Issue #3135302 by longwave, Kristen Pol: Remove Symfony 3 legacy test from ReverseProxyMiddlewareTest
Issue #3119733 by Raunak.singh, Suresh Prabhu Parkala, daffie, bertboerland, Kristen Pol, xjm: COPYRIGHT.txt outdated
Issue #3135629 by alexpott, dww, daffie, jungle, Rkumar, balsama, xjm: Minimum MySQL version requirement is not confirmed when upgrading existing sites from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9
Issue #3123537 by tedbow, dww, DamienMcKenna, xjm, Berdir, tim.plunkett, pingwin4eg: /admin/reports/status should not WSOD if it finds an extension missing core_version_requirement in its info.yml file
Issue #3134459 by ridhimaabrol24, aleevas, longwave, heddn, quietone, xjm: Remove @group legacy from migrate tests
Issue #3135308 by sja112, longwave, Kristen Pol: Fix 'The "Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Response::getStatus()" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.3, use getStatusCode() instead.'
Issue #3133305 by quietone, daffie, xjm, benjifisher, longwave: Use \Drupal::VERSION to get the version in Migrate UI rather than hardcoding it
Issue #3134606 by greg.1.anderson, longwave, Kristen Pol, catch, jungle, alexpott: PHP Fatal error in 8.9.x / 9.0.x upgrade path
Issue #3134648 by alexpott, dww, greg.1.anderson, hussainweb, catch, xjm: Don't pin the composer/installers version in drupal/core-recommended
Issue #3131343 by mondrake, dww, jungle: Replace assertions involving calls to in_array() with assertContains()/assertNotContains()
Issue #2946073 by claudiu.cristea, mpp, neclimdul, Berdir, idimopoulos, remkoklein: Node grant access check missing cacheable dependency on node
Issue #3101635 by mrinalini9, TylerMarshall, Kristen Pol: Update comments in taxonomy.es6.js to reflect taxonomy and not blocks
Issue #3126906 by jungle, longwave, AndyF: MenuLinkContentTest.php is recognized as a binary file by git
Issue #3133604 by Berdir, dww: Dependency compatibility check in system doesn't check if version is defined
Issue #3134333 by xjm, longwave, ravi.shankar, daffie: Change Drupal\Tests\search\Functional\SearchSimplifyTest and Drupal\Tests\search\Functional\SearchTokenizerTest to kerneltests
Issue #3087465 by zuhair_ak, tim.plunkett, Kristen Pol: Move hook_views_ui_display_top_links_alter() to views_ui.api.php
Issue #3134475 by Beakerboy, daffie: Avoid directly comparing string to blob in CommentIntegrationTest
Issue #3121020 by dww, Kristen Pol: Move Update Manager XML test fixtures into a fixtures/release-history directory
Issue #2988309 by Krzysztof Domański, Berdir, hchonov: Ensure that all field types return TRUE on equals() for the same values
Issue #3106304 by huzooka, Wim Leers: Migrate: add mapping for editor module's editor_align and editor_caption filters
Issue #2907402 by Berdir, neel24, Wim Leers, damiankloip, tedbow: HAL normalization of file fields don't provide file entity id or file entity REST URL
Issue #3101891 by tim.plunkett, zrpnr: Allow layout plugins to define default values for column widths
Issue #3114122 by jungle, klausi, dww: ExceptionLoggingSubscriber should log 403 access denied reason
Issue #3110620 by salah1, xjm, kiamlaluno: Documentation for ModuleHandler::invokeAll() says the method uses a PHP function that is not used anymore
Issue #3126965 by jungle, quietone, longwave, mondrake, dww: Replace assert* involving count() and an integer literal with assertCount()
Issue #3094398 by martin107, alexpott, andypost, klausi: Update Symfony response and request events to new classes
Issue #3107472 by ravi.shankar, alexpott, kishor_kolekar, jibran: DbDumpCommand should not hardcode the version string
Issue #3093173 by Neslee Canil Pinto, jungle, swatichouhan012, lauriii, xjm, dww, longwave: Improve README for forked jQuery UI components
Issue #3032686 by longwave, jibran, xjm, alexpott, Berdir, amateescu: Remove references to unused packages in Drupal 9's vendor hardening
Issue #3112328 by jungle, hash6, xjm: FormatterBase implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface, so it's not necessary for its child classes to repeat that they do as well
Issue #3131819 by jungle, mondrake, xjm, dww: Replace assertions involving calls to is_resource() with assertIsResource()
Issue #3128761 by Beakerboy, daffie, alexpott, xjm: Duplicate timestamp placeholder in statistics query