- Oct 07, 2019
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3085935 by phenaproxima, zrpnr, Wim Leers, andrewmacpherson, seanB: Media library "select all" button announcement is reversed
Alex Pott authored
- Oct 05, 2019
- Oct 04, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3085885 by gabesullice, e0ipso, Wim Leers: Follow-up to #3014277: Wrong variable used as argument in BC layer-providing ResourceType::updateDeprecatedFieldMapping()
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #1681832 by mcdruid, k_zoltan, dougvann, ZenDoodles, Cyberschorsch, kim.pepper, mohit1604, drumm, pdenooijer, eshta, mihai_brb, phiit, grwgreg, larowlan, amateescu, David_Rothstein, klausi, Damien Tournoud, coltrane, sun, aiypz, alippai: Password reset form has no flood protection
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3069109 by alexpott, markcarver, jhodgdon, lauriii: Replace help_topic meta tags with front matter
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3062375 by bnjmnm, gease, seanB, Wim Leers: Media library item loses focus when hovering over item's title
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3081233 by phenaproxima, webchick, Wim Leers, oknate, xjm: The default display for new media types should only show the source field
Lauri Timmanee authored
Issue #3071713 by oknate, Wim Leers, bnjmnm, phenaproxima, lauriii: Make error messages for embedded media themeable
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3037781 by bnjmnm, andrewmacpherson, Wim Leers, seanB, rainbreaw: Accessibility problem with invisible buttons in AJAX dialogs
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3085075 by greg.1.anderson: Add '-s dev' to Composer Project Template documentation so instructions work w/out a stable release
- Oct 03, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3037039 by gabesullice, rajanvalecha12, e0ipso, Wim Leers, effulgentsia, xjm, jibran, larowlan, dww, alexpott, amateescu, webchick: Create a public API for indicating resource types should not be exposed
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3073535 by oknate, webchick, Wim Leers, phenaproxima, seanB, AaronMcHale: Allow only a subset of the media library to be exposed to CKEditor
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3076773 by oknate, Wim Leers, bnjmnm, phenaproxima, rainbreaw, andrewmacpherson: Edit Media button within WYSIWYG should include media label for screen readers
- Oct 02, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3065903 by jhodgdon, benjifisher, larowlan, alexpott: Add label sort ability to Select element
Lee Rowlands authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3073734 by idebr, oknate, webchick, phenaproxima, seanB, xjm, Berdir, Lendude, larowlan: Immediately delete a media's file when pressing 'Remove' in the media creation modal
- Oct 01, 2019
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3081523 by bnjmnm, oknate, seanB, rainbreaw: Improve the focus behaviour after clicking 'Save and select' in the media library
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3014277 by gabesullice, e0ipso, Wim Leers, larowlan, jibran, ndobromirov, catch: ResourceTypes should know about their fields
- Sep 30, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3036285 by gabesullice, Wim Leers, Spokje, larowlan, catch: Add a \JsonApiResource\Relationship object to carry relationship data, metadata and a link collection
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3072279 by oknate, Wim Leers: Stop generating align-* classes for preview in DrupalMedia CKEditor plugin
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3084326 by hussainweb, greg.1.anderson: Install .editorconfig and .gitattributes at the project root