- Nov 19, 2014
- Nov 07, 2014
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2282541 by David_Rothstein, nod_: Followup to restore previous behavior in which the "Hide summary" click handler in text.js returned FALSE.
- Nov 05, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2307505 by Cottser, David_Rothstein, Fabianx: Followup to ensure all theme debug output is properly sanitized.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1355526 by cafuego, jenlampton: Added a way to determine the date a module was added so the modules page can use it for sort.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #892344 by amitgoyal, tstoeckler, hussainweb, pcambra, LaurentAjdnik: Fixed Wrong schema description for {cache_field}.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2310415 by cilefen, ednawig, TravisCarden: Fixed run-tests.sh does not handle the error when invalid test groups/classes are specified.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #393538 by Liam Morland, valthebald, dmitrig01, David_Rothstein: Document that check_plain() can issue PHP messages on invalid UTF-8 input.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1338966 by geerlingguy, loganfsmyth, lokapujya: Fixed Introduce _rdf_mapping_load_multiple to reduce queries.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1069152 by droplet, alexandrezia, Mixologic, jhedstrom, David_Rothstein | ogi: Fixed Throbber in textfield is misaligned when browser hardware acceleration enabled (followup for Bartik RTL styling).
David Rothstein authored
Issue #863594 by David_Rothstein, smussbach, mbrett5062: Fixed Strange first paragraph in the installer database error message.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1918820 by neclimdul, typhonius, girishmuraly, pwolanin | 0x534B41: Fixed HTTP header date formats to follow RFC 7231 rather than RFC 1123.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1930960 by pounard, iamEAP, pjcdawkins, msonnabaum, David_Rothstein: Fixed Block caching disable hardcoded on sites with hook_node_grant() causes serious performance troubles when not necessary.
- Nov 04, 2014
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #927138 by manarth, handrus, rasmusluckow, douggreen, .John, Taz, David_Rothstein, droplet, webchick, marcingy: Fail image generation with 404 instead of 500, when source file is missing.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1433288 by haggins, fago, David_Rothstein, marcin.wosinek: Fixed Integrity constraint violation when saving a user account after creation.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #935592 by pillarsdotnet, lokapujya, David_Rothstein, John Franklin, amitgoyal, joshi.rohit100, sivaji, mgifford, peximo, wodenx, Romlam, Owen Barton, alpritt, beejeebus | macgirvin: Fixed User picture is deleted after calls to user_save().
David Rothstein authored
- Nov 03, 2014
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2278583 by nlisgo, Berdir, joshi.rohit100 | Fabianx: Fixed field_has_data looks at current data instead of revisioning data: this can lead to data loss.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1443070 by CrashTest_, bluegriff | Dave Reid: Added support for popular e-book formats, Google web formats, mkv and mka in file_default_mimetype_mapping().
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1231710 by cs_shadow, Hydra, dcam, kathyh, klausi, mlncn: Fixed Field exceptions should return the name of the field that has exceptions.
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2112247 by sihv, mitsuroseba, dgroene, aalamaki, Dennis Walgaard, mErilainen: Fixed Valid file extensions in file names are not properly enforced when uploading files with non-lowercase names.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2357311 by penyaskito: Fixed Follow-up to SA-CORE-2014-005 (tests don't work correctly on non-MySQL databases).
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1069152 by droplet, alexandrezia, Mixologic, jhedstrom | ogi: Fixed Throbber in textfield is often misaligned.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1913958 by hass, YesCT: Fixed Bartik theme shouldn't change capitalization of translatable strings with CSS.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1071818 by JeremyFrench, nod_, Cottser, gielfeldt, xjm, anthbel, reglogge, NROTC_Webmaster, kristofferwiklund, lliss, sun | sepgil: Fixed Lazy-loading CSS fails in IE.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1823906 by joshi.rohit100, amitgoyal, rahulbile | gargsuchi: Fixed Incorrect error message when poll is submitted with no option selected.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #2324821 by rpayanm, er.pushpinderrana | Elijah Lynn: Remove reference to nonexistent theme_poll_bar() function in template_preprocess_poll_bar() documentation.
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1640404 by er.pushpinderrana, dcam, amit.drupal, hass | versvs: Fixed Use format_username() in node_feed().
David Rothstein authored
Issue #849624 by brad.bulger, dcam, Alan Evans, oriol_e9g, Stevel | tsvenson: Fixed wrong permission for admin/structure/menu/parents.
- Nov 02, 2014
David Rothstein authored
David Rothstein authored
Issue #1824820 by crevillo, muriqui, a.milkovsky, Phizes: Fixed String offset cast notice in field_invoke_method_multiple().