@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ function hook_help($route_name, \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $reque
// Main module help for the block module.
return'<p>'.t('Blocks are boxes of content rendered into an area, or region, of a web page. The default theme Bartik, for example, implements the regions "Sidebar first", "Sidebar second", "Featured", "Content", "Header", "Footer", etc., and a block may appear in any one of these areas. The <a href="@blocks">blocks administration page</a> provides a drag-and-drop interface for assigning a block to a region, and for controlling the order of blocks within regions.',array('@blocks'=>url('admin/structure/block'))).'</p>';
return'<p>'.t('Blocks are boxes of content rendered into an area, or region, of a web page. The default theme Bartik, for example, implements the regions "Sidebar first", "Sidebar second", "Featured", "Content", "Header", "Footer", etc., and a block may appear in any one of these areas. The <a href="!blocks">blocks administration page</a> provides a drag-and-drop interface for assigning a block to a region, and for controlling the order of blocks within regions.',array('!blocks'=>\Drupal::url('block.admin_display'))).'</p>';