- Apr 03, 2013
- Apr 02, 2013
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1821906 followup by David_Rothstein: Validate that the new $options parameter in various Field API public API functions is actually an array, to prevent conflicts with contrib modules.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1693398 by donquixote, pounard, sun, Sylvain Lecoy: Allow PSR-0 test classes to be used in D7.
- Apr 01, 2013
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1797506 by dcam, xjm, Lars Toomre, sivaji: Remove t() from assertion messages in tests for the rdf module.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1945066 by chertzog, dcam | joachim: Fixed node_theme() doesn't declare the file for theme_node_admin_overview() .
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1049050 by mfb, TwoD, David_Rothstein, jpsoto: Removed dead code in file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize().
David Rothstein authored
Issue #946118 by droplet, lyricnz, dcam | rvilar: Fixed The machine name isn't updating correctly when the user selects a previous input value.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #799356 by vijaycs85, m1n0, jaffaralia, effulgentsia: Fixed _form_set_class() is too aggressive in assigning the 'error' class.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1575060 by Spleshka, andypost, serm, mcjim, nod_: Fixed ajax_html_ids() are broken for forms with file element (encoding=multipart/form-data).
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1728122 by rymo | HonoredMule: Fixed Sticky Table header tables don't inherit parent table's outer width.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1229014 by bfroehle, jackbravo, illmasterc: Fixed Content-Disposition header makes private files show open/save prompts, but public files show inline.
- Mar 30, 2013
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1821906 by Wim Leers, nod_: Allow more Field API public API functions to act on a single field within an entity.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #985642 by kiamlaluno, Berdir, Damien Tournoud, Deciphered, B-Prod, galooph, David_Rothstein, drzraf, yched: Add back field_attach_load() to file_field_update() under certain circumstances in Drupal 7.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #124689 by cck | Dio: Fixed hook_user()/hook_user_presave() documentation needs clarification on how to modify values.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1915088 by openminds, bfroehle: Fixed SkipDotsRecursiveDirectoryIterator not skipping dot-files when they are the first entry.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1723828 by hass: Fixed incorrect log message when theme() is called for a theme hook that does not exist.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1648004 by dcam, Devin Carlson, Rob Loach: Removed inaccurate code comment about using l() in update_helpful_links().
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1035292 by Désiré, vijaycs85, wizonesolutions, oriol_e9g, ACF, achton, darkadept: Fixed Dynamic tokens can't have spaces.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1901476 by caiosba | mstef: Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'command' of undefined in ajax.js.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #771036 by ojohansson, Albert Volkman, Gábor Hojtsy: Fixed Overlay overwrites existing target attribute.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1429442 by Jody Lynn, mathankumarc, gnuget, nrambeck, dcam | sun: Fixed Access denied page shown after submitting form that creates a unpublished node.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1605040 by TravisCarden, mitron | EdgarPE: Fixed drupal_send_headers() ignores headers with valid but falsy values.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1379056 by Barrett: Fixed if more than one hook_openid() implementation returns a given parameter, the resulting value is an array and request is invalid.
- Mar 20, 2013
Jennifer Hodgdon authored
- Mar 12, 2013
Jennifer Hodgdon authored
Issue #1797514 by disasm, dicam, Gaelan, Lars Toomre: Remove t() from test assert messages in simpletest module
Jennifer Hodgdon authored