- Aug 20, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3074645 by mikelutz: Account for changing violation message in symfony 'range' constraint between SF3 and SF4.4
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3075661 by Spokje: getHtml5DateFormat and getHtml5TimeFormat in Drupal\Core\Datetime\Element\Datetime have incorrect Type in phpDoc
- Aug 19, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Revert "Issue #3043168 by Wim Leers, Niklan, gabesullice, joelstein, mglaman: PATCH 405 for untranslatable content entities with different default language than English" This reverts commit bfd08b8c.
Francesco Placella authored
Issue #3043168 by Wim Leers, Niklan, gabesullice, joelstein, mglaman: PATCH 405 for untranslatable content entities with different default language than English
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2863055 by Mile23, Lendude, martin107, alexpott, dawehner, andypost, klausi: Move TestDiscovery out of simpletest module, minimize dependencies
- Aug 16, 2019
Angie Byron authored
Issue #3075443 by oknate, Wim Leers, seanB: Follow-up for #2994699: Cardinality should be 1 for inserting embedded media
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3061610 by gabesullice, Wim Leers, tedbow, larowlan: Typed Data's EntityDeriver does not derive bundle-level data types when a bundle has the same name as its entity type (f.e. entity:comment:comment)
- Aug 15, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3054167 by christinlepson, shubham.prakash, Charlie ChX Negyesi, init90, benjifisher, heddn, alexpott: The getMessageIterator() method does not return an instance of Iterator
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3056816 by amateescu, larowlan, hchonov, plach, jibran, Berdir, catch, Sam152: Installing a new field storage definition during a fieldable entity type update is not possible
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2820347 by acbramley, rsmylski, Lendude, jibran, Dinesh18, xaqrox, xjm, fenstrat, esolitos, maximpodorov, tameeshb, plach, catch, alexpott, gambry, larowlan: Exposed filter reset redirects user to 404 page on AJAX view when placed as a block
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3063179 by Lendude, shubham.prakash, daffie: Add test coverage for Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\Counter::getValue()
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3052931 by gabesullice, Wim Leers, larowlan: Permit arrays as target attribute values in Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\Link
- Aug 14, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2979966 by quietone, PieterDC, masipila, Gábor Hojtsy, heddn, alexpott: Migrate D7 i18n taxonomy term language
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3074632 by mikelutz: The second argument to $container->register should be a class name string, not an object in AccessManagerTest
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3074627 by mikelutz: Fix passing invalid second argument to $this->container->get() in Drupal\Tests\node\Kernel\NodeConditionTest::testConditions()
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3070853 by greg.1.anderson: Race condition during composer cache clear in functional composer scaffolding plugin tests
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3060836 by Wim Leers, shreyal999, alexpott, bnjmnm: Remove 99% of \Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Kernel\Controller\EntityResourceTest since it is a subset of the functional tests
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2913487 by geoffray, stefan.korn, Olarin, idebr: Return a renderable array instead of a GeneratedLink in template_preprocess_file_link()
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Revert "Issue #3029540 by mikelutz, catch, alexpott, larowlan, Gábor Hojtsy: [Symfony 4] Sub class \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation and use that in \Drupal\Core\TypedData\Validation\ExecutionContext::addViolation()" This reverts commit 20496dd2.
- Aug 12, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2869573 by Mile23, alexpott, mikelutz, voleger: Remove usages of deprecated DrupalKernel::prepareLegacyRequest()
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2819731 by tim.plunkett, Wim Leers: Text Editor plugins are coupled to editor_form_filter_format_form_alter()
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2849413 by sam-elayyoub, idebr, tatarbj, B N Pandey, annetee, developmenticon, borisson_, Lendude: Class name must be a valid object or a string in core/modules/image/src/Entity/ImageStyle.php on line 174
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3073342 by Lendude, zrpnr, tedbow: JavaScript tests don't work with Chromedriver 75 and higher
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3070978 by idebr: Remove early rendering of RSS channel elements in template_preprocess_views_view_rss()
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3069048 by bomoko, mikelutz, Berdir: Undeprecate SelectionPluginBase::ensureBackwardCompatibilityConfiguration() and ::resolveBackwardCompatibilityConfiguration() and mark @internal
Angie Byron authored
Issue #2994699 by Wim Leers, oknate, ckrina, legovaer, phenaproxima, webchick, seanB: Create a CKEditor plugin to select and embed a media item from the Media Library
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3009377 by kim.pepper, andypost, Berdir, alexpott, Wim Leers, mpdonadio, acbramley, larowlan, catch, xjm: Replace drupal_get_user_timezone with a date_default_timezone_get() and an event listener
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3008029 by quietone, wilsonsp, mradcliffe, Gábor Hojtsy, xjm, mikelutz, larowlan: Migrate D7 i18n field option translations
- Aug 11, 2019
- Aug 10, 2019
Francesco Placella authored
Revert "Issue #3056816 by amateescu, larowlan, plach, Sam152, catch: Installing a new field storage definition during a fieldable entity type update is not possible" This reverts commit 2f154624.
- Aug 09, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2745797 by BR0kEN, piggito, harings_rob, heddn, biguzis, Jo Fitzgerald, renaudcuny, mikeryan, joachim, dawehner, quietone, AdamPS: Add option to content entity destinations for validation
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2982060 by Wim Leers: Un-skip skipped JSON:API tests because LinkNotExistingInternalConstraintValidator is no longer incorrectly bubbling cacheability
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3060996 by mikelutz: Fix The "Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Response::getStatus()" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.3, use getStatusCode() instead
Lee Rowlands authored
- Aug 08, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored