* @file
* Functions for use with Drupal's Ajax framework.
* @defgroup ajax Ajax framework
* Functions for Drupal's Ajax framework.
* Drupal's Ajax framework is used to dynamically update parts of a page's HTML
* based on data from the server. Upon a specified event, such as a button
* click, a callback function is triggered which performs server-side logic and
* may return updated markup, which is then replaced on-the-fly with no page
* refresh necessary.
* This framework creates a PHP macro language that allows the server to
* instruct JavaScript to perform actions on the client browser. When using
* forms, it can be used with the #ajax property.
* The #ajax property can be used to bind events to the Ajax framework. By
* default, #ajax uses 'system/ajax' as its path for submission and thus calls

Dries Buytaert
* ajax_form_callback() and a defined #ajax['callback'] function.
* However, you may optionally specify a different path to request or a
* different callback function to invoke, which can return updated HTML or can
* also return a richer set of @link ajax_commands Ajax framework commands @endlink.
* Standard form handling is as follows:

Dries Buytaert
* - A form element has a #ajax property that includes #ajax['callback'] and
* omits #ajax['path']. See below about using #ajax['path'] to implement
* advanced use-cases that require something other than standard form
* handling.
* - On the specified element, Ajax processing is triggered by a change to

Dries Buytaert
* - The browser submits an HTTP POST request to the 'system/ajax' Drupal
* path.
* - The menu page callback for 'system/ajax', ajax_form_callback(), calls
* drupal_process_form() to process the form submission and rebuild the
* form if necessary. The form is processed in much the same way as if it
* were submitted without Ajax, with the same #process functions and

Dries Buytaert
* validation and submission handlers called in either case, making it easy
* to create Ajax-enabled forms that degrade gracefully when JavaScript is

Dries Buytaert
* disabled.
* - After form processing is complete, ajax_form_callback() calls the
* function named by #ajax['callback'], which returns the form element that
* has been updated and needs to be returned to the browser, or
* alternatively, an array of custom Ajax commands.

Dries Buytaert
* - The page delivery callback for 'system/ajax', ajax_deliver(), renders the
* element returned by #ajax['callback'], and returns the JSON string
* created by ajax_render() to the browser.
* - The browser unserializes the returned JSON string into an array of
* command objects and executes each command, resulting in the old page
* content within and including the HTML element specified by
* #ajax['wrapper'] being replaced by the new content returned by
* #ajax['callback'], using a JavaScript animation effect specified by
* #ajax['effect'].
* A simple example of basic Ajax use from the
* @link Examples module @endlink follows:
* @code
* function main_page() {
* return drupal_get_form('ajax_example_simplest');
* }
* function ajax_example_simplest($form, &$form_state) {
* $form = array();
* $form['changethis'] = array(
* '#type' => 'select',
* '#options' => array(
* 'one' => 'one',
* 'two' => 'two',
* 'three' => 'three',
* ),
* '#ajax' => array(
* 'callback' => 'ajax_example_simplest_callback',
* 'wrapper' => 'replace_textfield_div',
* ),
* );
* // This entire form element will be replaced with an updated value.
* $form['replace_textfield'] = array(
* '#type' => 'textfield',
* '#title' => t("The default value will be changed"),
* '#description' => t("Say something about why you chose") . "'" .
* (!empty($form_state['values']['changethis'])
* ? $form_state['values']['changethis'] : t("Not changed yet")) . "'",
* '#prefix' => '<div id="replace_textfield_div">',
* '#suffix' => '</div>',
* );
* return $form;
* }
* function ajax_example_simplest_callback($form, $form_state) {
* // The form has already been submitted and updated. We can return the replaced
* // item as it is.
* return $form['replace_textfield'];
* }
* @endcode
* In the above example, the 'changethis' element is Ajax-enabled. The default
* #ajax['event'] is 'change', so when the 'changethis' element changes,
* an Ajax call is made. The form is submitted and reprocessed, and then the
* callback is called. In this case, the form has been automatically
* built changing $form['replace_textfield']['#description'], so the callback
* just returns that part of the form.
* To implement Ajax handling in a form, add '#ajax' to the form
* definition of a field. That field will trigger an Ajax event when it is
* clicked (or changed, depending on the kind of field). #ajax supports
* the following parameters (either 'path' or 'callback' is required at least):
* - #ajax['callback']: The callback to invoke to handle the server side of the
* Ajax event, which will receive a $form and $form_state as arguments, and
* returns a renderable array (most often a form or form fragment), an HTML
* string, or an array of Ajax commands. If returning a renderable array or
* a string, the value will replace the original element named in
* #ajax['wrapper'], and
* theme_status_messages()
* will be prepended to that
* element. (If the status messages are not wanted, return an array
* of Ajax commands instead.)
* #ajax['wrapper']. If an array of Ajax commands is returned, it will be
* executed by the calling code.
* - #ajax['path']: The menu path to use for the request. This is often omitted
* and the default is used. This path should map

