- Jul 24, 2014
- Jul 23, 2014
- Jul 22, 2014
- Jul 21, 2014
- Jul 20, 2014
- Jul 19, 2014
Issue #2302617 by dawehner, chx | Crell: Define a standard mechaism for backend-aware service overrides.
Issue #2078473 by blueminds | Berdir: Added Use entity access API for checking access to private files.
Issue #2149197 by penyaskito, mikey_p, vijaycs85, herom: Replace format_interval with \Drupal::service('date')->formatInterval().
Issue #2112247 by sihv, dgroene, aalamaki, Dennis Walgaard, mErilainen: Fixed Valid file extensions in file names are not properly enforced when uploading files.
Issue #1800614 by falcon03, mgifford, LinL | jessebeach: Improve the responsive toolbar accessibility.
Issue #2279395 by alexpott, mradcliffe, plach, bzrudi71: Fixed The PostgreSQL backend does not handle NULL values for serial fields gracefully.
Issue #2279395 by alexpott, mradcliffe, bzrudi71: Fixed The PostgreSQL backend does not handle NULL values for serial fields gracefully.
Issue #2293773 by Gábor Hojtsy, alexpott, effulgentsia, penyaskito, hussainweb: Fixed Field allowed values use dots in key names - not allowed in config.
Issue #2298923 by mparker17, er.pushpinderrana: Fixed Bartik's field--taxonomy-term-reference.html.twig doesn't output content_attributes, has out-of-date documentation.
Issue #2230997 by dinarcon, jiv_e, StevenPatz, jstoller, cs_shadow, LewisNyman, lauriii | penyaskito: Fixed Remove the slogan in install.php and update.php.
Issue #2305807 by amitgoyal, olli | jhodgdon: Fixed Clicking "Add" filter and then canceling dialog results in "You have unsaved changes.".
Issue #2307481 by cs_shadow: Fix typos and add missing properties in Drupal\editor\Tests\EditorSecurityTest.
Issue #733054 followup by lussoluca: Fixed Watchdog logging of all searches is performance hit; need ability to turn it off.
Issue #2297947 by amitgoyal, andrewmacpherson: Clean up API docs for hook_file_mimetype_mapping_alter().
Issue #2300297 by er.pushpinderrana, joshi.rohit100 | lmeurs: Hook_file_download() also controls temporary files.
Issue #2289183 by anavarre, xjm: Fixed Temporarily increase D8 memory limit to reflect current requirements.
Issue #2301313 by pwolanin, dawehner, Wim Leers, effulgentsia, kgoel, YesCT, glide: MenuLinkNG part3 (no conversions): MenuLinkContent UI.
Issue #1962846 by andypost, Wim Leers, InternetDevels: Use field instance name for header of comment list, drop comment-wrapper template.
Issue #2306703 by realityloop | YesCT: Docs update from Clean up LocaleConfigManager / TypedConfigManager features and cache duplications.
Issue #2146035 by olli, mondrake: Fixed drupalSettings.path.pathPrefix does not contain the language identifier.
Issue #2299427 by tim.plunkett, amitgoyal, joshi.rohit100: Remove drupal_build_form() once all its usage is removed as it is deprecated.
Issue #1533250 by YesCT, fran seva, TravisCarden, xjm, sriharsha.uppuluri | NROTC_Webmaster: Many coding standards clean-ups in locale module.
Issue #2294439 by dawehner, sun | neclimdul: Add vfsStream library for filesystem mocking in unit tests.
Issue #2062043 by eelkeblok, longwave, rhm50, InternetDevels, alvar0hurtad0, Xano: Replace user_access() calls with $account->hasPermission() in core files.