- Jun 17, 2015
- May 07, 2015
- May 05, 2015
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2465159 by David_Rothstein, NancyDru: Fixed a regression in Drupal 7.36 which caused certain kinds of content types to become disabled if they were defined by a no-longer-enabled module.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1863290 by woprrr, vomiand, dcam, vegantriathlete: poll_node_info() has unused 'has_body' attribute that is left over from Drupal 6
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2364047 by JvE, dcam: Fix missing file definitions in hook_theme() in the Update Manager module
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2331151 by David_Rothstein, Devin Carlson: Remove leftover code in testFileValidateSize() which runs the tests as a specific user
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1055150 by Devin Carlson, rootwork, yoroy, brianV, JimmyAx: Time zone description is confusing on user register form
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2315255 by Dave Reid, Devin Carlson: Allow custom HTML tags with a dash in the name to pass through filter_xss() when specified in the list of allowed tags
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1812056 by chx, byrond: Allow hook_field_schema() implementations to specify indexes for fields based on a column prefix (field sql storage test failing on various MySQL engines due to indexing unbound text fields)
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1003788 by stefan.r, Alan D., JimmyAx, Josh Waihi, john_brown, twistor, bellHead, bzrudi71, pwolanin, gaas, wiifm, robhardwick, gngn: PostgreSQL PDOException: Invalid text representation when attempting to load an entity with a string or non-scalar ID
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2208649 by areke, David_Rothstein, joachim, er.pushpinderrana, TravisCarden: Followup fixes to the documentation of the queue worker callback
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2428399 by joshi.rohit100, SkidNCrashwell, Sagar Ramgade, er.pushpinderrana, Dom.: Default empty option label text different in documentation than in reality
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2386903 by pfrenssen, dcam: Fixed DOMDocument::importNode() warning due to IDs already being defined when running tests
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2457743 by skein: translation_remove_from_set() runs unnecessary queries to fetch and update every single node with tnid 0
- May 04, 2015
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2014851 by hlieberman, Wim Leers, bradjones1, markcarver: Drupal CSS preprocessing breaks protocol-relative paths
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2356983 by bzrudi71, Dave Reid, jaredsmith: SystemQueue::claimItem() sometimes returns items in the wrong order (resolves locale test failures on PostgreSQL)
David Rothstein authored
Issue #667058 by greggles, DamienMcKenna, cweagans, travelertt, Dave Reid, tstoeckler, geerlingguy: Add a sites/all/libraries folder and encourage people to use it properly
- Apr 21, 2015
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1684930 by amontero, David_Rothstein, joshi.rohit100, jthorson, dcam, rpayanm, jackbravo, yoroy: Add description to "administer filters" permission
- Apr 15, 2015
Jennifer Hodgdon authored
Issue #2392221 by joegraduate, er.pushpinderrana, zealfire, ClientGuy: install_run_task() and install_tasks() don't document the task structure
- Apr 02, 2015
David Rothstein authored
- Mar 31, 2015
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2305017 by David_Rothstein, slashrsm, marcingy: Add a 'file_public_schema' variable to allow bypassing file download access checks in managed file upload fields
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2364069 by damiankloip: Search specific tags are not available and hook_query_TAG_alter hooks are not invoked
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1279226 by attiks, ericduran, Wim Leers, sun, David_Rothstein, nod_: Allow sites and modules to skip loading jQuery and Drupal JavaScript libraries on pages where they won't be used
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1946240 by hampercm, eiriksm, David_Rothstein, rpayanm, rszrama, Yaron Tal, dgtlife, madhusudanmca, er.pushpinderrana, Cottser: Remove the hardcoded 0 index in theme_status_messages()
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2432619 by vbouchet, jhodgdon, joachim: block_load() should state it's not suitable for general consumption
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1201452 by mgifford, Heine, ircmaxell: Improve security on newer versions of PHP by setting an additional charset DSN parameter when connecting to MySQL via PDO
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1051872 by boombatower, jdillick, marvil07: Add documentation concerning modified property flag on node_type_save()
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1483736 by stefan.r, bfcam, jrigby: field_attach_update deletes file fields (content & file) in entity regardless of if they are included in the entity object
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
- Mar 30, 2015
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2425259 by catch, sidharrell, nlisgo, Josh Waihi, Fabianx, Berdir, martin107: Router rebuild lock_wait() condition can result in rebuild later in the request (race condition)
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2283717 by joshi.rohit100, amitgoyal, g3r4, er.pushpinderrana: Remove user_access function calls on hook_permission functions so the Permissions page consistently links to other admin pages for all users