- Feb 29, 2012
- Feb 24, 2012
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Rollback for issue #12274 given that it does not consider email domain names with hyphens valid after the first component of the domain name.
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1425868 by ELC, lort, greg.harvey, David_Rothstein: Fixed duplicate entry of theme primary key in system table on Drupal 6.24 when updating using drush.
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1425260 by mgifford: Fixed 'Call to undefined function locale_inc_callback()' during 6.22 -> 6.24 upgrade if locale module was previously enabled but is not currently enabled.
- Feb 01, 2012
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #879270 by Ben Coleman: query in taxonomy_node_get_terms() needs the v.weight field added to the SELECT because it was already present in the ORDER BY; improved PostgreSQL compatibility
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #12274 by markoshust, DamienMcKenna, seanbfuller, cburschka, aufumy: do not accept email addresses with dots at the end as valid
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #600836 by tim.cosgrove, dww, naxoc, Dave Reid: prevent batches from going indefinitely if their 'finished' value becomes bigger than 1
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #289504 by mikeryan, catch, moshe weitzman: backport indexes from Drupal 7 on comments and node_comment_statistics to improve performance of mass-user operations such as deleting users en masse
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #975754 by jhodgdon, Albert Volkman: fix phpdoc about access callback inheritance for menu items
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #336483 by brianV, catch: add index for comment_count on column in node_comment_statistics to avoid full table scan when search index is updated for example
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1137848 by pillarsdotnet, BrockBoland, tim.plunkett: hide /filter/tips page from well behaving search engines, it is pointless to be included in search indexes
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #648516 by cafuego, williamestrada: node_build_filter_query() should consider the vid of nodes when joining on term_data to consider only current revisions of nodes
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #767104 by mgriego, EugenMayer, mkalkbrenner: taxonomy_node_save() should refresh the node terms (especially for free tagging vocabularies) when nodes are updated, so they are kept up to date in the same HTTP request
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #720876 by pillarsdotnet: user_register_validate() should invoke user_module_invoke() with an account object rather than an array; improved PHP 5.3 compatibility
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #269877 by neochief, roderik, akaliel, mathieu, jct, Jo Wouters, fago, ufku, fmjrey, nonsie, pfournier: avoid duplicate paths (again) in path_set_alias()
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #147000 by Berdir, Dave Reid, pwolanin, pillarsdotnet, TR, jbrauer, dstol: rework module_rebuild_cache() and system_theme_data() to support locking, so that concurrent requests will not corrupt the data; fixes an issue where themes got disabled occasionally
- Jan 27, 2012
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #156582 by c960657, drico, pwolanin, townxelliot, Damien Tournoud, kbahey, mikeytown2, jpmckinney, craig_, zyxware: add missing timeout support to drupal_http_request() to avoid Drupal hanging on web service requests
- Jan 23, 2012
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #556842 by mh86, catch, bangpound, wojtha, deviantintegral: optimize taxonomy_get_tree() by building the tree internally instead of recursively to improve performance; especially good for bigger taxonomies
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #504506 by andypost, pillarsdotnet, podarok: Drupal.formatPlural() did not pass on extra arguments for translations of some plural values
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1173012 by carlos8f, Fabianx, Gábor Hojtsy: do not remove blocks for disabled modules in _block_rehash() to avoid blocks disappearing for people following the update guide to the letter disabling contrib modules when updating Drupal core
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #883038 by pillarsdotnet, ShutterFreak, anarcat: ereg() and ereg_replace() are deprecated but Drupal 6 will not migrate to preg to avoid breaking APIs, so we need to silence the warnings coming out of the use of ereg on PHP 5.3+
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1174496 by Eric_A, grendzy, greg.1.anderson, c31ck: drupal_error_handler() should not assume filter_xss() is available. It might be called before that is loaded. Also fixes Drush compatibility.
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #825972 by daniels220, Reidsy, Albert Volkman: add phpdoc documentation to sess_read() and sess_write()
- Nov 23, 2011
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1260932 by DjebbZ, pwolanin: hook_nodeapi() optional arguments should not be made required by some core modules either
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #208793 by Damien Tournoud, kbahey, TR: instead of hardcoding the HTTP protocol version in responses, respond with the HTTP protocol version requested (or fall back to HTTP/1.0 if the requested protocol/version is unknown)
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #971812 by mfb, twistor: aggregator ignores Atom id element, which is equivalent to RSS guid element
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #845542 by pounard: db_query_temporary() will fail without CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES permission on MySQL, update install documentation for that
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1225364 by sivaji, ñull: body field label is configurable but hardcoded in min word count validation error message
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1103310 by c960657: lock_acquire() does not properly extend expired lock due to misuse of db_query() to check for affected rows
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1006938 by dww, westwesterson: avoid PHP warnings in the PHP 4 XML parser caused by the relatively new XML data pieces produced at updates.drupal.org
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #480082 by pp: add previously undocumented variables in system_send_email_action_form()'s message field description
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1173012 by carlos8f, Fabianx: fix poll_block() to not wrap the block list operation in permission checks which could result in block placement and configuration lost when block rehashing is run with a user lacking permissions to view content
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1283442 by Ben Coleman, twistor, ggevalt: aggregator_block()'s permission check on the list, configure and save operations could result in loss of aggregator blocks when block rehasing is invoked with a user who has no access to feeds; permissions should only be checked on the view op
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #1169034 by mfb: fix notice in file_create_filename() for cases when the ext variable did not exist previously