- Dec 02, 2020
- Nov 30, 2020
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3074666 by mcdruid, drumm, coltrane, Damien Tournoud, k_zoltan, mihai_brb, Fabianx: [D7] Password reset form has no flood protection
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3098058 by mcdruid, SAVEL, alexpott, alexandra.vecher, nikolas.tatianenko, kiamlaluno, sjerdo, RobLoach, catch, cburschka, carlos8f, penyaskito, gdud, theborg, pillarsdotnet, olamaekle, naxoc: [D7] Use site name in From: header for system e-mails
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2975433 by loftx2, joelpittet, mcdruid, joseph.olstad, AohRveTPV, darkodev, MustangGB, parasolx, solideogloria, gngn, cprajwal85, Bakidok, dhruveshdtripathi, Rob C, MegaChriz, Fabianx, richardp, izmeez, anrikun, DanChadwick, SergFromSD, chegor: Notices/warnings from attempted exploitation of SA-CORE-2018-002 and SA-CORE-2018-004
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2946801 by voleger, mcdruid, joseph.olstad, MustangGB, andypost, ToxaViking, Manuel Garcia: [D7] Fix Weight form element behavior
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2798377 by mcdruid, generalredneck, MustangGB, cilefen: Use PHP_BINARY constant in run-tests.sh
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2571711 by fortis, interdruper, bwaindwain, Liam Morland, Graber: PHP Notices from locale.module
- Nov 26, 2020
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
- Nov 25, 2020
Drew Webber authored
Issue #973436 by catch, joseph.olstad, beejeebus, karschsp, pillarsdotnet, mcdruid, DamienMcKenna, carlos8f, sun, dsobon, kentr, Damien Tournoud, pounard, Fabianx, xjm, fgm, Steven Jones, David_Rothstein, donquixote, amateescu, MustangGB, Lars Toomre, basicmagic.net, Jeremy, DanPir, nnewton, yonailo, Peter Bowey, RobLoach, gdaw, dsutter, joel_osc, nareshp, izmeez, joelpittet, torgosPizza, crea, tim.plunkett, YesCT, stefan.r, rwohleb: Overzealous locking in variable_initialize()
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2978575 by mcdruid, Ayesh, Ronino, fietserwin, emilcarpenter, elijahoyekunle, berenddeboer, Mixologic, almaudoh, tfranz, izmeez, TR, Charlie ChX Negyesi, joseph.olstad, mmjvb, gisle, MustangGB, ronlee, pyQlo, TrevorBradley, alexpott, mfb, Fabianx, Andrés Chandía, buddym, rjt1224, saxmeister, Pol, shenzhuxi, sjerdo, aparna_kondala, seamus_lee, andrew_rs, bernig, andyrandom, xpiku, Kevin Morse, SivaprasadC, lakshmi_a, vensires, waqarit, joergM: Mysql 8 Support on Drupal 7
- Nov 24, 2020
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2756297 by hgoto, David_Rothstein, mcdruid, izmeez, pcambra, joseph.olstad, MustangGB, Fabianx, stefan.r, catch, kiamlaluno: element_children sort order inconsistent between PHP 5 and PHP 7
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3155357 by mfb, monsterreh2b, joelpittet, magicmyth: menu tree output() notice after upgrade to php 7.4
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2989985 by mcdruid, colorfulCoder, tatarbj, Fabianx, paulocs: User module's flood controls should do better logging, plus add new hook_user_flood_control()
- Nov 17, 2020
Jess authored
Jess authored
Jess authored
Jess authored
SA-CORE-2020-012 by ufku, mrf, fgm, samuel.mortenson, dww, Heine, mlhess, David_Rothstein, pwolanin, xjm, fgm, stefan.r, dsnopek, rickmanelius, David Strauss, tedbow, alexpott, dww, larowlan, kim.pepper, Wim Leers, quicksketch, mcdruid, Fabianx, effulgentsia, drumm, pandaski, Mixologic
- Oct 16, 2020
Drew Webber authored
Issue #1713332 by amateescu, mcdruid, Xen, droplet, pietmarcus, bzrudi71, znerol, czigor, marcelovani, TR, wulff, pp, Damien Tournoud, David_Rothstein, webchick, apassi, dcrocks, opdavies, Mixologic, xjm, zserno, andypost, Pancho, catch, gaas, Fabianx, Crell, alexpott: The SQLite database driver fails to drop simpletest tables
Fabian Franz authored
- Oct 05, 2020
Drew Webber authored
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3173220 by mcdruid, Fabianx, webchick, alexpott, amateescu: D7 SQLite testing - FieldSqlStorageTestCase
Drew Webber authored
Issue #2427875 by daffie, joseph.olstad, DevJoJodae, amateescu, alexpott, Fabianx, mcdruid, sun: SQLite Insert query does not account for INSERT FROM ... SELECT
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3172877 by mcdruid, joseph.olstad, Fabianx, Talkless, alexpott, daffie, andypost: Enable WAL journal mode by default for SQLite database
- Sep 16, 2020
- Jun 17, 2020
- Jun 03, 2020
Drew Webber authored
- Jun 01, 2020
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3143016 by dsnopek, mcdruid, effulgentsia, philltran, Fabianx, lauriii: Chrome 83 cancels jquery.form ajax requests over https
- May 21, 2020
Drew Webber authored
Issue #3126312 by joseph.olstad, ravikk-drupal, mcdruid, mohangathala, jungle, Taran2L, Fabianx: Since PHP7 func_get_args() no longer reports the original value as passed to a parameter, so call it early