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Unverified Commit 4a1345b7 authored by Alex Pott's avatar Alex Pott
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Issue #3089469 by zrpnr, bnjmnm, xjm: Remove html5shiv in Drupal 9

parent bdf48170
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* @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -345,19 +345,6 @@ drupal.vertical-tabs:
- core/drupal.form
- core/matchmedia
# Block the page from being loaded until html5shiv is initialized.
header: true
version: "3.7.3"
name: GNU-GPL-2.0-or-later
gpl-compatible: true
assets/vendor/html5shiv/html5shiv.min.js: { weight: -22, browsers: { IE: 'lte IE 8', '!IE': false }, minified: true }
deprecated: The "%library_id%" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See
version: "3.4.1"
......@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ class Html extends RenderElement {
public function getInfo() {
return [
'#theme' => 'html',
// HTML5 Shiv
'#attached' => [
'library' => ['core/html5shiv'],
......@@ -34,34 +34,25 @@ public function testNoJavaScript() {
// Test frontpage.
// Test node page.
// Test user profile page.
$this->drupalGet('user/' . $user->id());
* Passes if no JavaScript is found on the page except the HTML5 shiv.
* The HTML5 shiv is necessary for e.g. the <article> tag which Drupal 8 uses
* to work in older browsers like Internet Explorer 8.
* Passes if no JavaScript is found on the page.
protected function assertNoJavaScriptExceptHtml5Shiv() {
protected function assertNoJavaScript() {
// Ensure drupalSettings is not set.
$settings = $this->getDrupalSettings();
$this->assertTrue(empty($settings), 'drupalSettings is not set.');
// Ensure the HTML5 shiv exists.
$this->assertRaw('html5shiv/html5shiv.min.js', 'HTML5 shiv JavaScript exists.');
// Ensure no other JavaScript file exists on the page, while ignoring the
// HTML5 shiv.
......@@ -31,56 +31,47 @@ protected function setUp() {
$this->adminUser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array_keys(\Drupal::service('user.permissions')
// Log in so there are more libraries to test with otherwise only html5shiv
// is the only one in the source we can easily test for.
// Log in so there are more libraries to test for.
* Default functionality without the param ajax_page_state[libraries].
* The libraries html5shiv and drupalSettings are loaded default from core
* The libraries active-link and drupalSettings are loaded default from core
* and available in code as scripts. Do this as the base test.
public function testLibrariesAvailable() {
$this->drupalGet('node', []);
'The html5shiv library from core should be loaded.'
'The drupalSettings library from core should be loaded.'
// The active link library from core should be loaded.
// The drupalSettings library from core should be loaded.
* Give ajax_page_state[libraries]=core/html5shiv to exclude the library.
* Give ajax_page_state[libraries]=core/drupalSettings to exclude the library.
* When called with ajax_page_state[libraries]=core/html5shiv the library
* When called with ajax_page_state[libraries]=core/drupalSettings the library
* should be excluded as it is already loaded. This should not affect other
* libraries so test if drupalSettings is still available.
* libraries so test if active-link is still available.
public function testHtml5ShivIsNotLoaded() {
public function testDrupalSettingsIsNotLoaded() {
"query" =>
'ajax_page_state' => [
'libraries' => 'core/html5shiv',
'libraries' => 'core/drupalSettings',
'The html5shiv library from core should be excluded from loading'
// The drupalSettings library from core should be excluded from loading.
'The drupalSettings library from core should be loaded.'
// The active-link library from core should be loaded.
......@@ -91,29 +82,21 @@ public function testHtml5ShivIsNotLoaded() {
public function testMultipleLibrariesAreNotLoaded() {
['query' => ['ajax_page_state' => ['libraries' => 'core/html5shiv,core/drupalSettings']]]
'The html5shiv library from core should be excluded from loading.'
['query' => ['ajax_page_state' => ['libraries' => 'core/drupal,core/drupalSettings']]]
// The drupal library from core should be excluded from loading.
'The drupalSettings library from core should be excluded from loading.'
// The drupalSettings library from core should be excluded from loading.
'The html5shiv library from core should be included in loading.'
// The drupal library from core should be included in loading.
'The drupalSettings library from core should be included in loading.'
// The drupalSettings library from core should be included in loading.
......@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ public static function getSkippedDeprecations() {
'The "core/jquery.ui.controlgroup" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
// @todo Remove in
'Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::$defaultTheme is required in drupal:9.0.0 when using an install profile that does not set a default theme. See, which includes recommendations on which theme to use.',
'The "core/html5shiv" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
'The "core/matchmedia" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
'The "core/matchmedia.addListener" asset library is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. See',
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