- Oct 17, 2019
Francesco Placella authored
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #3088448 by alexpott, greg.1.anderson, Mixologic, Mile23: Remove bin/composer from composer.lock file
- Oct 16, 2019
Jess authored
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #3067085 by huzooka, lauriii, bnjmnm, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima: Views top dropbutton breaks when editing a view
Jess authored
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #3080259 by gabesullice, alexpott, Wim Leers: Links with different target attributes are improperly merged
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #3088135 by alexpott, mikelutz, Wim Leers, Berdir, heddn: TestSiteApplicationTest::testInstallInDifferentLanguage requires localize.drupal.org
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3067386 by tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, bnjmnm, lauriii, Wim Leers, huzooka, xjm: AJAX rebuild of Views UI form re-renders parts of the form without using Form API, so additional hooks are needed in lieu of hook_form_view_edit_form_alter()
- Oct 15, 2019
Jess authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #3088012 by alexpott, mikelutz, Wim Leers, Berdir: InstallerExistingConfigTest shouldn't download translations from l.d.o
catch authored
Lee Rowlands authored
- Oct 14, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2174633 by colan, mikeker, Lendude, Pancho, Jo Fitzgerald, tim.plunkett, andypost, anya_m, botanic_spark, amateescu, realityloop, tvhung, lokapujya, jhedstrom, rensingh99, dww, Munavijayalakshmi, david.gil, jlbellido, visabhishek, druprad, le72, larowlan, kenton.r, jonathanshaw, Damien Tournoud, mpp, alexpott, dawehner, nicholas.alipaz, TrevorBradley, jp.stacey, Berdir: View output is not used for entityreference options
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3087496 by jhodgdon, andypost, Amber Himes Matz: Change prefixes of Help Topics machine names to help and make sure APIs are marked @internal
Lee Rowlands authored
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #3085035 by gabesullice, Wim Leers: Add a public API for aliasing and disabling JSON:API resource type fields
Alex Pott authored
- Oct 13, 2019
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #3079738 by lauriii, saschaeggi, webchick, xjm, andrewmacpherson, shimpy, effulgentsia, Wim Leers, DyanneNova, svettes, rainbreaw, fhaeberle, ckrina, AaronMcHale, justafish, catch, charlieweb82, AntoineH, lot007, pzajacz, kostyashupenko, jasonbarrie, antonellasevero, finnsky, worldlinemine, bnjmnm, RobLoach, Dennis Cohn, huzooka, Archita Arora, joachim, jrockowitz, benjifisher, shaal, Gábor Hojtsy, quiron, L2G2, ccasals, hampercm, if-jds, abhisekmazumdar, Kami Amiga, pivica, zrpnr, BrightBold, imalabya, jhedstrom, Neslee Canil Pinto, maliknaik, junaidmasoodi, Maithri Shetty, pranav73, mandclu, modulist, nod_, philosurfer, phenaproxima, mherchel, mlncn, rafuel92, leymannx, kiboman, Swapnil_Kotwal, anevins, evankay, rfmarcelino, thamas, brianperry, idebr, joelpittet, boulaffasae, alexpott, volkerk, DuneBL, Eli-T, Mahenkvyas22: Add Claro administration theme to core
Alex Pott authored
Lee Rowlands authored
- Oct 12, 2019
- Oct 11, 2019
Francesco Placella authored
Issue #2044435 by mondrake, kim.pepper, Mile23, andypost, martin107, daffie, jibran, beejeebus, alexpott, larowlan, dawehner, catch, pwolanin: Convert pager.inc to a service
Francesco Placella authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3034242 by oknate, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, webchick, seanB, larowlan, bnjmnm, jrockowitz, ckrina, benjifisher, andrewmacpherson, dww, jibran: Hide "Save and insert" and "Additional selected media" from users by default