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Commit cca14341 authored by Jennifer Hodgdon's avatar Jennifer Hodgdon
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Issue #1797508 by Lars Toomre, dcam, lazysoundsystem: Remove t() from test...

Issue #1797508 by Lars Toomre, dcam, lazysoundsystem: Remove t() from test messages in search module
parent 0fca9357
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......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class SearchPageText extends DrupalWebTestCase {
$edit = array();
$edit['keys'] = 'bike shed ' . $this->randomName();
$this->drupalPost('search/node', $edit, t('Search'));
$this->assertText(t('Consider loosening your query with OR. bike OR shed will often show more results than bike shed.'), t('Help text is displayed when search returns no results.'));
$this->assertText(t('Consider loosening your query with OR. bike OR shed will often show more results than bike shed.'), 'Help text is displayed when search returns no results.');
$this->assertTitle($title, 'Search page title is correct');
......@@ -342,31 +342,31 @@ class SearchAdvancedSearchForm extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Test using the advanced search form to limit search to nodes of type "Basic page".
function testNodeType() {
$this->assertTrue($this->node->type == 'page', t('Node type is Basic page.'));
$this->assertTrue($this->node->type == 'page', 'Node type is Basic page.');
// Assert that the dummy title doesn't equal the real title.
$dummy_title = 'Lorem ipsum';
$this->assertNotEqual($dummy_title, $this->node->title, t("Dummy title doesn't equal node title"));
$this->assertNotEqual($dummy_title, $this->node->title, "Dummy title doesn't equal node title");
// Search for the dummy title with a GET query.
$this->drupalGet('search/node/' . $dummy_title);
$this->assertNoText($this->node->title, t('Basic page node is not found with dummy title.'));
$this->assertNoText($this->node->title, 'Basic page node is not found with dummy title.');
// Search for the title of the node with a GET query.
$this->drupalGet('search/node/' . $this->node->title);
$this->assertText($this->node->title, t('Basic page node is found with GET query.'));
$this->assertText($this->node->title, 'Basic page node is found with GET query.');
// Search for the title of the node with a POST query.
$edit = array('or' => $this->node->title);
$this->drupalPost('search/node', $edit, t('Advanced search'));
$this->assertText($this->node->title, t('Basic page node is found with POST query.'));
$this->assertText($this->node->title, 'Basic page node is found with POST query.');
// Advanced search type option.
$this->drupalPost('search/node', array_merge($edit, array('type[page]' => 'page')), t('Advanced search'));
$this->assertText($this->node->title, t('Basic page node is found with POST query and type:page.'));
$this->assertText($this->node->title, 'Basic page node is found with POST query and type:page.');
$this->drupalPost('search/node', array_merge($edit, array('type[article]' => 'article')), t('Advanced search'));
$this->assertText('bike shed', t('Article node is not found with POST query and type:article.'));
$this->assertText('bike shed', 'Article node is not found with POST query and type:article.');
......@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ class SearchRankingTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
function testHTMLRankings() {
// Login with sufficient privileges.
$this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(array('create page content')));
// Test HTML tags with different weights.
$sorted_tags = array('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'a', 'h5', 'h6', 'notag');
$shuffled_tags = $sorted_tags;
......@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ class SearchRankingTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Refresh variables after the treatment.
// Disable all other rankings.
$node_ranks = array('sticky', 'promote', 'recent', 'comments', 'views');
foreach ($node_ranks as $node_rank) {
......@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ class SearchRankingTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Assert the results.
$this->assertEqual($set[0]['node']->nid, $node->nid, 'Search tag ranking for "<' . $tag . '>" order.');
// Delete node so it doesn't show up in subsequent search results.
......@@ -600,13 +600,13 @@ class SearchBlockTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
function testSearchFormBlock() {
// Set block title to confirm that the interface is available.
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/manage/search/form/configure', array('title' => $this->randomName(8)), t('Save block'));
$this->assertText(t('The block configuration has been saved.'), t('Block configuration set.'));
$this->assertText(t('The block configuration has been saved.'), 'Block configuration set.');
// Set the block to a region to confirm block is available.
$edit = array();
$edit['blocks[search_form][region]'] = 'footer';
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
$this->assertText(t('The block settings have been updated.'), t('Block successfully move to footer region.'));
$this->assertText(t('The block settings have been updated.'), 'Block successfully move to footer region.');
......@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ class SearchBlockTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
url('search/node/' . $terms['search_block_form'], array('absolute' => TRUE)),
t('Redirected to correct url.')