Dries Buytaert
* to a menu page callback that returns data using ajax_render(). Defaults to
* 'system/ajax', which invokes ajax_form_callback(), eventually calling
* the function named in #ajax['callback']. If you use a custom
* path, you must set up the menu entry and handle the entire callback in your
* own code.
* - #ajax['wrapper']: The CSS ID of the area to be replaced by the content
* returned by the #ajax['callback'] function. The content returned from
* the callback will replace the entire element named by #ajax['wrapper'].
* The wrapper is usually created using #prefix and #suffix properties in the
* form. Note that this is the wrapper ID, not a CSS selector. So to replace
* the element referred to by the CSS selector #some-selector on the page,
* use #ajax['wrapper'] = 'some-selector', not '#some-selector'.
* - #ajax['effect']: The jQuery effect to use when placing the new HTML.
* Defaults to no effect. Valid options are 'none', 'slide', or 'fade'.
* - #ajax['speed']: The effect speed to use. Defaults to 'slow'. May be
* 'slow', 'fast' or a number in milliseconds which represents the length
* of time the effect should run.
* - #ajax['event']: The JavaScript event to respond to. This is normally
* selected automatically for the type of form widget being used, and
* is only needed if you need to override the default behavior.

Angie Byron
* - #ajax['prevent']: A JavaScript event to prevent when 'event' is triggered.
* Defaults to 'click' for #ajax on #type 'submit', 'button', and
* 'image_button'. Multiple events may be specified separated by spaces.
* For example, when binding #ajax behaviors to form buttons, pressing the
* ENTER key within a textfield triggers the 'click' event of the form's first
* submit button. Triggering Ajax in this situation leads to problems, like
* breaking autocomplete textfields. Because of that, Ajax behaviors are bound
* to the 'mousedown' event on form buttons by default. However, binding to
* 'mousedown' rather than 'click' means that it is possible to trigger a
* click by pressing the mouse, holding the mouse button down until the Ajax
* request is complete and the button is re-enabled, and then releasing the
* mouse button. For this case, 'prevent' can be set to 'click', so an
* additional event handler is bound to prevent such a click from triggering a
* non-Ajax form submission. This also prevents a textfield's ENTER press
* triggering a button's non-Ajax form submission behavior.
* - #ajax['method']: The jQuery method to use to place the new HTML.

Dries Buytaert
* Defaults to 'replaceWith'. May be: 'replaceWith', 'append', 'prepend',
* 'before', 'after', or 'html'. See the
* @link jQuery manipulators documentation @endlink
* for more information on these methods.
* - #ajax['progress']: Choose either a throbber or progress bar that is
* displayed while awaiting a response from the callback, and add an optional
* message. Possible keys: 'type', 'message', 'url', 'interval'.
* More information is available in the
* @link Form API Reference @endlink
* In addition to using Form API for doing in-form modification, Ajax may be
* enabled by adding classes to buttons and links. By adding the 'use-ajax'
* class to a link, the link will be loaded via an Ajax call. When using this
* method, the href of the link can contain '/nojs/' as part of the path. When
* the Ajax framework makes the request, it will convert this to '/ajax/'.
* The server is then able to easily tell if this request was made through an
* actual Ajax request or in a degraded state, and respond appropriately.
* Similarly, submit buttons can be given the class 'use-ajax-submit'. The
* form will then be submitted via Ajax to the path specified in the #action.
* Like the ajax-submit class above, this path will have '/nojs/' replaced with
* '/ajax/' so that the submit handler can tell if the form was submitted
* in a degraded state or not.
* When responding to Ajax requests, the server should do what it needs to do
* for that request, then create a commands array. This commands array will
* be converted to a JSON object and returned to the client, which will then
* iterate over the array and process it like a macro language.
* Each command item is an associative array which will be converted to a command
* object on the JavaScript side. $command_item['command'] is the type of
* command, e.g. 'alert' or 'replace', and will correspond to a method in the
* Drupal.ajax[command] space. The command array may contain any other data
* that the command needs to process, e.g. 'method', 'selector', 'settings', etc.
* Commands are usually created with a couple of helper functions, so they
* look like this:
* @code
* $commands = array();
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