Issue #2822665 by martin107: LibraryDiscoveryParserTest::testBuilldByExtensionSimple() passes an unwanted parameter
Issue #2811725 by mpdonadio, paulanders, jhedstrom: Error when render Datetime Range field: Error: Unsupported operand types
Issue #2610436 by Gábor Hojtsy, Cottser, joelpittet, pp, xjm, alexpott: Twig templates incorrectly use % trans % with arbitrary filters
Issue #2806285 by maxocub, Gábor Hojtsy, quietone, catch: If the default language is not set, the migration log show an error
Issue #2549839 by quietone, mikeryan, benjy: Removed unused variables from D6 search settings migration
Issue #2207247 by larowlan, sasanikolic, olli, s_leu, Berdir, joelpittet, mrjmd, rpayanm, dawehner, Truptti, nod_, alexpott, Wim Leers: Dialog titles double escaped for views handlers and delete forms
Issue #2645164 by kekkis, quietone, heddn, Lars Toomre: Fix use of $sourceValues and $destinationValues local variables
Issue #2778445 by neclimdul, anish.a, Charlotte17, arturs.v, iMiksu, heddn, mikeryan: Add migration message property to migrate executable
Issue #2796151 by mpdonadio, jhedstrom, myLies, vijaycs85, lomasr, alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy, penyaskito, catch, xjm: Date range separator should be translatable
Issue #2810303 by dawehner, Crell, tim.plunkett, klausi, Wim Leers: Reunite the router: One router to rule them all
Issue #2783075 by claudiu.cristea: Followup: Add a "download" process plugin, remove remote capability from FileCopy
Revert "Issue #2810303 by dawehner, Crell, klausi, tim.plunkett, Wim Leers: Reunite the router: One router to rule them all" This reverts commit 21a86f3a.
Issue #2783075 by phenaproxima, claudiu.cristea, ohthehugemanatee, chx, mikeryan: Add a "download" process plugin, remove remote capability from FileCopy
Issue #2810303 by dawehner, Crell, klausi, tim.plunkett, Wim Leers: Reunite the router: One router to rule them all
Issue #2821709 by tedbow, drpal: Allow links to open content in Offcanvas tray without edit mode being enabled
Issue #2814141 by tbonomelli, Berdir, Ginovski, tduong: Auto-reply mail attempts to send a mail to an empty e-mail if the e-mail field is not shown
Issue #2754929 by joelpittet, markcarver: Internal path(s) missing for "html" and "page" theme hook suggestions on <front>
Issue #2763787 by pwolanin, nerdstein, rlhawk, YesCT, slasher13, tuutti, alexpott, therealssj, TravisCarden, dawehner, maximpodorov, klausi, catch, talhaparacha, Eric_A: Upgrade random_compat to latest version
Issue #2820079 by michielnugter, claudiu.cristea, droplet, dawehner, pfrenssen: Convert \Drupal\book\Tests\BookTest::testBookOrdering() to a JavascriptTestBase test
Issue #2613190 by LOBsTerr, fenstrat, quietone, Chi, nicrodgers: Specify size for node_access.fallback column
Issue #2694391 by chx, dawehner, Yogesh Pawar, benjy, iMiksu, catch, alexpott, Fabianx: Separate cache bin for migrations
Issue #2819879 by mikeryan, quietone: Add quietone to MAINTAINERS.txt for Migrate and Migrate (Drupal) subsystems
Issue #2818031 by phenaproxima, Berdir, alexpott: Trailing slashes can cause FileSystem::mkdir() to return a false negative
Issue #2820442 by klausi: SimpleTestBrowserTest has random fails when BrowserTestBaseTest gets larger
Issue #2796581 by tim.plunkett, jibran, catch, swentel, alexpott, cilefen, xjm, amateescu: Fields must store their region in entity displays
Issue #2721179 by catch, klausi, alexpott, dawehner, effulgentsia: Replace deprecated Symfony ExecutionContextInterface
Issue #2803923 by gianani, shashikant_chauhan, joachim: Table render element docs don't explain how to do colspan
Issue #2795601 by jhedstrom, mpdonadio: Convert \Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Common\FormatDateTest mostly to a kernel test
Issue #2801409 by jp.stacey, dawehner, tstoeckler: Entity routing via YAML or via a routing provider is ambiguous in docs