'Redirected to correct url.'
// Test an empty search via the block form, from the front page.
......@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ class SearchBlockTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
url('search/node/', array('absolute' => TRUE)),
t('Redirected to correct url.')
'Redirected to correct url.'
......@@ -790,20 +790,20 @@ class SearchCommentTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
'search_block_form' => "'" . $edit_comment['subject'] . "'",
$this->drupalPost('', $edit, t('Search'));
$this->assertText($node->title, t('Node found in search results.'));
$this->assertText($edit_comment['subject'], t('Comment subject found in search results.'));
$this->assertText($node->title, 'Node found in search results.');
$this->assertText($edit_comment['subject'], 'Comment subject found in search results.');
// Search for the comment body.
$edit = array(
'search_block_form' => "'" . $comment_body . "'",
$this->drupalPost('', $edit, t('Search'));
$this->assertText($node->title, t('Node found in search results.'));
$this->assertText($node->title, 'Node found in search results.');
// Verify that comment is rendered using proper format.
$this->assertText($comment_body, t('Comment body text found in search results.'));
$this->assertNoRaw(t('n/a'), t('HTML in comment body is not hidden.'));
$this->assertNoRaw(check_plain($edit_comment['comment_body[' . LANGUAGE_NONE . '][0][value]']), t('HTML in comment body is not escaped.'));
$this->assertText($comment_body, 'Comment body text found in search results.');
$this->assertNoRaw(t('n/a'), 'HTML in comment body is not hidden.');
$this->assertNoRaw(check_plain($edit_comment['comment_body[' . LANGUAGE_NONE . '][0][value]']), 'HTML in comment body is not escaped.');
// Hide comments.
......@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ class SearchCommentTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Search for $title.
$this->drupalPost('', $edit, t('Search'));
$this->assertNoText($comment_body, t('Comment body text not found in search results.'));
$this->assertNoText($comment_body, 'Comment body text not found in search results.');
......@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ class SearchCommentTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
$this->setRolePermissions(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, TRUE, TRUE);
$this->setRolePermissions($this->admin_role, TRUE, FALSE);
$this->checkCommentAccess('Admin user has access comments permission and no search permission, but comments should be indexed because admin user inherits authenticated user\'s permission to search', TRUE);
......@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ class SearchCommentTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Verify that if you view the node on its own page, 'add new comment'
// is there.
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
$this->assertText(t('Add new comment'), t('Add new comment appears on node page'));
$this->assertText(t('Add new comment'), 'Add new comment appears on node page');
// Run cron to index this page.
......@@ -935,13 +935,13 @@ class SearchCommentTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Search for 'comment'. Should be no results.
$this->drupalPost('search/node', array('keys' => 'comment'), t('Search'));
$this->assertText(t('Your search yielded no results'), t('No results searching for the word comment'));
$this->assertText(t('Your search yielded no results'), 'No results searching for the word comment');
// Search for the node title. Should be found, and 'Add new comment' should
// not be part of the search snippet.
$this->drupalPost('search/node', array('keys' => 'short'), t('Search'));
$this->assertText($node->title, t('Search for keyword worked'));
$this->assertNoText(t('Add new comment'), t('Add new comment does not appear on search results page'));
$this->assertText($node->title, 'Search for keyword worked');
$this->assertNoText(t('Add new comment'), 'Add new comment does not appear on search results page');
......@@ -1074,8 +1074,8 @@ class SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Test comment count display for nodes with comment status set to Open
$this->drupalPost('', $edit, t('Search'));
$this->assertText(t('0 comments'), t('Empty comment count displays for nodes with comment status set to Open'));
$this->assertText(t('1 comment'), t('Non-empty comment count displays for nodes with comment status set to Open'));
$this->assertText(t('0 comments'), 'Empty comment count displays for nodes with comment status set to Open');
$this->assertText(t('1 comment'), 'Non-empty comment count displays for nodes with comment status set to Open');
// Test comment count display for nodes with comment status set to Closed
$this->searchable_nodes['0 comments']->comment = COMMENT_NODE_CLOSED;
......@@ -1084,8 +1084,8 @@ class SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
node_save($this->searchable_nodes['1 comment']);
$this->drupalPost('', $edit, t('Search'));
$this->assertNoText(t('0 comments'), t('Empty comment count does not display for nodes with comment status set to Closed'));
$this->assertText(t('1 comment'), t('Non-empty comment count displays for nodes with comment status set to Closed'));
$this->assertNoText(t('0 comments'), 'Empty comment count does not display for nodes with comment status set to Closed');
$this->assertText(t('1 comment'), 'Non-empty comment count displays for nodes with comment status set to Closed');
// Test comment count display for nodes with comment status set to Hidden
$this->searchable_nodes['0 comments']->comment = COMMENT_NODE_HIDDEN;
