- Dec 11, 2010
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #991340 by alexpott: user_validate_current_pass() uses global and not the user object from the form.
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #992564 by wojtha: t() or format_plural() inside watchdog() function call in tracker and action module.
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
- Dec 10, 2010
Angie Byron authored
- Dec 09, 2010
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#827528 by tlattimore, ipwa, reglogge, eugene.samoylenko, tim.plunkett, jensimmons, rschwab, amateescu: Fixed No styling for PRE, CODE tags in Bartik
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #854396 by tstoeckler, jhodgdon: improve documentation for date-related functions and hooks in system.module.
- Dec 08, 2010
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#973314 by tekante, Damien Tournoud: Fixed PDO exception when attempting to add a new not null field with initial value
- Dec 07, 2010
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#985292 by ngmaloney, scor, bfroehle: Fixed Nodes published before 1970 won't insert in taxonomy index
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#827530 by ipwa, tim.plunkett, eugene.samoylenko, jensimmons: Fixed styling for Bartik Highlight and Help regions
Angie Byron authored
- Dec 06, 2010
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#928776 by Jeff Burnz, mgifford, jensimmons, tim.plunkett, amateescu: Fixed Unpublished comments have a styling issue
Angie Byron authored
#819996 by amateescu, Jeff Burnz, tim.plunkett, Hoople, bleen18: Fix taxonomy term displays in Bartik.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#518512 by lelutin, dwong127, jhodgdon, nadavoid: Fixed Search from block with no keywords doesn't display the 'Please enter some keywords' message
Angie Byron authored
#984358 by dalin, David_Rothstein: Fixed Upgrade from 6.x to 7.x always pulls your site out of maintenance mode immediately
Angie Byron authored
#936490 by dww, tstoeckler, haydeniv, Bojhan: Fixed Update module should verify downloaded tarballs and propagate errors correctly
- Dec 05, 2010
Angie Byron authored
- Dec 04, 2010
Angie Byron authored
#534556 by karschp, coltrane, Bojhan, David_Rothstein: Fix double appearance of the settings.php message in the installer
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored