@@ -69,10 +69,12 @@ function comment_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
$output.='<p>'.t('The Comment module allows users to comment on site content, set commenting defaults and permissions, and moderate comments. For more information, see the <a href="!comment">online documentation for the Comment module</a>.',array('!comment'=>'https://www.drupal.org/documentation/modules/comment')).'</p>';
$output.='<dt>'.t('Enabling commenting and configuring defaults').'</dt>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('Comment functionality can be enabled for any entity sub-type (for example, a <a href="!content-type">content type</a>). On the Manage fields page for each entity sub-type, you can enable commenting by adding a Comments field. The entity sub-types each have their own default comment settings configured as: <em>Open</em> to allow new comments, <em>Closed</em> to view existing comments, but prevent new comments, or <em>Hidden</em> to hide existing comments and prevent new comments. For background information about entities, see the <a href="!field">Field module help page</a>.',array('!content-type'=>(\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('node'))?\Drupal::url('entity.node_type.collection'):'#','!field'=>\Drupal::url('help.page',array('name'=>'field')))).'</dd>';
$output.='<dt>'.t('Enabling commenting').'</dt>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('Comment functionality can be enabled for any entity sub-type (for example, a <a href="!content-type">content type</a>) by adding a <em>Comments</em> field on its <em>Manage fields page</em>. Adding or removing commenting for an entity through the user interface requires the <a href="!field_ui">Field UI</a> module to be enabled, even though the commenting functionality works without it. For more information on fields and entities, see the <a href="!field">Field module help page</a>.',array('!content-type'=>(\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('node'))?\Drupal::url('entity.node_type.collection'):'#','!field'=>\Drupal::url('help.page',array('name'=>'field')),'!field_ui'=>(\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('field_ui'))?\Drupal::url('help.page',array('name'=>'field_ui')):'#')).'</dd>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('Commenting settings can be configured by editing the <em>Comments</em> field on the <em>Manage fields page</em> of an entity type if the <em>Field UI module</em> is enabled. Configuration includes the label of the comments field, the number of comments to be displayed, and whether they are shown in threaded list. Commenting can be be configured as: <em>Open</em> to allow new comments, <em>Closed</em> to view existing comments, but prevent new comments, or <em>Hidden</em> to hide existing comments and prevent new comments. Changing this configuration for an entity type will not change existing entity items.').'</dd>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('When you create an entity item, you can override the default comment settings. Changing the entity sub-type defaults will not affect existing entity items, whether they used the default settings or had overrides.').'</dd>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('Users with the appropriate permissions can override the default commenting settings of an entity type when they create an item of that type.').'</dd>';
$output.='<dt>'.t('Approving and managing comments').'</dt>';
$output.='<dd>'.t('Comments from users who have the <em>Skip comment approval</em> permission are published immediately. All other comments are placed in the <a href="!comment-approval">Unapproved comments</a> queue, until a user who has permission to <em>Administer comments and comment settings</em> publishes or deletes them. Published comments can be bulk managed on the <a href="!admin-comment">Published comments</a> administration page. When a comment has no replies, it remains editable by its author, as long as the author has <em>Edit own comments</em> permission.',array('!comment-approval'=>\Drupal::url('comment.admin_approval'),'!admin-comment'=>\Drupal::url('comment.admin'))).'</dd>';