......@@ -1094,8 +1094,8 @@ class SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
node_save($this->searchable_nodes['1 comment']);
$this->drupalPost('', $edit, t('Search'));
$this->assertNoText(t('0 comments'), t('Empty comment count does not display for nodes with comment status set to Hidden'));
$this->assertNoText(t('1 comment'), t('Non-empty comment count does not display for nodes with comment status set to Hidden'));
$this->assertNoText(t('0 comments'), 'Empty comment count does not display for nodes with comment status set to Hidden');
$this->assertNoText(t('1 comment'), 'Non-empty comment count does not display for nodes with comment status set to Hidden');
......@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ class SearchSimplifyTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
$string .= chr($i);
$this->assertIdentical(' ', search_simplify($string), t('Search simplify works for ASCII control characters.'));
$this->assertIdentical(' ', search_simplify($string), 'Search simplify works for ASCII control characters.');
......@@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@ class SearchNumbersTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
array('keys' => $number),
$this->assertText($node->title, $type . ': node title shown (search found the node) in search for number ' . $number);
$this->assertText($node->title, format_string('%type: node title shown (search found the node) in search for number %number.', array('%type' => $type, '%number' => $number)));
......@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ class SearchNumberMatchingTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
array('keys' => 'foo'),
$this->assertNoText($node->title, $i . ': node title not shown in dummy search');
$this->assertNoText($node->title, format_string('%number: node title not shown in dummy search', array('%number' => $i)));
// Now verify that we can find node i by searching for any of the
// numbers.
......@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ class SearchNumberMatchingTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
array('keys' => $number),
$this->assertText($node->title, $i . ': node title shown (search found the node) in search for number ' . $number);
$this->assertText($node->title, format_string('%i: node title shown (search found the node) in search for number %number', array('%i' => $i, '%number' => $number)));
......@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ class SearchConfigSettingsForm extends DrupalWebTestCase {
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$title = $module_info[$module]['title'];
$this->assertText($title, $title . ' search tab is shown');
$this->assertText($title, format_string('%title search tab is shown', array('%title' => $title)));
......@@ -1955,42 +1955,42 @@ class SearchLanguageTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
function testLanguages() {
// Check that there are initially no languages displayed.
$this->assertNoText(t('Languages'), t('No languages to choose from.'));
$this->assertNoText(t('Languages'), 'No languages to choose from.');
// Add predefined language.
$edit = array('langcode' => 'fr');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
$this->assertText('fr', t('Language added successfully.'));
$this->assertText('fr', 'Language added successfully.');
// Now we should have languages displayed.
$this->assertText(t('Languages'), t('Languages displayed to choose from.'));
$this->assertText(t('English'), t('English is a possible choice.'));
$this->assertText(t('French'), t('French is a possible choice.'));
$this->assertText(t('Languages'), 'Languages displayed to choose from.');
$this->assertText(t('English'), 'English is a possible choice.');
$this->assertText(t('French'), 'French is a possible choice.');
// Ensure selecting no language does not make the query different.
$this->drupalPost('search/node', array(), t('Advanced search'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('search/node/', array('absolute' => TRUE)), t('Correct page redirection, no language filtering.'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('search/node/', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 'Correct page redirection, no language filtering.');
// Pick French and ensure it is selected.
$edit = array('language[fr]' => TRUE);
$this->drupalPost('search/node', $edit, t('Advanced search'));
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="keys"]', 'language:fr', t('Language filter added to query.'));
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="keys"]', 'language:fr', 'Language filter added to query.');
// Change the default language and disable English.
$path = 'admin/config/regional/language';
$this->assertFieldChecked('edit-site-default-en', t('English is the default language.'));
$this->assertFieldChecked('edit-site-default-en', 'English is the default language.');
$edit = array('site_default' => 'fr');
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-site-default-en', t('Default language updated.'));
$this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-site-default-en', 'Default language updated.');
$edit = array('enabled[en]' => FALSE);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-enabled-en', t('Language disabled.'));
$this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-enabled-en', 'Language disabled.');
// Check that there are again no languages displayed.
$this->assertNoText(t('Languages'), t('No languages to choose from.'));
$this->assertNoText(t('Languages'), 'No languages to choose from.');
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