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Unverified Commit 662b7944 authored by Alex Pott's avatar Alex Pott
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Issue #2874640 by martin107, Lendude, Utkarsh_Mishra, NickWilde, alexpott:...

Issue #2874640 by martin107, Lendude, Utkarsh_Mishra, NickWilde, alexpott: Convert DialogTest to a FunctionalJavascript test
parent 5fee0255
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namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Ajax;
use Drupal\ajax_test\Controller\AjaxTestController;
use Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\MainContentViewSubscriber;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
* Performs tests on opening and manipulating dialogs via AJAX commands.
* @group Ajax
class DialogTest extends AjaxTestBase {
* Modules to enable.
* @var array
public static $modules = ['ajax_test', 'ajax_forms_test', 'contact'];
* Test sending non-JS and AJAX requests to open and manipulate modals.
public function testDialog() {
$this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['administer contact forms']));
// Ensure the elements render without notices or exceptions.
// Set up variables for this test.
$dialog_renderable = AjaxTestController::dialogContents();
$dialog_contents = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($dialog_renderable);
$modal_expected_response = [
'command' => 'openDialog',
'selector' => '#drupal-modal',
'settings' => NULL,
'data' => $dialog_contents,
'dialogOptions' => [
'modal' => TRUE,
'title' => 'AJAX Dialog & contents',
$form_expected_response = [
'command' => 'openDialog',
'selector' => '#drupal-modal',
'settings' => NULL,
'dialogOptions' => [
'modal' => TRUE,
'title' => 'Ajax Form contents',
$entity_form_expected_response = [
'command' => 'openDialog',
'selector' => '#drupal-modal',
'settings' => NULL,
'dialogOptions' => [
'modal' => TRUE,
'title' => 'Add contact form',
$normal_expected_response = [
'command' => 'openDialog',
'selector' => '#ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1',
'settings' => NULL,
'data' => $dialog_contents,
'dialogOptions' => [
'modal' => FALSE,
'title' => 'AJAX Dialog & contents',
$no_target_expected_response = [
'command' => 'openDialog',
'selector' => '#drupal-dialog-ajax-testdialog-contents',
'settings' => NULL,
'data' => $dialog_contents,
'dialogOptions' => [
'modal' => FALSE,
'title' => 'AJAX Dialog & contents',
$close_expected_response = [
'command' => 'closeDialog',
'selector' => '#ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1',
'persist' => FALSE,
// Check that requesting a modal dialog without JS goes to a page.
$this->assertRaw($dialog_contents, 'Non-JS modal dialog page present.');
// Check that requesting a modal dialog with XMLHttpRequest goes to a page.
$this->assertRaw($dialog_contents, 'Modal dialog page on XMLHttpRequest present.');
// Emulate going to the JS version of the page and check the JSON response.
$ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAjax('ajax-test/dialog-contents', ['query' => [MainContentViewSubscriber::WRAPPER_FORMAT => 'drupal_modal']]);
$this->assertEqual($modal_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'Modal dialog JSON response matches.');
// Test the HTML escaping of & character.
$this->assertEqual($ajax_result[3]['dialogOptions']['title'], 'AJAX Dialog & contents');
$this->assertNotEqual($ajax_result[3]['dialogOptions']['title'], 'AJAX Dialog &amp; contents');
// Check that requesting a "normal" dialog without JS goes to a page.
$this->assertRaw($dialog_contents, 'Non-JS normal dialog page present.');
// Emulate going to the JS version of the page and check the JSON response.
// This needs to use WebTestBase::drupalPostAjaxForm() so that the correct
// dialog options are sent.
$ajax_result = $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('ajax-test/dialog', [
// We have to mock a form element to make drupalPost submit from a link.
'textfield' => 'test',
], [], 'ajax-test/dialog-contents', ['query' => [MainContentViewSubscriber::WRAPPER_FORMAT => 'drupal_dialog']], [], NULL, [
'submit' => [
'dialogOptions[target]' => 'ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1',
$this->assertEqual($normal_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'Normal dialog JSON response matches.');
// Emulate going to the JS version of the page and check the JSON response.
// This needs to use WebTestBase::drupalPostAjaxForm() so that the correct
// dialog options are sent.
$ajax_result = $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('ajax-test/dialog', [
// We have to mock a form element to make drupalPost submit from a link.
'textfield' => 'test',
], [], 'ajax-test/dialog-contents', ['query' => [MainContentViewSubscriber::WRAPPER_FORMAT => 'drupal_dialog']], [], NULL, [
// Don't send a target.
'submit' => [],
// Make sure the selector ID starts with the right string.
$this->assert(strpos($ajax_result[3]['selector'], $no_target_expected_response['selector']) === 0, 'Selector starts with right string.');
$this->assertEqual($no_target_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'Normal dialog with no target JSON response matches.');
// Emulate closing the dialog via an AJAX request. There is no non-JS
// version of this test.
$ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAjax('ajax-test/dialog-close');
$this->assertEqual($close_expected_response, $ajax_result[0], 'Close dialog JSON response matches.');
// Test submitting via a POST request through the button for modals. This
// approach more accurately reflects the real responses by Drupal because
// all of the necessary page variables are emulated.
$ajax_result = $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('ajax-test/dialog', [], 'button1');
// Check that CSS and JavaScript are "added" to the page dynamically.
$this->assertTrue(in_array('core/drupal.dialog.ajax', explode(',', $ajax_result[0]['settings']['ajaxPageState']['libraries'])), 'core/drupal.dialog.ajax library is added to the page.');
$dialog_css_exists = strpos($ajax_result[1]['data'], 'dialog.css') !== FALSE;
$this->assertTrue($dialog_css_exists, 'jQuery UI dialog CSS added to the page.');
$dialog_js_exists = strpos($ajax_result[2]['data'], 'dialog-min.js') !== FALSE;
$this->assertTrue($dialog_js_exists, 'jQuery UI dialog JS added to the page.');
$dialog_js_exists = strpos($ajax_result[2]['data'], 'dialog.ajax.js') !== FALSE;
$this->assertTrue($dialog_js_exists, 'Drupal dialog JS added to the page.');
// Check that the response matches the expected value.
$this->assertEqual($modal_expected_response, $ajax_result[4], 'POST request modal dialog JSON response matches.');
// Test the HTML escaping of & character.
$this->assertNotEqual($ajax_result[4]['dialogOptions']['title'], 'AJAX Dialog &amp; contents');
// Abbreviated test for "normal" dialogs, testing only the difference.
$ajax_result = $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('ajax-test/dialog', [], 'button2');
$this->assertEqual($normal_expected_response, $ajax_result[4], 'POST request normal dialog JSON response matches.');
// Check that requesting a form dialog without JS goes to a page.
// Check we get a chunk of the code, we can't test the whole form as form
// build id and token with be different.
$form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='ajax-test-form']");
$this->assertTrue(!empty($form), 'Non-JS form page present.');
// Emulate going to the JS version of the form and check the JSON response.
$ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAjax('ajax-test/dialog-form', ['query' => [MainContentViewSubscriber::WRAPPER_FORMAT => 'drupal_modal']]);
$expected_ajax_settings = [
'edit-preview' => [
'callback' => '::preview',
'event' => 'click',
'url' => Url::fromRoute('ajax_test.dialog_form', [], [
'query' => [
MainContentViewSubscriber::WRAPPER_FORMAT => 'drupal_modal',
FormBuilderInterface::AJAX_FORM_REQUEST => TRUE,
'dialogType' => 'ajax',
'submit' => [
'_triggering_element_name' => 'op',
'_triggering_element_value' => 'Preview',
$this->assertEqual($expected_ajax_settings, $ajax_result[0]['settings']['ajax']);
// Remove the data, the form build id and token will never match.
$form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='ajax-test-form']");
$this->assertTrue(!empty($form), 'Modal dialog JSON contains form.');
$this->assertEqual($form_expected_response, $ajax_result[3]);
// Check that requesting an entity form dialog without JS goes to a page.
// Check we get a chunk of the code, we can't test the whole form as form
// build id and token with be different.
$form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='contact-form-add-form']");
$this->assertTrue(!empty($form), 'Non-JS entity form page present.');
// Emulate going to the JS version of the form and check the JSON response.
$ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAjax('admin/structure/contact/add', ['query' => [MainContentViewSubscriber::WRAPPER_FORMAT => 'drupal_modal']]);
// Remove the data, the form build id and token will never match.
$form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='contact-form-add-form']");
$this->assertTrue(!empty($form), 'Modal dialog JSON contains entity form.');
$this->assertEqual($entity_form_expected_response, $ajax_result[3]);
namespace Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\Ajax;
use Drupal\ajax_test\Controller\AjaxTestController;
use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase;
* Performs tests on opening and manipulating dialogs via AJAX commands.
* @group Ajax
class DialogTest extends WebDriverTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected static $modules = ['ajax_test', 'ajax_forms_test', 'contact'];
* Test sending non-JS and AJAX requests to open and manipulate modals.
public function testDialog() {
$this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['administer contact forms']));
// Ensure the elements render without notices or exceptions.
// Set up variables for this test.
$dialog_renderable = AjaxTestController::dialogContents();
$dialog_contents = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($dialog_renderable);
// Check that requesting a modal dialog without JS goes to a page.
// Visit the page containing the many test dialog links.
// Tests a basic modal dialog by verifying the contents of the dialog are as
// expected.
$this->getSession()->getPage()->clickLink('Link 1 (modal)');
// Clicking the link triggers a AJAX request/response.
// Opens a Dialog panel.
$link1_dialog_div = $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', 'div.ui-dialog');
$this->assertNotNull($link1_dialog_div, 'Link was used to open a dialog ( modal )');
$link1_modal = $link1_dialog_div->find('css', '#drupal-modal');
$this->assertNotNull($link1_modal, 'Link was used to open a dialog ( non-modal )');
$dialog_title = $link1_dialog_div->find('css', "span.ui-dialog-title:contains('AJAX Dialog & contents')");
$dialog_title_amp = $link1_dialog_div->find('css', "span.ui-dialog-title:contains('AJAX Dialog &amp; contents')");
// Close open dialog, return to the dialog links page.
