Revert "Issue #2664530 by Lendude: Views Combined fields filter with "Contains any word" or "Contains all words" operator results in an incorrect SQL query and a fatal error" This reverts commit a64ea9d3.
Issue #2471010 by pguillard, Arez, Oleksiy, ifrik, yoroy, andypost, alexpott, Bojhan, jbguerraz, brahmjeet789, jaimeguzman, drubb, DuaelFr, lrmeeske, Gábor Hojtsy: Label for Content and User bulk operations does not fit the action
Issue #2657110 by claudiu.cristea: ResponsiveImageFormatter should define dependencies to responsive image style entity
Revert "Issue #2675010 by hchonov: Cloned entity will point to the same field objects if the clone was created after an entity translation has been initialized" This reverts commit fe08d93c.
Issue #2698083 by quietone, Sam152, Mac_Weber, vasi: D6->D8: Migrating links without leading slash leads to fatal error
Issue #2664530 by Lendude: Views Combined fields filter with "Contains any word" or "Contains all words" operator results in an incorrect SQL query and a fatal error
Issue #2751583 by tstoeckler: Entity::urlRouteParameters() calls getRevisionId() for non-revisionable entities
Issue #2751121 by tstoeckler, kiamlaluno: class StatusMessages documentation page contains incorrect markup
Issue #2752267 by Anicky, handrus, davic, Sagar Ramgade, tstoeckler: Drupal\node\Entity\Node::access() is dead code
Issue #2687003 by alexpott, mikeryan, eojthebrave, xjm, benjy, quietone, catch: Update migrate.api.php to reflect the current API
Issue #2698141 by TravisCarden, ChuChuNaKu, effulgentsia: Empty Twig {% trans %} tag causes unhelpful fatal exception
Issue #2513402 by pixelmord, cilefen, prajaankit, jcnventura, webchick, nicrodgers, Bojhan, g.oechsler, xjm, ifrik, Wim Leers: Any time a user creates a thing and saves, display a link to the thing created in the status
Issue #2752127 by jalpesh, Eric_A: drupal/core-assertion is missing from the drupal/core replace section
Issue #2700581 by mikeryan, benjy, heddn, vasi: Destination bundle set in destination plugin, not in process
Issue #2228141 by juampynr, eiriksm, dawehner, almaudoh, lokapujya, mohit_aghera, clemens.tolboom, manojapare, Lendude, Sonal.Sangale, Wim Leers, alexpott, damiankloip, andypost: Add authentication support to REST views
Issue #2499239 by Mile23, neclimdul, alexpott, jhedstrom, Mixologic, Crell, Xano, dawehner: Use test suite classes to discover different test types under phpunit, allow contrib harmony with run-tests
Issue #2753475 by amateescu, timmillwood: Support using the values of another field as initial values when adding a new field
Issue #2753989 by Berdir: CacheFactory::get() should not use default cache backend before cache bin defaults
Issue #2754477 by alexpott, mr.baileys, swentel: Unexpected config entity delete due to dependency calculations
Issue #1390580 by mohit_aghera, heliogabal, Chernous_dn, andrewmacpherson, mgifford, droplet, Everett Zufelt: Add comments for skip link and main-content anchor in templates
Issue #2684213 by amateescu, larowlan, josephdpurcell, dawehner: Preview on forward node revisions throws an error
Issue #2752149 by marcoscano, ifrik: "filter" button should be normal (grey) instead of primary (blue)
Issue #2675010 by hchonov: Cloned entity will point to the same field objects if the clone was created after an entity translation has been initialized
Issue #2683433 by rachel_norfolk, kostyashupenko, emallove, NitinSP, gnuget, Vidushi Mehta, Manjit.Singh, nathanc, radioflyer, ccjjmartin, emma.maria, Cottser, edutrul, idebr: Table drag handle icons should not have an underline in Bartik
Issue #2676552 by justAChris, mbovan, chr.fritsch, gaborpeter, mariancalinro, alexpott, Berdir: File usage view breaks if an entity uses a file that has no canonical link template
Issue #2753049 by pguillard, pashupathi nath gajawada, ChandeepKhosa, ifrik: Change "Save changes" to "Save"
Issue #2742103 by ekes, dawehner, amateescu: SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getDedicatedTableSchema() ignores 'unique keys' from the schema definition
Issue #2708735 by amateescu, dawehner, markdorison: Creating a draft removes published node from taxonomy view
Issue #2752709 by ChandeepKhosa, kamalrajsahu21, pashupathi nath gajawada, ifrik, Gábor Hojtsy, Haza, marcvangend: "Add mode" instead of "Add new mode"