- May 19, 2017
catch authored
Issue #2831274 by slashrsm, seanB, Wim Leers, chr.fritsch, phenaproxima, naveenvalecha, marcoscano, webflo, Gábor Hojtsy, amateescu, Boobaa, iMiksu, mtodor, effulgentsia, xjm, Berdir, tim.plunkett, dawehner, tkoleary, tstoeckler, tedbow, alexpott, yoroy, catch, Bojhan, andypost, jhedstrom, jibran, aspilicious, boztek, cbr, bigbaldy, alex0412, dagmar, blueminds, ekes, Dave Reid, Sam152, bojanz, pixelmord, jonathanshaw, CTaPByK, webchick, samuel.mortenson, dbt102, dishabhadra, proweb.ua, rakesh.gectcr, rasikap, paranojik, pameeela, neardark, NormySan, Primsi, nicolas.rafaelli, romainj, royal121, vladan.me, vpeltot, woprrr, vilepickle, toni04, scheban, tduong, temkin, tim-e, mbovan, mashermike, felribeiro, giancarlosotelo, hctom, euphoric_mv, eric.duran7@gmail.com, edurenye, eelkeblok, H1ghlander, Jaesin, hkirsman, ja_ca, NickWilde, joachim, joshi.rohit100, marcingy, NerOcrO, Mixologic, jcisio, jfrederick, Lukas von Blarer, Maouna: Bring Media entity module to core as Media module
Alex Pott authored
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2844595 by ohthehugemanatee, Jo Fitzgerald, heddn, moshe weitzman: SQLBase breaks GROUP BY queries
- May 18, 2017
- May 17, 2017
Lauri Timmanee authored
Issue #2852608 by Manuel Garcia, DyanneNova, markconroy, tim.plunkett, joelpittet, DickJohnson, Scorpid: Review layout CSS and markup
- May 16, 2017
- May 15, 2017
Alex Pott authored
catch authored
Alex Pott authored
Alex Pott authored
Issue #2293697 by Wim Leers, dawehner, Jo Fitzgerald, clemens.tolboom, vedpareek, tedbow, Munavijayalakshmi, hchonov, alexpott, effulgentsia, tstoeckler, Crell, klausi, EclipseGc: EntityResource POST routes all use the confusing default: use entity types' https://www.drupal.org/link-relations/create link template if available
catch authored
- May 13, 2017
Alex Pott authored
Lauri Timmanee authored
Issue #2849100 by vaplas, hugovk, tameeshb, droplet, NikitaJain, Dinesh18, Truptti, xjm, wturrell: Spaces shown before commas in publishing options
- May 12, 2017
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2877593 by alexpott, Berdir, Wim Leers: Improve \Drupal\hal\LinkManager\RelationLinkManager::getRelations() documentation
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2869415 by Wim Leers, tstoeckler, dawehner: EntityResourceTestBase::getUrl() overrides BrowserTestBase::getUrl(), yet offers different functionality
Gabor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2876428 by hardik.p, joachim, c.nish2k3: Documentation for LocalTaskManager::getLocalTasks() is incorrect
Gabor Hojtsy authored