@@ -384,12 +414,12 @@ function responsive_image_build_source_attributes(ImageInterface $image, array $
// this breakpoint should be merged into one srcset and the sizes
// attribute should be merged as well.
thrownew\LogicException("Could not determine image width for '{$image->getSource()}' using image style with ID: $image_style_name. This image style can not be used for a responsive image style mapping using the 'sizes' attribute.");
thrownew\LogicException("Could not determine image width for '{$variables['uri']}' using image style with ID: $image_style_name. This image style can not be used for a responsive image style mapping using the 'sizes' attribute.");
// Use the image width as key so we can sort the array later on.
// Images within a srcset should be sorted from small to large, since