- Jun 01, 2020
- May 31, 2020
- May 30, 2020
- May 29, 2020
- May 28, 2020
Issue #2891603 by eiriksm, alexpott, charlietoleary, Grayle, drclaw, fgm: Contextual links can't handle multiple occurrences of the same contextual links (again)
Issue #3086794 by andypost, alexpott, jhodgdon, Amber Himes Matz, catch, xjm: Search results pages plugins could display results in administrative theme
Issue #2716115 by LittleCoding, gnuget, jungle, gapple, tatarbj, sandeep_jangra, erlendoos, markcarver, NickDickinsonWilde, cayriawill, catch, geek-merlin: Allow attributes passed with CSS in libraries (SRI)
Issue #3123095 by quietone, Neslee Canil Pinto, benjifisher, mikelutz, catch: Rollback of complete node migration fails
Issue #2710407 by bobbygryzynger, dww, Kingdutch, Krzysztof Domański, jp.stacey, johnny5th, tea.time, joachim, andileco, Lendude, xjm, percoction: Option for 'Transform dashes in URL to spaces in term name filter values' on term arguments doesn't affect the query
Issue #3143605 by andypost, longwave, daffie: Remove unused and broken update_replace_permissions(), which always throws an exception
Issue #3139412 by Bunty Badgujar, longwave, mondrake, xjm: Replace usages of deprecated AssertLegacyTrait::assertTitle()
Issue #2969231 by quietone, NickDickinsonWilde, joachim, xjm: errors in migration process configuration don't give a clear message
Issue #3025394 by eyilmaz, vsujeetkumar, Kristen Pol, priyanka.sahni, dawehner: MenuActiveTrail should keep its cid (cache id) to avoid wrong cache sets for 403
Issue #2901745 by kostyashupenko, pazhyn, MerryHamster, ridhimaabrol24, andypost, vacho, longwave, mfernea: Fix 'PSR2.Namespaces.UseDeclaration.UseAfterNamespace' coding standard
Issue #3139353 by daffie, andypost, mrinalini9, Lendude, xjm: Add public method Drupal\views\Plugin\views\query\Sql::getConnection()
Issue #3138718 by sja112, longwave, dww, xjm, alexpott: Convert British English spellings to American English, for the umpteenth time
Issue #3143339 by mohrerao, mondrake, longwave: Clean up the arguments of calls to WebAssert::titleEquals() and AssertLegacyTrait::assertTitle()
Issue #3143115 by Ramya Balasubramanian, mrinalini9, atul4drupal, xjm: README.txt file format for Drupal
Issue #1831560 by acbramley, CRZDEV, mvwensen, fago, David_Rothstein, harsha012, Lendude, mrinalini9, Devin Carlson, borisson_, Gábor Hojtsy: Remove Html::resetSeenIds() call during form processing
Issue #3142818 by pradeepjha, Sivaji, andrewmacpherson: Remove target=_blank from links in media settings forms
Issue #3002820 by daffie, pavnish, dww, sokru, mmjvb: PHP Warning in template_preprocess_update_report(): Invalid argument supplied for foreach()