- Aug 04, 2020
- Aug 03, 2020
- Aug 02, 2020
- Jul 31, 2020
Alex Pott authored
Lauri Timmanee authored
Issue #3092551 by amateescu, poojakural, pankaj.singh, priyanka.sahni, shaal, nod_, lauriii: Unclickable area to switch to a workspace
Alex Pott authored
Alex Pott authored
Alex Pott authored
catch authored
Issue #2994319 by Ramya Balasubramanian, mohrerao, virajrajankar, benjamindamron, hardikpandya, kalyansamanta, jhodgdon, msankhala, jungle, kkalaskar, dhirendra.mishra, joachim, longwave, amateescu, mradcliffe, alexpott, jcnventura: EntityAutocomplete form element has no docs on how to use it
catch authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3161300 by jungle, TR, Hardik_Patel_12, Chris Burge, longwave, Kristen Pol: Improve test coverage of \Drupal\Tests\layout_builder\Unit\SectionTest::testUnsetThirdPartySetting()
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3128389 by jungle, cliddell, john.oltman, clayfreeman, acbramley: LocaleTranslation is not serializable
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3074595 by Lendude, ravi.shankar, sime, jian he, Kristen Pol, longwave: var_export only returns if the second parameter set to TRUE
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3156879 by alexpott, Krzysztof Domański: \Drupal\Component\Utility\Bytes::toInt() - ensure $size is a number type
Lee Rowlands authored