Issue #2936501 by tim.plunkett, andrewmacpherson, EclipseGc, DyanneNova,...
Issue #2936501 by tim.plunkett, andrewmacpherson, EclipseGc, DyanneNova, bnjmnm, benjifisher, webchick, phenaproxima, jrockowitz: Reverting an override redirects the user to an edit form for a new override and therefore still sets the new override as "unsaved changes", which is confusing
- core/modules/layout_builder/src/Form/RevertOverridesForm.php 1 addition, 1 deletioncore/modules/layout_builder/src/Form/RevertOverridesForm.php
- core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/Functional/LayoutBuilderTest.php 2 additions, 1 deletion...layout_builder/tests/src/Functional/LayoutBuilderTest.php
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