- Oct 01, 2014
- Sep 30, 2014
- Sep 29, 2014
Angie Byron authored
Alex Pott authored
Alex Pott authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #1869476 by rteijeiro, LewisNyman, lauriii, Wim Leers, mdrummond, swentel, hosef, cbiggins, larowlan, sun, EclipseGc, Gábor Hojtsy: Convert global menus (primary links, secondary links) into blocks.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2323511 by dawehner, pfrenssen, olli, Xano | alberto56: Fixed Menu dropdown missing from 'Normal menu entry' section in Views.
- Sep 28, 2014
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2346187 by Yaron Tal | tstoeckler: ConfigFactory and CongfigFactoryInterface should be @ingroup config_api.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2100343 by Berdir, fago, martin107, visabhishek, sriharsha.uppuluri, Yorirou: Remove 'fieldable' key in entity definitions in favour of 'field_ui_base_route'.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #1986640 by Wim Leers, chx, dawehner, effulgentsia: Support AND/OR conjunctions for permission checks.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2345793 by tim.plunkett | xjm: Entities should provide a method for a properly generated link to the entity.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2340471 by clemens.tolboom, dawehner: Fixed Rest export views preview should show some output instead of 500.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2002138 by yched, Jose Reyero, xjm, andypost, fago, msonnabaum, Berdir, dixon_: Use adapters for supporting typed data.
Alex Pott authored
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2345607 followup by webflo: The combination of #2345607 and #2344821 shortly after broke head.
Alex Pott authored
Alex Pott authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2336743 by webflo, penyaskito, YesCT, Gábor Hojtsy: Fixed When more than one language is added in the profile, the installer ignores those.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2328161 by alexpott, vijaycs85 | Sutharsan: Fixed 'Enable Translation' checkbox default non-predictable for new bundles.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2345607 by YesCT, Désiré | Gábor Hojtsy: Fixed Translated taxonomy terms not rendered in the entity display language.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2343651 by xjm, tim.plunkett, Wim Leers, dinarcon, dawehner: Remove most remaining l() calls.
Angie Byron authored
- Sep 27, 2014
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2344843 by yched: Fixed hook_field_storage_config_update_forbid() sample code still uses ArrayAccess on FieldStorageConfig.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2344967 by Gábor Hojtsy: Fixed Localization update does not update configuration translations.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2329829 by Cottser, lauriii | davidhernandez: Move update classes from preprocess to templates.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #1912608 by Cottser, ckrina, jamesquinton, lauriii, jwilson3, mgifford, scaragucc' | criz: Update pagination markup for new CSS standards and improved accessibility.
Angie Byron authored
Issue #1777332 by hass, Cottser, mike.roberts, joelpittet, dawehner | jenlampton: Replace theme_menu_link() and menu-tree.html.twig with a single Twig template.