2 merge requests!7452Issue #1797438. HTML5 validation is preventing form submit and not fully...,!789Issue #3210310: Adjust Database API to remove deprecated Drupal 9 code in Drupal 10
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function makePassword($min_length=6) {
print("Your password is: <B>$new[passwd]</B><BR>");
print("<A HREF=\"account.php?act=login&userid=$new[userid]&passwd=$new[passwd]\">Login</A> to change your personal settings.");
$message="Your $sitename member account has been created succesfully. To be able to use it you must login using the information below. Please save this mail for further reference.\n\n username: $uname\n e-mail: $email\n password: $pass\n\nThis password is generated by a randomizer. It is recommended that you change this password immediately.\n\n$contact_signature";
$message="Your $sitename member account has been created succesfully. To be able to use it you must login using the information below. Please save this mail for further reference.\n\n username: $new[userid]\n e-mail: $newu[email]\n password: $new[passwd]\n\nThis password is generated by a randomizer. It is recommended that you change this password immediately.\n\n$contact_signature";
print("Your member account has been created and the details necessary to login have been sent to your e-mail account <B>$email</B>. Once you received the account confirmation, hit <A HREF=\"account.php\">this link</A> to login.");