- Dec 15, 2010
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#307636 by zbricoleur, sreynen, quicksketch: fix file identification bug with image file processing on Microsoft IIS
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#212130 by salvis, boydjd, Steven, grendzy, Damien Tournoud: more complete support for unicode entities, to account for previously missing entities in decode_entities()
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#772678 by sun, jpmckinney, Berdir, markus_petrux: no way to specify default collation, entirely depended on database configuration (which might be inappropriate)
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#488166 by EmanueleQuinto, Damien Tournoud, jhodgdon: search relevance calculation fails if last_comment_timestamp is NULL
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#422218 by salvis, jeremiah.snapp: fix a case in forum module where non forum tids might get picked as the forum topic tid
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#357785 by arnoldc, gravalsyr, miro_dietiker, plach: retain the tnid value for new nodes saved, so the node object reflects the database
- Dec 13, 2010
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#287647 by bjaspan, lilou, mikejoconnor, cafuego, Déja: cast invalid hook_schema() results into arrays at all times
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
- Dec 09, 2010
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#147000 by pwolanin, mikeytown2, et. al.: avoid multiple, parallel rebuildings of module and theme data
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
- Dec 06, 2010
Gábor Hojtsy authored
- Nov 14, 2010
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#764234 by yan_nick, Zoltan Balogh and myself: backport width of user filter labels in admin forms; better fit for some translations
- Nov 04, 2010
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#366768 by druppi, hass, plach, GiorgosK: do not link to unpublished translation nodes, even if user would have access to them (once published)
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#245990 by David_Rothstein, Pedro Lozano, andypost: do not follow any redirections in system_check_http_request() since we only need data on whether HTTP requests worked at all
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#829968 by AlexisWilke, andypost: fix drupal_lookup_path() to always return FALSE if the source was not found, not just for the 2nd call onwards
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#403034 by Andreas Wolf, roderik: node_assign_owner_action() should use node_get_types('name', ...) to get the name of the node type
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
- Nov 03, 2010
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#931304 by subnet_rx, webkenny: backport support for newly popular tel: protocol in filter_xss_bad_protocols()
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#767408 by hunmonk: copy semaphore site creation to update_fix_d6_requirements() to solve issues upgrading from any version of Drupal 5
Gábor Hojtsy authored
#716348 by grendzy, hefox: document that drupal_get_path(), drupal_load() and drupal_get_filename() can be used with 'profile' as well
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored