- Aug 04, 2014
- Aug 03, 2014
- Aug 02, 2014
Alex Pott authored
- Aug 01, 2014
- Jul 31, 2014
Issue #2307629 by olli | jhodgdon: Fixed Views UI "Add" dialog - Submit pops you back to same dialog.
Issue #2313053 by Berdir: Fixed Field storage and instance call toArray() in __wakeup() is very slow, remove it?.
Issue #2031441 by penyaskito, Mile23, DuaelFr, Sutharsan: Add unit test for PoHeader::evaluatePlural.
Issue #2207695 by Manuel Garcia, LewisNyman, pakmanlh, mitsuroseba, Sam152: Expand the throbber API to include a 'full screen' option.
Issue #2309575 by undertext | damiankloip: Remove the null and memory backend definitions from core.services.yml in favour of devel module providing them instead.
Issue #2308821 by tim.plunkett: Replace FormErrorInterface with $form_state->setErrorByName() and $form_state->setError().
Issue #242324 by rychannel, kbasarab, chx, cgalli, LinL, pfrenssen, wonder95, triclops | whatistocome: Fixed Going to page 2 on "list terms" page doesn't display additional terms.
Issue #1498660 by marco, plach, andypost, YesCT, Berdir | dawehner: Refactor taxonomy entity properties to multilingual.
Issue #2289999 by dawehner, Cottser | Fabianx: Add an easy way to create HTML on the fly without having to create a theme function / template.
Issue #2265939 by tim.plunkett, dawehner, effulgentsia: Fixed [sechole] AccessManager::checkNamedRoute() leaks attributes from current request.
Issue #2313089 by er.pushpinderrana, undertext | jhodgdon: Fixed Form generation topic needs quick follow-up fix.
Issue #2262275 by hussainweb, hosef, ultimike: Fixed D6->D8 CCK Single On/Off Checkbox, Checkboxes/Radio buttons, and Select formatters.
Issue #1898466 by joelpittet, webthingee, lokapujya, pplantinga, lokeoke, richardj, bdragon, steveoliver, ry5n, tlattimore, Cottser, siccababes, jenlampton, evanbarter, rodrigoaguilera, W1n5t0n45, drupalmonkey, ezeedub | c4rl: Update.module - Convert theme_ functions to Twig.
Issue #2272481 by herom, ParisLiakos, tim.plunkett: Remove usages of watchdog() from forms, plugins and controllers.
Issue #2284413 by damiankloip: Use addMethodCall() instead of replaceArgument() in RegisterEntityResolversCompilerPass.
Issue #2162005 by plopesc: Clean up entity_reference default values once users 0 and 1 provides UUID.
Issue #2263365 by donquixote, longwave, alexpott: Second loop in module_implements() being repeated for no reason.