@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ function statistics_help($path, $arg) {
$output.='<p>'.t('The Statistics module shows you how often content is viewed. This is useful in determining which pages of your site are most popular. For more information, see the online handbook entry for the <a href="@statistics">Statistics module</a>.',array('@statistics'=>url('http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/statistics/'))).'</p>';
$output.='<p>'.t('The Statistics module shows you how often content is viewed. This is useful in determining which pages of your site are most popular. For more information, see <a href="!statistics_do">the online documentation for the Statistics module</a>.',array('!statistics_do'=>'https://drupal.org/documentation/modules/statistics/')).'</p>';
$output.='<dt>'.t('Displaying popular content').'</dt>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('The module includes a <em>Popular content</em> block that displays the most viewed pages today and for all time, and the last content viewed. To use the block, enable <em>Count content views</em> on the <a href="@statistics-settings">statistics settings page</a>, and then you can enable and configure the block on the <a href="@blocks">blocks administration page</a>.',array('@statistics-settings'=>url('admin/config/system/statistics'),'@blocks'=>url('admin/structure/block'))).'</dd>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('The module includes a <em>Popular content</em> block that displays the most viewed pages today and for all time, and the last content viewed. To use the block, enable <em>Count content views</em> on the <a href="!statistics-settings">statistics settings page</a>, and then you can enable and configure the block on the <a href="!blocks">Block layout page</a>.',array('!statistics-settings'=>\Drupal::url('statistics.settings'),'!blocks'=>\Drupal::url('block.admin_display'))).'</dd>';
$output.='<dt>'.t('Page view counter').'</dt>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('The Statistics module includes a counter for each page that increases whenever the page is viewed. To use the counter, enable <em>Count content views</em> on the <a href="@statistics-settings">statistics settings page</a>, and set the necessary <a href="@permissions">permissions</a> (<em>View content hits</em>) so that the counter is visible to the users.',array('@statistics-settings'=>url('admin/config/system/statistics'),'@permissions'=>url('admin/people/permissions',array('fragment'=>'module-statistics')))).'</dd>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('The Statistics module includes a counter for each page that increases whenever the page is viewed. To use the counter, enable <em>Count content views</em> on the <a href="!statistics-settings">statistics settings page</a>, and set the necessary <a href="!permissions">permissions</a> (<em>View content hits</em>) so that the counter is visible to the users.',array('!statistics-settings'=>\Drupal::url('statistics.settings'),'!permissions'=>\Drupal::url('user.admin_permissions',array(),array('fragment'=>'module-statistics')))).'</dd>';