2.6.1d449d83f · ·
- Updated bootstrap-italia library to 2.6.2. - Various Fix - feat(templates): add new twig blocks in region--header-nav - feat(templates): add new twig block in block--system-branding-block and link_attributes - fix(deps): bump to bootstrap-italia 2.6.1 - fix(deps): bump to bootstrap-italia 2.6.2 - fix(components,dropdown): fix margin lg-down in dropdown with icon and remove wrong space - fix(components,card): remove empty h3 tag if title is empty - fix(components,linklist-item): missing class in wrapper - fix(core): improved performance when fetching the social URL - fix(patterns,accordion): accordion title description - fix(suggestions,form): issue #3387106: Invalid file name suggestion on Drupal >= 10.1 hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter() - fix(suggestions,block): issue #3387106: Invalid file name suggestion on Drupal >= 10.1 hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter()
2.3.5c9721ac7 · ·
This release fix: - Fix(components,icon): sometimes libraries_cdn_icons is not set correctly - Fix(sub-theme): build library in dev mode don't work