      'other_view_modes' => $this->other_view_modes,
+    );
diff --git a/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/EditController.php b/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/EditController.php
index eb1865edc88f32405cef4d70f8f308ddd417b95c..412c16a7d9638b0285fcde1fc9a99ee6b3809c2f 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/EditController.php
+++ b/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/EditController.php
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
 use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
 use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
+use Drupal\Component\Utility\MapArray;
 use Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse;
 use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerInjectionInterface;
 use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
@@ -233,26 +234,26 @@ public function fieldForm(EntityInterface $entity, $field_name, $langcode, $view
       // updated view of the field from the TempStore copy.
       $entity = $this->tempStoreFactory->get('edit')->get($entity->uuid());
-      // Render the field. If the view mode ID is not an Entity Display view
-      // mode ID, then the field was rendered using a custom render pipeline,
-      // that is: not the Entity/Field API render pipeline.
-      // An example could be Views' render pipeline. In the example of Views,
-      // the view mode ID would probably contain the View's ID, display and the
-      // row index.
-      $entity_view_mode_ids = array_keys(entity_get_view_modes($entity->entityType()));
-      if (in_array($view_mode_id, $entity_view_mode_ids)) {
-        $output = field_view_field($entity, $field_name, $view_mode_id, $langcode);
-      }
-      else {
-        // Each part of a custom (non-Entity Display) view mode ID is separated
-        // by a dash; the first part must be the module name.
-        $mode_id_parts = explode('-', $view_mode_id, 2);
-        $module = reset($mode_id_parts);
-        $args = array($entity, $field_name, $view_mode_id, $langcode);
-        $output = $this->moduleHandler->invoke($module, 'edit_render_field', $args);
-      }
-      $response->addCommand(new FieldFormSavedCommand(drupal_render($output)));
+      // Closure to render the field given a view mode.
+      // @todo Drupal 8 will — but does not yet — require PHP 5.4:
+      //       https://drupal.org/node/2152073. One of the new features in that
+      //       version is $this support for closures. See
+      //       http://php.net/manual/en/migration54.new-features.php.
+      //       That will allow us to get rid of this ugly $that = $this mess.
+      $that = $this;
+      $render_field_in_view_mode = function ($view_mode_id) use ($entity, $field_name, $langcode, $that) {
+        return $that->renderField($entity, $field_name, $langcode, $view_mode_id);
+      };
+      // Re-render the updated field.
+      $output = $render_field_in_view_mode($view_mode_id);
+      // Re-render the updated field for other view modes (i.e. for other
+      // instances of the same logical field on the user's page).
+      $other_view_mode_ids = $request->request->get('other_view_modes') ?: array();
+      $other_view_modes = MapArray::copyValuesToKeys($other_view_mode_ids, $render_field_in_view_mode);
+      $response->addCommand(new FieldFormSavedCommand($output, $other_view_modes));
     else {
       $response->addCommand(new FieldFormCommand(drupal_render($form)));
@@ -275,6 +276,53 @@ public function fieldForm(EntityInterface $entity, $field_name, $langcode, $view
     return $response;
+  /**
+   * Renders a field.
+   *
+   * If the view mode ID is not an Entity Display view mode ID, then the field
+   * was rendered using a custom render pipeline (not the Entity/Field API
+   * render pipeline).
+   *
+   * An example could be Views' render pipeline. In that case, the view mode ID
+   * would probably contain the View's ID, display and the row index.
+   *
+   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
+   *   The entity being edited.
+   * @param string $field_name
+   *   The name of the field that is being edited.
+   * @param string $langcode
+   *   The name of the language for which the field is being edited.
+   * @param string $view_mode_id
+   *   The view mode the field should be rerendered in. Either an Entity Display
+   *   view mode ID, or a custom one. See hook_edit_render_field().
+   *
+   * @return string
+   *   Rendered HTML.
+   *
+   * @see hook_edit_render_field()
+   *
+   * @todo Until Drupal 8 requires PHP 5.4, we cannot call $this inside a
+   *       closure (see higher), which also means anything called from a closure
+   *       must be public. So, until https://drupal.org/node/2152073 lands, use
+   *       "public" instead of "protected".
+   */
+  public function renderField(EntityInterface $entity, $field_name, $langcode, $view_mode_id) {
+    $entity_view_mode_ids = array_keys(entity_get_view_modes($entity->entityType()));
+    if (in_array($view_mode_id, $entity_view_mode_ids)) {
+      $output = field_view_field($entity, $field_name, $view_mode_id, $langcode);
+    }
+    else {
+      // Each part of a custom (non-Entity Display) view mode ID is separated
+      // by a dash; the first part must be the module name.
+      $mode_id_parts = explode('-', $view_mode_id, 2);
+      $module = reset($mode_id_parts);
+      $args = array($entity, $field_name, $view_mode_id, $langcode);
+      $output = $this->moduleHandler->invoke($module, 'edit_render_field', $args);
+    }
+    return drupal_render($output);
+  }
    * Saves an entity into the database, from TempStore.
diff --git a/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/Tests/EditLoadingTest.php b/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/Tests/EditLoadingTest.php
index cd5a38da2cd3daffb91ee1fa6f7fe51bc6d569ac..a8cc0b1a98899cf0549f18ed0414bfea57428ac6 100644
--- a/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/Tests/EditLoadingTest.php
+++ b/core/modules/edit/lib/Drupal/edit/Tests/EditLoadingTest.php
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ public function testUserWithPermission() {
       $this->assertIdentical(1, count($ajax_commands), 'The field form HTTP request results in one AJAX command.');
       $this->assertIdentical('editFieldFormSaved', $ajax_commands[0]['command'], 'The first AJAX command is an editFieldFormSaved command.');
       $this->assertTrue(strpos($ajax_commands[0]['data'], 'Fine thanks.'), 'Form value saved and printed back.');
+      $this->assertIdentical($ajax_commands[0]['other_view_modes'], array(), 'Field was not rendered in any other view mode.');
       // Ensure the text on the original node did not change yet.
@@ -426,6 +427,9 @@ public function testCustomPipeline() {
         'body[0][format]' => 'filtered_html',
         'op' => t('Save'),
+      // Assume there is another field on this page, which doesn't use a custom
+      // render pipeline, but the default one, and it uses the "full" view mode.
+      $post += array('other_view_modes[]' => 'full');
       // Submit field form and check response. Should render with the custom
       // render pipeline.
@@ -436,6 +440,8 @@ public function testCustomPipeline() {
       $this->assertIdentical('editFieldFormSaved', $ajax_commands[0]['command'], 'The first AJAX command is an editFieldFormSaved command.');
       $this->assertTrue(strpos($ajax_commands[0]['data'], 'Fine thanks.'), 'Form value saved and printed back.');
       $this->assertTrue(strpos($ajax_commands[0]['data'], '<div class="edit-test-wrapper">') !== FALSE, 'Custom render pipeline used to render the value.');
+      $this->assertIdentical(array_keys($ajax_commands[0]['other_view_modes']), array('full'), 'Field was also rendered in the "full" view mode.');
+      $this->assertTrue(strpos($ajax_commands[0]['other_view_modes']['full'], 'Fine thanks.'), '"full" version of field contains the form value.');