Issue #3232131 by daffie, catch, alexpott, longwave, xjm, wouterj: [Symfony 5] Symfony's DebugClassLoader triggers deprecation messages for missing return type hints, where there is no deprecation
31 merge requests!7452Issue #1797438. HTML5 validation is preventing form submit and not fully...,!2074Issue #2707689: NodeForm::actions() checks for delete access on new entities,!1896Issue #2940605: Can only intentionally re-render an entity with references 20 times,!1459Issue #3087632: menu_name max length is too long,!1283Issue #2922435: "Add new comment" and "@count comments" links are not following accessibility good practices,!1255Issue #3238922: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery serialize function to use vanillaJS,!1254Issue #3238915: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery ready function to use VanillaJS,!1213Issue #3236497: Allow other modules to opt out of security release message from update_page_top,!1185Issue 318778: Rerolled patch.,!1162Issue #3100350: Unable to save '/' root path alias,!1073issue #3191727: Focus states on mobile second level navigation items fixed,!10223132456: Fix issue where views instances are emptied before an ajax request is complete,!1018Issue #2793343: Dialog drupalAutoButtons option should be respected on initial load,!1014Issue #3226806: Move filter implementations from filter.module to plugin classes,!957Added throwing of InvalidPluginDefinitionException from getDefinition().,!939Issue #2971209: Allow the MediaLibraryUiBuilder service to use an alternative view display,!878Issue #3221534: throw an exception when IDs passed to loadMultiple() are badly formed,!877Issue #2708101: Default value for link text is not saved,!873Issue #2875228: Site install not using batch API service,!872Draft: Issue #3221319: Race condition when creating menu links and editing content deletes menu links,!866Issue #2845319: The highlighting of the 'Home' menu-link does not respect query strings and fragment identifiers,!844Resolve #3036010 "Updaters",!8293023322 - Contextual Links Style Update,!712Issue #2909128: Autocomplete intermittent on Chrome Android,!617Issue #3043725: Provide a Entity Handler for user cancelation,!579Issue #2230909: Simple decimals fail to pass validation,!560Move callback classRemove outside of the loop,!555Issue #3202493,!485Sets the autocomplete attribute for username/password input field on login form.,!449Issue #2784233: Allow multiple vocabularies in the taxonomy filter,!30Issue #3182188: Updates composer usage to point at ./vendor/bin/composer
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public static function isDeprecationSkipped($message) {
'%The "[^"]+" class extends "Symfony\\\\Component\\\\EventDispatcher\\\\Event" that is deprecated since Symfony 4\.3, use "Symfony\\\\Contracts\\\\EventDispatcher\\\\Event" instead\.$%',
'%The "Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Validator\\\\Context\\\\ExecutionContextInterface::.*\(\)" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user\s\*\s*code\. It may change without further notice\. You should not extend it from "[^"]+".%',
'%The "Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Validator\\\\Context\\\\ExecutionContextInterface::.*\(\)" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine\. Should not be called by usercode\. It may change without further notice\. You should not extend it from "[^"]+".%',
'%The "PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\TestCase::addWarning\(\)" method is considered internal%',
// The following deprecations were not added as part of the original
// issues and thus were not addressed in time for the 9.0.0 release.
@@ -82,6 +82,14 @@ public static function isDeprecationSkipped($message) {
// Skip EasyRdf deprecations for PHP 8.1 - fixed by
'%Return type of EasyRdf\\\\.* should either be compatible with .*, or the #\[\\\\ReturnTypeWillChange\] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice%',
'%Method "(?!Symfony\\\\)[^"]+" might add "[^"]+" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in (child class|implementation) "[^"]+" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message%',
// Skip DebugClassLoader false positives.
'%Method "Symfony\\\\Cmf\\\\[^"]+" might add "[^"]+" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in (child class|implementation) "Drupal\\\\[^"]+" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message%',
'%Method "[^"]+" might add "[^"]+" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in (child class|implementation) "(?!Drupal\\\\)[^"]+" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message%',
'%The "Drupal\\\\[^"]+" method will require a new "[^"]+" argument in the next major version of its interface "Drupal\\\\[^"]+", not defining it is deprecated%',
// Symfony 5.4
'%Method "Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Serializer\\\\Normalizer\\\\NormalizerInterface::normalize\(\)" might add "array|string|int|float|bool|\\\\ArrayObject|null" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "(?!Drupal\\\\)[^"]+" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.%',
@@ -128,6 +136,8 @@ public static function getSkippedDeprecations() {
"The \"PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite\" class is considered internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit. It may change without further notice. You should not use it from \"Drupal\Tests\TestSuites\TestSuiteBase\".",
// PHPUnit 9.
"The \"PHPUnit\TextUI\DefaultResultPrinter\" class is considered internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit. It may change without further notice. You should not use it from \"Drupal\Tests\Listeners\HtmlOutputPrinter\".",
// Guzzle/PSR-7
"Method \"Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface::getMetadata()\" will return \"mixed\" as of its next major version. Doing the same in implementation \"GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream\" will be required when upgrading.",