- Jul 03, 2016
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2676472 by micaelamenara, dagmar, jhodgdon: docs for t() and related functions don't explain how context works
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2640888 by IRuslan, kala4ek: Broken link on image toolkits conf page when no toolkits are installed
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1732906 by peterpoe, Ken Ficara, forestgardener, eesquibel, minax.de: Uninitialized variable in number_field_formatter_settings_form
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2633334 by orbmantell, e._s, catch, TravisCarden: Unsigned int vs. int mismatch between node.nid and history.nid
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #2215369 by fietserwin, Lowell, mondrake, mr.baileys, David_Rothstein, kristofferwiklund, TwoD, bradjones1, svanou, kristiaanvandeneynde, Fabianx: Various bugs with PHP 5.5 imagerotate(), including when incorrect color indices are passed in
Fabian Franz authored
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #2660766 by David_Rothstein, twistor: UpgradePathTaxonomyTestCase::testTaxonomyUpgrade() doesn't properly test field settings
- Jul 02, 2016
Fabian Franz authored
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #2660754 by twistor, David_Rothstein: Invalid numeric comparison in OpenIDTestCase::testConversion()
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #412808 by Berdir, rupertj, beejeebus, sun, PieterDC, scottalan, catch: Handling of missing files and functions inside the registry
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #2717633 by mikeytown2, twistor, scor, Fabianx, MustangGB: PHP 7 hook_rdf_mapping() ['mapping']['rdftype'] failing in rdf.test: RDF type is present on post
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2364343 by damien_vancouver, criz, ksenzee, Neograph734, joegraduate, k_zoltan, droplet, pounard, jp.stacey, ciss, corbacho, TravisJohnston: Fix robots.txt to allow search engines access to CSS, JavaScript and image files
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2189345 by benjy, sanduhrs, Mile23, joshtaylor, jbekker, David_Rothstein, klausi, sun, zaporylie, pfrenssen, jsacksick, jibran, Mixologic, znerol, Xano, alberto56: run-tests.sh should exit with a failure code if any tests failed
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #2551981 by jthorson, Mixologic, Fabianx, David_Rothstein: Add --directory option to run-tests.sh test discovery
- Jul 01, 2016
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #2491353 by pfrenssen, pietmarcus, znerol, David_Rothstein: Cookies from previous tests are still present when a new test starts
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #1713662 by nod_, Eric_A, treyhunner, sun, basvredeling: Introduce .editorconfig to auto-configure editors that support it
Fabian Franz authored
Issue #889772 by tuutti, stefan.r, opdavies, Sutharsan, Perignon, pjcdawkins, joachim, das-peter, YesCT, David_Rothstein, Zerdiox, hussainweb, Fabianx, mgifford, xjm: Following a password reset link while logged in leaves users unable to change their password
Fabian Franz authored
Fabian Franz authored
- Jun 30, 2016
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Issue #2311305 by donutdan4114, stefan.r, Polonium, rpayanm, tadityar, Fabianx, Dave Reid: getPrefixInfo() calls wrong function to get the connection info
- Jun 29, 2016
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Issue #2371861 by DuaelFr, YesCT, pietmarcus, Gábor Hojtsy, tucho: Strings including tokens in href or src attributes cannot be translated due to safeness check incompatibilities
- Jun 28, 2016
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Issue #376391 by mimran, snehi, pietmarcus, jhodgdon: Document that module_invoke_all / ModuleHandlerInterface::invokeAll reindexes arrays
- Jun 27, 2016
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
Stefan Ruijsenaars authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2663752 by twistor, DamienMcKenna, ParisLiakos, sdstyles, Berdir: Undefined string index 0 in DrupalTestCase::getAbsoluteUrl() in PHP 7
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2460833 by jackbravo, colinmccabe, checker, Alan D., twistor: _drupal_session_destroy() should return boolean
David Rothstein authored
- Jun 15, 2016
David Rothstein authored
7.44 release Conflicts: CHANGELOG.txt includes/bootstrap.inc
David Rothstein authored
Drupal 7.44 (SA-CORE-2016-002) by alfaguru, benjy, nagba, David_Rothstein, larowlan, stefan.r, vlad.k, pwolanin
- May 31, 2016
David Rothstein authored