Issue #2975616 by drubb, pguillard, mattlc, rkoller, webchick, ckrina, jrockowitz, AaronMcHale, benjifisher: Move Relationships above Contextual Filters in Views Advanced Settings
Issue #3265574 by mondrake: Convert remaining assertions involving use of xpath to WebAssert, where possible
Issue #3307700 by _shY, Amber Himes Matz: Update breadcrumbs in aggregator, color, and tracker help topics to use help_route_link function
Issue #3307691 by smustgrave, asad_ahmed, Amber Himes Matz: Update breadcrumbs in ban, block, block_content, book, config, config_translation help topics to use help_route_link function
Issue #3307697 by quietone, Amber Himes Matz: Update breadcrumbs in migrate_drupal_ui, responsive_image, search.configuring, search.index help topics to use help_route_link function
Issue #3116611 by mondrake, andypost, cilefen, xeM8VfDh, alexpott, rkoller, benjifisher: Add a requirements check for GD support of allowed image types
Issue #3168624 by DerekCresswell, ravi.shankar, BramDriesen, jonathanshaw, catch: Add 'user/edit' route
Issue #3271222 by Rajab Natshah, yogeshmpawar, BramDriesen: Include Disallow Oembed media links in the robots.txt file for better Drupal SEO
Issue #3313448 by rakesh.drupal: Missing AliasRepositoryInterface parameter type hint in the AliasManager constructor
Issue #3310510 by igorbarato, Anchal_gupta: Harden error logging of OEmbed thumbnail fetching logic (YouTube errors contain special characters)
Issue #3195033 by Neograph734, imalabya, sonam.chaturvedi, ranjith_kumar_k_u, lauriii: Different colors for visited links bleed into the toolbar
Issue #2864115 by smustgrave, hass, amit.drupal, mstrelan: Simplify wording of "create a css class" label in Views
Issue #3198608 by quietone, swirt, indytechcook, benjifisher, mrinalini9, mikelutz, longwave, heddn: trackLastImported YAML key to enable tracking the last import date of a row is undocumented and confusing
Issue #3110761 by Vivek Panicker, anagomes, lucassc, apaderno, Sivaji_Ganesh_Jojodae, bnjmnm: Make more explicit the email address is necessary to recover the password
Issue #3044117 by e.escribano, segovia94, bkosborne, Webbeh, zterry95, tim.plunkett, emerham: Add getter for layout object in Layout Builder's ConfigureSectionForm
Issue #2919158 by danflanagan8, quietone, mikelutz, maxocub, Spokje: Add the MigrationPluginManager to Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\id_map\Sql
Issue #3308449 by owenbush: CategorizingPluginManagerTrait::getSortedDefinitions() sometimes returns plugins in the incorrect order if they have categories or labels translated
Issue #3006812 by NickDickinsonWilde, Ankit.Gupta: ViewsExecutable->exposed_widgets has wrong variable type in definition
Issue #3111192 by tim.plunkett, larowlan, mohit_aghera, mstrelan, lauriii, jibran: Themes have no context of the entity being rendered in preprocessing a layout when using Layout builder
Issue #3202665 by danflanagan8, Ratan Priya, rupertj, longwave, smustgrave, thursday_bw: "A(n) object was thrown while attempting to stub." Hard to debug migration message
Issue #59750 by quietone, larowlan, mikeryan, quicksketch, sreynen, kleinmp, kim.pepper, Bèr Kessels, chx, S3b0uN3t, ravi.shankar, mrddthi, webchick, neclimdul, Lendude: Required flag on file forms breaks on validation
Issue #3291622 by smustgrave, g-brodiei, ameymudras, ambikahirode, danflanagan8, catch, Lendude: Formatter 'URL to image' from ImageUrlFormatter shows PHP warning due to the newly introduced loading attribute on image field
Issue #3307972 by AlirezaK, rik.scholten: ModulesListForm.php assigns string value to ['attributes']['class']
Issue #3284254 by Wim Leers, smustgrave, nod_: HTMLRestrictions should not allow <tag attr="*"> because that is equivalent to <tag attr>
Issue #3293446 by alexpott, daffie: Create less static cache in ExtensionDiscovery during KernelTests
Issue #3211992 by alexpott, catch, quietone: TestSiteApplicationTest::testInstallWithNonExistingFile() fails when another test creates database tables during the test run
Issue #3305748 by kay_v, Spokje, bmahesh03121: improve instructions for allowedOrigins in
Issue #3313191 by immaculatexavier, alexpott, longwave: mbstring.func_overload is removed in PHP 8 therefore remove it from core
Issue #3096101 by quietone, danflanagan8, abhisekmazumdar, anmolgoyal74, alexpott, gabesullice, Wim Leers, Matroskeen, ankithashetty, mikelutz, benjifisher, daffie, webchick: Allow migrate_drupal_ui source database to be set in settings.php
Issue #1040534 by catch, Owen Barton, danreb, mikeytown2, ogi, omega8cc, xjm: Rewrite rules for gzipped CSS and JavaScript aggregates cause lots of lstats for files that will never exist
Issue #3273317 by clayfreeman, larowlan, tim.plunkett, danflanagan8: Add 'in_preview' variable to block and layout templates
Issue #2875987 by raman.b, smustgrave, ericgsmith, anushrikumari, Lendude: Form alter hook called twice for views forms without view arguments