<li>{%trans%}Verify that a Help search page is listed in the <em>Search pages</em> section. If not, add a new page of type <em>Help</em>.{%endtrans%}</li>
<li>{%trans%}Check the indexing status of the Help search page. If it is not fully indexed, <ahref="{{cron_help}}">run Cron</a> until indexing is complete.{%endtrans%}</li>
<li>{%trans%}In the future, you can click <em>Rebuild search index</em> on this page, or <ahref="{{cache_help}}">clear the site cache</a>, in order to force help topic text to be reindexed for searching. This should be done whenever a module, theme, language, or string translation is updated.{%endtrans%}</li>
<li>{%trans%}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Structure</em>><em>Block layout</em>.{%endtrans%}</li>
<li>{%trans%}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em>Structure</em>><em>Block layout</em>.{%endtrans%}</li>
<li>{%trans%}Click the link for your administrative theme (such as the core Seven theme), near the top of the page, and verify that there is already a search block for help located in the Help region. If not, follow the steps in the related topic to place the <em>Search form</em> block in the Help region. When configuring the block, choose <em>Help</em> as the search page, and in the <em>Pages</em> tab under <em>Visibility</em>, enter <em>/admin/help</em> to make the search form only visible on the main <em>Help</em> page.{%endtrans%}</li>
<li>{%trans%}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em><ahref="{{help_url}}">Help</a></em>. Verify that the search block is visible, and try a search.{%endtrans%}</li>
<li>{%trans%}In the <em>Manage</em> administrative menu, navigate to <em><ahref="{{help_url}}">Help</a></em>. Verify that the search block is visible, and try a search.{%endtrans%}</li>