- Nov 03, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2324821 by rpayanm, er.pushpinderrana | Elijah Lynn: Remove reference to nonexistent theme_poll_bar() function in template_preprocess_poll_bar() documentation.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1640404 by er.pushpinderrana, dcam, amit.drupal, hass | versvs: Fixed Use format_username() in node_feed().
David Rothstein authored
Issue #849624 by brad.bulger, dcam, Alan Evans, oriol_e9g, Stevel | tsvenson: Fixed wrong permission for admin/structure/menu/parents.
- Nov 02, 2014
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1824820 by crevillo, muriqui, a.milkovsky, Phizes: Fixed String offset cast notice in field_invoke_method_multiple().
David Rothstein authored
Issue #908822 by jmking, asimmonds | salvis: Fixed Dashboard discards <em class="placeholder"> elements.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2058761 by kirby14, thedavidmeister: PHP notice when #attributes is not set with #theme_wrappers 'container'.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #466576 by gagarine, jackbravo, tim.plunkett, sheise, Rob C, jamesm6162 | daemon: Increased the maximum allowed length of block titles to 255 characters.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #366152 by Mile23, bjaspan: Removed the Field module's field_modules_uninstalled() function, since it did not do anything when it was invoked.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1679570 by mgifford, lucascaro, sun: Fixed TestBase does not always use the correct database connection for handling assertions.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1099732 by joshi.rohit100, droplet | Chi: Fixed Incorrect encoding for error pages in image_style_deliver().
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1120440 by er.pushpinderrana | skwashd: Fixed user.api.php hook summary lines should be more consistent with other entity hooks.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1452896 by Mile23, marthinal, Freso, kid_icarus, joshi.rohit100, alexpott, tim.plunkett, jhodgdon: Fixed PHP notice in clickLink if link does not exist.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #205969 by Mile23, oadaeh, twistor, ssm2017 Binder, barraponto, superspring: Fixed drupal_http_request() assumes presence of Reason-Phrase in response Status-Line.
- Nov 01, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1790612 by carwin, Eric_A, mgifford: Fixed Sanitize the trim_length variable before printing it.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #28175 by dcam, bleen18 | bertboerland: Fixed Ordering by 'Visitor' in access log pages does not sort IP addresses.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1988456 by gaurav.goyal, eltermann, pvmchau: Non-standard indentation on user_register_form().
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1968348 by znerol, David_Rothstein, peximo, DuaelFr: Fixed hook_field_formatter_prepare_view does not make use of hook_entity_view_mode_alter causing major errors.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1936942 by jweowu: Fixed translation_node_insert() updates the node table directly without also flushing the entity load cache.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1183708 by Liam Morland | onair1: Fixed Notice: Undefined index: favicon_path in system_theme_settings_validate().
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2291081 by pounard: forum_node_view attempt an unnecessary vocabulary_load() under certain circumstances.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #829464 by Berdir, klausi, sepgil | Heine: Fixed orderby() should verify that the sort direction is always ASC or DESC.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1323830 by cwells, scor, mgifford, er.pushpinderrana, kay_v: Place title RDFa metadata inside entity HTML element.
David Rothstein authored
- Oct 19, 2014
Jennifer Hodgdon authored
Issue #2329189 by nlisgo, joachim, Mirroar, opdavies: Fix up docs and example code for hook_field_attach_validate()
- Oct 15, 2014
David Rothstein authored
- Sep 23, 2014
Jennifer Hodgdon authored
Issue #2340675 by er.pushpinderrana, David Hernández: Clarify first, unused argument docs in update_calculate_project_update_status()
- Sep 05, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1166114 by jhodgdon, tomogden, Rajendar Reddy, larowlan, swentel, splatio, erics14, MF82 | RobLoach: Renamed the "Search result" view mode to "Search result highlighting input" to better reflect how it is used.
- Sep 04, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2277281 by dobe, amitgoyal, michaelfavia, er.pushpinderrana, dcam | drumm: Increase the maximum number of characters on the file field allowed extensions setting from 128 to 256.
- Sep 03, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1859084 by Jorrit, David_Rothstein, attiks: Improved database queries generated by EntityFieldQuery in the case where delta or language condition groups are used, to reduce the number of INNER JOINs.
- Sep 02, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1468210 by marthinal, quicksketch, tstoeckler, Devin Carlson, David_Rothstein, Eric_A: Fixed Remove special $user->uid == 1 check in file_validate_size().
- Sep 01, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #993186 by joshi.rohit100, moshe weitzman | webchick: Node access rebuilds should go newest to oldest (fix for direct node access rebuilds only, not rebuilds done via a batch).
- Aug 11, 2014
Jennifer Hodgdon authored
Issue #2318981 by grisendo: Make hook_node_grants and hook_node_access_records sample function bodies consistent
- Aug 06, 2014
- Jul 30, 2014
Jennifer Hodgdon authored
- Jul 29, 2014
Jennifer Hodgdon authored