33 merge requests!7452Issue #1797438. HTML5 validation is preventing form submit and not fully...,!2074Issue #2707689: NodeForm::actions() checks for delete access on new entities,!1896Issue #2940605: Can only intentionally re-render an entity with references 20 times,!1459Issue #3087632: menu_name max length is too long,!1398Issue #3186992 by hinal05, djsagar, kiran.kadam911, hitvika_verma,...,!1283Issue #2922435: "Add new comment" and "@count comments" links are not following accessibility good practices,!1255Issue #3238922: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery serialize function to use vanillaJS,!1254Issue #3238915: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery ready function to use VanillaJS,!1213Issue #3236497: Allow other modules to opt out of security release message from update_page_top,!1185Issue 318778: Rerolled patch.,!1162Issue #3100350: Unable to save '/' root path alias,!1158Draft: Resolve #3161889 "Symfony 5 4",!1073issue #3191727: Focus states on mobile second level navigation items fixed,!10223132456: Fix issue where views instances are emptied before an ajax request is complete,!1018Issue #2793343: Dialog drupalAutoButtons option should be respected on initial load,!1014Issue #3226806: Move filter implementations from filter.module to plugin classes,!957Added throwing of InvalidPluginDefinitionException from getDefinition().,!939Issue #2971209: Allow the MediaLibraryUiBuilder service to use an alternative view display,!878Issue #3221534: throw an exception when IDs passed to loadMultiple() are badly formed,!877Issue #2708101: Default value for link text is not saved,!873Issue #2875228: Site install not using batch API service,!872Draft: Issue #3221319: Race condition when creating menu links and editing content deletes menu links,!866Issue #2845319: The highlighting of the 'Home' menu-link does not respect query strings and fragment identifiers,!844Resolve #3036010 "Updaters",!8293023322 - Contextual Links Style Update,!712Issue #2909128: Autocomplete intermittent on Chrome Android,!617Issue #3043725: Provide a Entity Handler for user cancelation,!579Issue #2230909: Simple decimals fail to pass validation,!560Move callback classRemove outside of the loop,!555Issue #3202493,!485Sets the autocomplete attribute for username/password input field on login form.,!449Issue #2784233: Allow multiple vocabularies in the taxonomy filter,!30Issue #3182188: Updates composer usage to point at ./vendor/bin/composer