$close_button = $link1_dialog_div->findButton('Close');
// Tests a modal with a dialog-option.
// Link 2 is similar to Link 1, except it submits additional width
// information which must be echoed in the resulting DOM update.
$this->getSession()->getPage()->clickLink('Link 2 (modal)');
$dialog = $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', 'div.ui-dialog');
$this->assertNotNull($dialog, 'Link was used to open a dialog ( non-modal, with options )');
$style = $dialog->getAttribute('style');
$this->assertContains('width: 400px;', $style, new FormattableMarkup('Modal respected the dialog-options width parameter. Style = style', ['%style' => $style]));
// Reset: Return to the dialog links page.
// Test a non-modal dialog ( with target ).
$this->clickLink('Link 3 (non-modal)');
$non_modal_dialog = $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', 'div.ui-dialog');
$this->assertNotNull($non_modal_dialog, 'Link opens a non-modal dialog.');
// Tests the dialog contains a target element specified in the AJAX request.
$non_modal_dialog->find('css', 'div#ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1');
// Reset: Return to the dialog links page.
// Tests a non-modal dialog ( without target ).
$this->clickLink('Link 7 (non-modal, no target)');
$no_target_dialog = $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', 'div.ui-dialog');
$this->assertNotNull($no_target_dialog, 'Link opens a non-modal dialog.');
$contents_no_target = $no_target_dialog->find('css', 'div.ui-dialog-content');
$this->assertNotNull($contents_no_target, 'non-modal dialog opens ( no target ). ');
$id = $contents_no_target->getAttribute('id');
$partial_match = strpos($id, 'drupal-dialog-ajax-testdialog-contents') === 0;
$this->assertTrue($partial_match, 'The non-modal ID has the expected prefix.');
$no_target_button = $no_target_dialog->findButton('Close');
$this->assertNotNull($no_target_button, 'Link dialog has a close button');
$this->getSession()->getPage()->findButton('Button 1 (modal)')->press();
$button1_dialog = $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', 'div.ui-dialog');
$this->assertNotNull($button1_dialog, 'Button opens a modal dialog.');
$button1_dialog_content = $button1_dialog->find('css', 'div.ui-dialog-content');
$this->assertNotNull($button1_dialog_content, 'Button opens a modal dialog.');
// Test the HTML escaping of & character.
$button1_dialog_title = $button1_dialog->find('css', "span.ui-dialog-title:contains('AJAX Dialog & contents')");
$button1_dialog_title_amp = $button1_dialog->find('css', "span.ui-dialog-title:contains('AJAX Dialog &amp; contents')");
// Reset: Close the dialog.
// Abbreviated test for "normal" dialogs, testing only the difference.
$this->getSession()->getPage()->findButton('Button 2 (non-modal)')->press();
$button2_dialog = $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', 'div.ui-dialog-content');
$this->assertNotNull($button2_dialog, 'Non-modal content displays as expected.');
// Use a link to close the pagnel opened by button 2.
$this->getSession()->getPage()->clickLink('Link 4 (close non-modal if open)');
// Form modal.
$this->clickLink('Link 5 (form)');
// Two links have been clicked in succession - This time wait for a change
// in the title as the previous closing dialog may temporarily be open.
$form_dialog_title = $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', "span.ui-dialog-title:contains('Ajax Form contents')");
$this->assertNotNull($form_dialog_title, 'Dialog form has the expected title.');
// Locate the newly opened dialog.
$form_dialog = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', 'div.ui-dialog');
$this->assertNotNull($form_dialog, 'Form dialog is visible');
$form_contents = $form_dialog->find('css', "p:contains('Ajax Form contents description.')");
$this->assertNotNull($form_contents, 'For has the expected text.');
$do_it = $form_dialog->findButton('Do it');
$this->assertNotNull($do_it, 'The dialog has a "Do it" button.');
$preview = $form_dialog->findButton('Preview');
$this->assertNotNull($preview, 'The dialog contains a "Preview" button.');
// Reset: close the form.
// Non AJAX version of Link 6.
// Check we get a chunk of the code, we can't test the whole form as form
// build id and token with be different.
$contact_form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='contact-form-add-form']");
$this->assertTrue(!empty($contact_form), 'Non-JS entity form page present.');
// Reset: Return to the dialog links page.
$this->clickLink('Link 6 (entity form)');
$dialog_add = $this->assertSession()->waitForElementVisible('css', 'div.ui-dialog');
$this->assertNotNull($dialog_add, 'Form dialog is visible');
$form_add = $dialog_add->find('css', '');
$this->assertNotNull($form_add, 'Modal dialog JSON contains entity form.');
$form_title = $dialog_add->find('css', "span.ui-dialog-title:contains('Add contact form')");
$this->assertNotNull($form_title, 'The add form title is as expected.');
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