- Jul 21, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
- Jun 02, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
- May 31, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3008170 by joseph.olstad, NicolasH, disasm, tizzo, tim.plunkett, sumitk, jhedstrom: Deleting node type leaves orphan nodes
- May 28, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2637680 by Dom., maximpodorov, Chris Burge, mikeocana, laranajim, jhodgdon, catch: Submit buttons for GET forms in search/views are not W3C valid due to empty "name" attribute
Drew Webber authored
Issue #1018614 by JvE, hass, hussainweb, Niklas Fiekas, mcdruid, Pavan B S, chx, droplet, jamesharv, drupalshrek, vegantriathlete, solideogloria, aspilicious, catch, voleger, David_Rothstein, StevenPatz, mgifford: Inaccessible menu items in navigation links cause "Notice: Undefined index: localized_options"
Drew Webber authored
Issue #980144 by DuaelFr, yched, ACF, aerozeppelin, poedan, tim.plunkett, mgifford, swentel, SamH, asgorobets, dxvargas, sun, Everett Zufelt, alexpott: Issues with "required, multiple" fields in forms
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2039709 by solideogloria, dawehner, MantasK, swentel, izmeez, alexpott: Forward slash in filter aliases in url alias overview does not work
Drew Webber authored
Issue #106721 by msonnabaum, hefox, lotyrin, erikwebb, catch, RenatoG, joelpittet, jrglasgow, sheldonkreger, bdragon, dawehner, oleg.medvedev, ezra-g, q0rban: Optimize node access query building
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2759197 by Fabianx, Stevel, mpdonadio, joelpittet, larowlan, gor: Improve WebTestCase performance by 50%
- May 27, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3006123 by joelpittet: D7 drupal_array_get_nested_value() array_key_exists() micro-optimization
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2877131 by collinhaines, Liam Morland, sjerdo, hass, oadaeh, gnuget, johns996, gapple, aerozeppelin, mgifford, alexpott: CSS aggregation strips some essential whitespace within strings
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2768921 by izmeez, mcdruid, Pere Orga, jfhovinne, alexpott, Fabianx, David_Rothstein, coltrane, dawehner, catch, david_garcia, xjm, pwolanin, greggles, larowlan, mlhess: Backport server configuration code from SA-CORE-2016-003 to Drupal 7
Drew Webber authored
Issue #1007746 by figureone, dawehner, tunic, TuWebO, voleger, ryan.gibson, mcdruid, tim.plunkett, hefox, Ranko, joseph.olstad, xjm, Fabianx, David_Rothstein, chrisgross, gmclelland, webchick: Reordering fails with more than 100 items in a menu
Drew Webber authored
Issue #460408 by marthinal, dww, David_Rothstein, gpk, joelpittet, markie, aerozeppelin, byronveale, Cottser, david_garcia, acbramley, jojonaloha, nerdcore, gnindl, dotton, girishmuraly, umar-ahmad, joseph.olstad, Webrotta, btopro, wizonesolutions, andrewmacpherson, Bojhan, catch: Cannot administer menu item/link if it points to an unpublished node
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
- May 26, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3209976 by mcdruid, DamienMcKenna, Maeglin, antiorario, effulgentsia, gapple, rachel_norfolk, rootwork, phenaproxima, neclimdul, larowlan, longwave: Add Permissions-Policy header to block Google FLoC
- Apr 21, 2021
- Apr 20, 2021
- Apr 07, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
- Apr 05, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2842762 by Liam Morland, cafuego, jenlampton, ZenDoodles: Call to undefined function drupal_get_path_alias() in url()
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3175678 by ennorehling: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in menu_get_active_breadcrumb()
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2400287 by hass, cutesquirrel, borisson_, rteijeiro, aerozeppelin, yuriy.babenko, cyb.tachyon, pfrenssen, deanflory, webchick, David_Rothstein, cilefen, aspilicious, netbek, stefan.r, moshe weitzman, nod_, minakshiPh, pandaski: Remove all occurences of sourceMappingURL and sourceURL when JS files are aggregated
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3008166 by joseph.olstad, alexpott, catch, cilefen, xjm: Unnecessary looping in filter_xss() when processing attributes
- Apr 01, 2021
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored