- Jul 19, 2017
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2883483 by tedbow, Wim Leers: Assert that calls to waitForElementVisible() actually return element in OutsideIn javascript tests
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2784853 by Wim Leers, tedbow: Determine when Outside In library should be loaded: piggyback on contextual_toolbar()
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2894270 by xjm, seanB, chr.fritsch, Wim Leers: Users unable to add an extension to the file upload field
- Jul 18, 2017
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2843785 by vaplas, Sam152, Wim Leers: EntityResource: Provide comprehensive test coverage for Workflow entity
Lee Rowlands authored
- Jul 17, 2017
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2894283 by droplet, drpal: Improve Toolbar Height calculation to accommodate jQuery 3.0 changes
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2888305 by drpal, tedbow: In Settings Tray the when form is longer than page body it is tricky to scroll to the very bottom
- Jul 15, 2017
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2851225 by Sam152, Gábor Hojtsy: Ensure non-configuration bundles are correctly removed when the bundles go away
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2843770 by Wim Leers, vaplas: EntityResource: Provide comprehensive test coverage for ResponsiveImageStyle entity
- Jul 14, 2017
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #2844261 by tedbow, drpal, tim.plunkett, Wim Leers, droplet: Allow dialog links to specify a renderer in addition to a dialog type
- Jul 13, 2017
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2882729 by tedbow, tim.plunkett, Bojhan: In off-canvas block form hide Title input unless it will be displayed and change label to Block Title
Dries Buytaert authored
- Jul 11, 2017
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2893371 by Mile23: Several methods theoretically added to TestInfoParsingTest were actually not
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2891784 by FeyP: Use correct class name for EventDispatcherInterface in Events API documentation
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2873782 by Jo Fitzgerald, Dinesh18, vrwired: Add Change record to @deprecated for MigrateCckFieldPluginManagerInterface
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2863431 by Manuel Garcia, seanB, naveenvalecha, Gábor Hojtsy, Berdir, tstoeckler, timmillwood, tacituseu, marcoscano: Change "Save and keep un-/published" buttons for media module
- Jul 07, 2017
Lauri Timmanee authored
- Jul 06, 2017
Lauri Timmanee authored
- Jul 05, 2017
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2885486 by seanB, timmillwood, tstoeckler, Wim Leers: Media entity is revisionable but doesn't have a revision link template
- Jul 04, 2017
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2867882 by vegantriathlete, Dinesh18, naveenvalecha, Gábor Hojtsy, Berdir: Expand @deprecated docblocks in EntityManager.php
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2890824 by Wim Leers: Some HAL module functional tests are tagged "@group rest" instead of "@group hal"
Gabor Hojtsy authored
- Jul 03, 2017
catch authored
Issue #2451657 by Upchuk, tstoeckler, k4v, lokapujya, dawehner, willwh, holist, yobottehg, Peacog, Sharique, plach, Berdir, deepakaryan1988, Xano, geertvd, pminf, alexpott, AkshayKalose, lauriii, mkernel, pritish.kumar, jibran: Views should not condition joins on the langcode of fields that are not translatable
catch authored
Issue #2873781 by gpandher, Jo Fitzgerald: Add Change record to @deprecated for MigrationCreationTrait